Help with Actor Representation not updating on Mini Map

Hey all! Since yesterday I have been working on this code. My goal is: If a wheeled vehicle (tractor, truck or explorer) have a Path loaded in, it will show the name of the path as the name of the vehicle in the Map/Compass. This is my current C++ Code (All temporary, it's mainly for me to understand how the systems work and what the functions do) The output shows that I managed to update the actor name of the vehicle correctly, I managed to find the representation of the actor correctly as well, but when I update the representation, nothing happens in the game map, the map marker stays as "Tractor" I thought that changing the vehicle name would change the whole "Tooltip content" chain, but doesn't look like. Also when I hook into Hook_GetActorRepresentationText the vehicle object is always null for some reason that I couldn't understand Can anyone give me a direction on what to do? I'm a bit lost now. Thank you
193 Replies
VanzinOP5mo ago
Update: I'm pretty sure that this function is the one used to get the marker tooltip text (because when I hook and override it I can see the change in the map):
/** This is the text to render in the compass */
UFUNCTION( BlueprintPure, Category = "Representation" )
virtual FText GetRepresentationText() const;
/** This is the text to render in the compass */
UFUNCTION( BlueprintPure, Category = "Representation" )
virtual FText GetRepresentationText() const;
Funny thing is by using the Accessors, I got access to the
/** This is the text to show for this actor representation */
UPROPERTY( Replicated )
FText mRepresentationText;
/** This is the text to show for this actor representation */
UPROPERTY( Replicated )
FText mRepresentationText;
and the
/** The human readable name for this vehicle. */
UPROPERTY( BlueprintReadOnly, EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Vehicle" )
FText mDisplayName;
/** The human readable name for this vehicle. */
UPROPERTY( BlueprintReadOnly, EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Vehicle" )
FText mDisplayName;
Even changing both of them with the new accessors and updating the representation object:

TArray<UFGActorRepresentation*> ActorRepresentations;

for (UFGActorRepresentation* repInternal : ActorRepresentations)
FText repName = repInternal->GetRepresentationText();
UE_LOGFMT(YouNameItLog, Verbose, "Rep Internal: {0}", *repName.ToString());

TArray<UFGActorRepresentation*> ActorRepresentations;

for (UFGActorRepresentation* repInternal : ActorRepresentations)
FText repName = repInternal->GetRepresentationText();
UE_LOGFMT(YouNameItLog, Verbose, "Rep Internal: {0}", *repName.ToString());
I still get the word "Tractor" instead -.- I will keep investigating 🥲 I feel that I'm almost there Might be that this is related to network as well, I saw some representations that are replicated. Oh no
Archengius5mo ago
mRepresentationText is re-read from the representation object each time the representation is updated. you should not touch that field.
VanzinOP5mo ago
Even setting it in the representation object itself? rep->SetmRepresentationText(newVehicleName);
Archengius5mo ago
sorry, I was not clear, when i was talking about representation object i meant the represented object which is this object for wheeled vehicles
Archengius5mo ago
so you might want to probably either hook GetActorRepresentationText there or see what it returns and override that
VanzinOP5mo ago
I did already and it works if I override the scope return But then I was thinking as that method is called many times, it would be better to somehow replace the value where that method gets it from
Archengius5mo ago
it is called once when the representation is updated you are good with just hooking it all of this data is cached
VanzinOP5mo ago
Ok then! I will try out this way I was also thinking in adding a text field in the vehicle UI so the player can give it a custom name (like in trains for example), that's why I went down the path of replacing the value in the representation object
Archengius5mo ago
if you really want to go crazy you can override AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::AddRepresentation and make it use your own representation subclass then you can alter all aspects of how the representation appears on the map and the compass well, mostly compass, map is a bit hard-coded right now
Rex5mo ago
Is it easy to replace the AFGWheeledVehicleInfo class a base game vehicle uses?
Archengius5mo ago
probably not and i don't really see why you would want to
VanzinOP5mo ago
You meant AddAsRepresentation right?
Archengius5mo ago
yeah representation system nowadays is very powerful and allows you to do some really cool things
VanzinOP5mo ago
So basically I would override the AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::AddAsRepresentation, create my own version of the UFGActorRepresentation with the whatever naming I need/want and then call AFGActorRepresentationManager::AddRepresentation Am I in the right path? 😂
Archengius5mo ago
yeah might want to derive from wheeled vehicle representation specifically tho it has it's own small custom behavior
VanzinOP5mo ago
Thank you very much for the explanation @Archengius! This will take me some hours to try out now :LUL: Ok, this is what I got so far...
#pragma once

#include "YouNameIt.h"
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Modules/ModuleManager.h"
#include "Representation/FGWheeledVehicleRepresentation.h"
#include "UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation.generated.h"

class YOUNAMEIT_API UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation : public UFGWheeledVehicleRepresentation

// Override any functions you need to customize, for example:
virtual FText GetRepresentationText() const override;
#pragma once

#include "YouNameIt.h"
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Modules/ModuleManager.h"
#include "Representation/FGWheeledVehicleRepresentation.h"
#include "UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation.generated.h"

class YOUNAMEIT_API UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation : public UFGWheeledVehicleRepresentation

// Override any functions you need to customize, for example:
virtual FText GetRepresentationText() const override;
#include "UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation.h"

UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation::UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation() : UFGWheeledVehicleRepresentation()
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("UCustomWheeledVehicleRepresentation"));

FText UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation::GetRepresentationText() const
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("UCustomWheeledVehicleRepresentation::GetRepresentationText"));

return FText::FromString("Custom Vehicle Name");
#include "UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation.h"

UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation::UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation() : UFGWheeledVehicleRepresentation()
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("UCustomWheeledVehicleRepresentation"));

FText UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation::GetRepresentationText() const
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("UCustomWheeledVehicleRepresentation::GetRepresentationText"));

return FText::FromString("Custom Vehicle Name");
// AFGWheeledVehicleInfo
// virtual bool AddAsRepresentation() override;
static void Hook_AddAsRepresentation(TCallScope<bool(__cdecl*)(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo*)>& scope, AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* self)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Hook_AddAsRepresentation"));

UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation* Representation = NewObject<UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation>();
Representation->SetupActorRepresentation(self, false);

if (self->HasAuthority())
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("OnServer"));

UWorld* WorldObject = self->GetWorld();
AFGActorRepresentationManager* RepresentationManager = AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(WorldObject);
if (RepresentationManager)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("AFGActorRepresentationManager is set"));
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Representation Text is: %s"), *Representation->GetRepresentationText().ToString());

UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("OnClient"));
// AFGWheeledVehicleInfo
// virtual bool AddAsRepresentation() override;
static void Hook_AddAsRepresentation(TCallScope<bool(__cdecl*)(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo*)>& scope, AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* self)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Hook_AddAsRepresentation"));

UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation* Representation = NewObject<UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation>();
Representation->SetupActorRepresentation(self, false);

if (self->HasAuthority())
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("OnServer"));

UWorld* WorldObject = self->GetWorld();
AFGActorRepresentationManager* RepresentationManager = AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(WorldObject);
if (RepresentationManager)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("AFGActorRepresentationManager is set"));
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Representation Text is: %s"), *Representation->GetRepresentationText().ToString());

UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("OnClient"));
But it's crashing:
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000038

FactoryGameEGS_FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!UFGActorRepresentation::SetupActorRepresentation() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\FactoryGame\Source\FactoryGame\Private\FGActorRepresentation.cpp:76]
FactoryGameEGS_YouNameIt_Win64_Shipping!HYouNameIt::Hook_AddAsRepresentation() [D:\Satisfactory\Mods\SatisfactoryModLoader\Mods\YouNameIt\Source\YouNameIt\Private\YouNameIt.cpp:32]
FactoryGameEGS_YouNameIt_Win64_Shipping!HookInvokerExecutorMemberFunction<bool (__cdecl AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::*)(void),{AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::`vcall'{16}',912},0,bool,AFGWheeledVehicleInfo>::ApplyCallScalar() [D:\Satisfactory\Mods\SatisfactoryModLoader\Mods\SML\Source\SML\Public\Patching\NativeHookManager.h:433]
FactoryGameEGS_Engine_Win64_Shipping!AActor::DispatchBeginPlay() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Actor.cpp:4249]
FactoryGameEGS_Engine_Win64_Shipping!AWorldSettings::NotifyBeginPlay() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\WorldSettings.cpp:301]
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000038

FactoryGameEGS_FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!UFGActorRepresentation::SetupActorRepresentation() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\FactoryGame\Source\FactoryGame\Private\FGActorRepresentation.cpp:76]
FactoryGameEGS_YouNameIt_Win64_Shipping!HYouNameIt::Hook_AddAsRepresentation() [D:\Satisfactory\Mods\SatisfactoryModLoader\Mods\YouNameIt\Source\YouNameIt\Private\YouNameIt.cpp:32]
FactoryGameEGS_YouNameIt_Win64_Shipping!HookInvokerExecutorMemberFunction<bool (__cdecl AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::*)(void),{AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::`vcall'{16}',912},0,bool,AFGWheeledVehicleInfo>::ApplyCallScalar() [D:\Satisfactory\Mods\SatisfactoryModLoader\Mods\SML\Source\SML\Public\Patching\NativeHookManager.h:433]
FactoryGameEGS_Engine_Win64_Shipping!AActor::DispatchBeginPlay() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Actor.cpp:4249]
FactoryGameEGS_Engine_Win64_Shipping!AWorldSettings::NotifyBeginPlay() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\WorldSettings.cpp:301]
I think I'm not initializing the Custom Representation class correctly. Feels like a null pointer because I missed setting something If you have any idea why, please let me know, I will keep trying Ok, no progress so far, I'm stuck :Sadge:
Archengius5mo ago
you are using wrong functions. You only need to call AFGActorRepresentationManager::CreateAndAddNewRepresentation and nothing else you also do not really need to check HasAuthority, this function will never be called on the client i'm pretty sure
VanzinOP5mo ago
Ah ok! Thanks for the hint! I updated the code to this:
static void Hook_AddAsRepresentation(TCallScope<bool(__cdecl*)(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo*)>& scope, AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* self)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Hook_AddAsRepresentation"));
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Is Server? %s"), (self->HasAuthority() ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false")));

UWorld* WorldObject = self->GetWorld();
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("WorldObject Is Set? %s"), (WorldObject ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false")));

AFGActorRepresentationManager* RepresentationManager = AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(WorldObject);

if (RepresentationManager)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("AFGActorRepresentationManager is set"));

TSubclassOf<UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation> RepresentationClass = UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation::StaticClass();
UFGActorRepresentation* Representation = RepresentationManager->CreateAndAddNewRepresentation(self, false, RepresentationClass);

UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Representation Text is: %s"), *Representation->GetRepresentationText().ToString());


UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("AFGActorRepresentationManager is not set"));
static void Hook_AddAsRepresentation(TCallScope<bool(__cdecl*)(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo*)>& scope, AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* self)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Hook_AddAsRepresentation"));
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Is Server? %s"), (self->HasAuthority() ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false")));

UWorld* WorldObject = self->GetWorld();
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("WorldObject Is Set? %s"), (WorldObject ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false")));

AFGActorRepresentationManager* RepresentationManager = AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(WorldObject);

if (RepresentationManager)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("AFGActorRepresentationManager is set"));

TSubclassOf<UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation> RepresentationClass = UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation::StaticClass();
UFGActorRepresentation* Representation = RepresentationManager->CreateAndAddNewRepresentation(self, false, RepresentationClass);

UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Representation Text is: %s"), *Representation->GetRepresentationText().ToString());


UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("AFGActorRepresentationManager is not set"));
But looks like I never manage to get the instance of the Representation Manager
No description
Archengius5mo ago
Interesting. It should generally always be set.
VanzinOP5mo ago
I found this from someone called Archengius :LUL: : But it's 4 years old, so, not sure if is still correct. But here it also checks for the HasAuthority() I have been searching for examples in github, that's why I found this 😂
Rex5mo ago
From what I see in the code, it retrieves the AFGActorRepresentationManager from the game state (AFGGameState)
VanzinOP5mo ago
But the method signature uses the UWorld:
AFGActorRepresentationManager* AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(UWorld* world){ return nullptr; }
AFGActorRepresentationManager* AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(UObject* worldContext){ return nullptr; }
AFGActorRepresentationManager* AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(UWorld* world){ return nullptr; }
AFGActorRepresentationManager* AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(UObject* worldContext){ return nullptr; }
Not sure if you mean even deeper in the code
Rex5mo ago
I decompiled the actual code What you see there is a stub, a placeholder to make the headers compile
VanzinOP5mo ago
I guess there is no tutorial on how to do this right? 😂
Rex5mo ago
It's neither easy nor self-explanatory In case you're curious, this is what the original implementations probably looked like
AFGActorRepresentationManager* AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(UWorld* world)
if (IsValid(world)) {
if (AFGGameState* GameState = Cast<AFGGameState>(world->GameState)) {
return GameState->GetActorRepresentationManager();
return nullptr;

AFGActorRepresentationManager* AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(UObject* worldContext)
if (UWorld* World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject, EGetWorldErrorMode::ReturnNull)) {
if (AFGGameState* GameState = Cast<AFGGameState>(World->GameState)) {
return GameState->GetActorRepresentationManager();
return nullptr;
AFGActorRepresentationManager* AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(UWorld* world)
if (IsValid(world)) {
if (AFGGameState* GameState = Cast<AFGGameState>(world->GameState)) {
return GameState->GetActorRepresentationManager();
return nullptr;

AFGActorRepresentationManager* AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(UObject* worldContext)
if (UWorld* World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject, EGetWorldErrorMode::ReturnNull)) {
if (AFGGameState* GameState = Cast<AFGGameState>(World->GameState)) {
return GameState->GetActorRepresentationManager();
return nullptr;
This is what the decompiler shows me:
AFGActorRepresentationManager * __cdecl AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(UWorld *param_1)

TObjectPtr<> *this;
bool bVar1;
UClass *pUVar2;

/* 0x4fc7d0 16222 ?Get@AFGActorRepresentationManager@@SAPEAV1@PEAVUWorld@@@Z */
if (((param_1 != NULL) && ((*(uint *)&param_1->field_0x8 & 0x60000000) == 0)) &&
(this = &param_1->GameState, (this->field0_0x0).DebugPtr != NULL)) {
pUVar2 = AFGGameState::GetPrivateStaticClass();
bVar1 = FObjectPtr::IsA((FObjectPtr *)this,pUVar2);
if ((bVar1) && ((this->field0_0x0).DebugPtr != NULL)) {
return *(AFGActorRepresentationManager **)&(this->field0_0x0).DebugPtr[1].field_0x150;
return NULL;

AFGActorRepresentationManager * __cdecl AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(UObject *param_1)

TObjectPtr<> *this;
bool bVar1;
UWorld *pUVar2;
UClass *pUVar3;

/* 0x4fc750 16221 ?Get@AFGActorRepresentationManager@@SAPEAV1@PEAVUObject@@@Z */
pUVar2 = UEngine::GetWorldFromContextObject(*(UEngine **)GEngine_exref,(UObject *)param_1,ReturnNull);
if (pUVar2 == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (((*(uint *)&pUVar2->field_0x8 & 0x60000000) == 0) &&
(this = &pUVar2->GameState, (this->field0_0x0).DebugPtr != NULL)) {
pUVar3 = AFGGameState::GetPrivateStaticClass();
bVar1 = FObjectPtr::IsA((FObjectPtr *)this,pUVar3);
if ((bVar1) && ((this->field0_0x0).DebugPtr != NULL)) {
return *(AFGActorRepresentationManager **)&(this->field0_0x0).DebugPtr[1].field_0x150;
return NULL;
AFGActorRepresentationManager * __cdecl AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(UWorld *param_1)

TObjectPtr<> *this;
bool bVar1;
UClass *pUVar2;

/* 0x4fc7d0 16222 ?Get@AFGActorRepresentationManager@@SAPEAV1@PEAVUWorld@@@Z */
if (((param_1 != NULL) && ((*(uint *)&param_1->field_0x8 & 0x60000000) == 0)) &&
(this = &param_1->GameState, (this->field0_0x0).DebugPtr != NULL)) {
pUVar2 = AFGGameState::GetPrivateStaticClass();
bVar1 = FObjectPtr::IsA((FObjectPtr *)this,pUVar2);
if ((bVar1) && ((this->field0_0x0).DebugPtr != NULL)) {
return *(AFGActorRepresentationManager **)&(this->field0_0x0).DebugPtr[1].field_0x150;
return NULL;

AFGActorRepresentationManager * __cdecl AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(UObject *param_1)

TObjectPtr<> *this;
bool bVar1;
UWorld *pUVar2;
UClass *pUVar3;

/* 0x4fc750 16221 ?Get@AFGActorRepresentationManager@@SAPEAV1@PEAVUObject@@@Z */
pUVar2 = UEngine::GetWorldFromContextObject(*(UEngine **)GEngine_exref,(UObject *)param_1,ReturnNull);
if (pUVar2 == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (((*(uint *)&pUVar2->field_0x8 & 0x60000000) == 0) &&
(this = &pUVar2->GameState, (this->field0_0x0).DebugPtr != NULL)) {
pUVar3 = AFGGameState::GetPrivateStaticClass();
bVar1 = FObjectPtr::IsA((FObjectPtr *)this,pUVar3);
if ((bVar1) && ((this->field0_0x0).DebugPtr != NULL)) {
return *(AFGActorRepresentationManager **)&(this->field0_0x0).DebugPtr[1].field_0x150;
return NULL;
Actually, I think I omitted a check: second function checks object flags on the world So that you have an idea, ((param_1 != NULL) && ((*(uint *)&param_1->field_0x8 & 0x60000000) == 0) is equivalent to IsValid(param_1)
VanzinOP5mo ago
You rewrote this output from the decompiler manually?
Rex5mo ago
Yes And the decompiler output for these functions looks pretty good already
Archengius5mo ago
vanilla code is just this
if( AFGActorRepresentationManager* manager = AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get( this ) )
return manager->CreateAndAddNewRepresentation( this, false, UFGWheeledVehicleRepresentation::StaticClass() ) != nullptr;
if( AFGActorRepresentationManager* manager = AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get( this ) )
return manager->CreateAndAddNewRepresentation( this, false, UFGWheeledVehicleRepresentation::StaticClass() ) != nullptr;
so I am struggling to see how you're getting null there if you replace world context with just self it should work
VanzinOP5mo ago
I tried that but I can't remember the output I will do it again
Rex5mo ago
Is this on a multiplayer client? I see the actor doesn't have authority for some reason
VanzinOP5mo ago
No, Singleplayer in my machine (only 1 instance) Crashed
VanzinOP5mo ago
VanzinOP5mo ago
Just for matters of updating you, this is the current code:
VanzinOP5mo ago
VanzinOP5mo ago
And before the crash, this was the output:
No description
Rex5mo ago
Hmmm, I feel that self isn't fully initialised yet
VanzinOP5mo ago
I ran again just to be sure, I did the exact same thing in game (build a tractor) and now this
No description
VanzinOP5mo ago
vehicle was set somehow in the previous run, now is not anymore
VanzinOP5mo ago
As it didn't crash, I waited a bit and tried again, crashed now:
No description
VanzinOP5mo ago
So I think you are correct @Rex [they/them]
AFGWheeledVehicle* Vehicle = self->GetVehicle();
AFGWheeledVehicle* Vehicle = self->GetVehicle();
This is the call that get the vehicle object
Rex5mo ago
This puzzles me
FactoryGameEGS_FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::execGetVehicleStatus() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\FactoryGame\Intermediate\Build\Win64\FactoryGameEGS\Inc\FactoryGame\UHT\FGWheeledVehicleInfo.gen.cpp:178]
FactoryGameEGS_Engine_Win64_Shipping!UEngine::GetWorldFromContextObject() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\UnrealEngine.cpp:13263]
FactoryGameEGS_FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\FactoryGame\Source\FactoryGame\Private\FGActorRepresentationManager.cpp:575]
FactoryGameEGS_YouNameIt_Win64_Shipping!HYouNameIt::Hook_AddAsRepresentation() [D:\Satisfactory\Mods\SatisfactoryModLoader\Mods\YouNameIt\Source\YouNameIt\Private\YouNameIt.cpp:43]
FactoryGameEGS_FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::execGetVehicleStatus() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\FactoryGame\Intermediate\Build\Win64\FactoryGameEGS\Inc\FactoryGame\UHT\FGWheeledVehicleInfo.gen.cpp:178]
FactoryGameEGS_Engine_Win64_Shipping!UEngine::GetWorldFromContextObject() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\UnrealEngine.cpp:13263]
FactoryGameEGS_FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\FactoryGame\Source\FactoryGame\Private\FGActorRepresentationManager.cpp:575]
FactoryGameEGS_YouNameIt_Win64_Shipping!HYouNameIt::Hook_AddAsRepresentation() [D:\Satisfactory\Mods\SatisfactoryModLoader\Mods\YouNameIt\Source\YouNameIt\Private\YouNameIt.cpp:43]
VanzinOP5mo ago
I don't have a lot of knowledge yet, but it really feels like something was still loading/populating objects. Because in my previous save I had vehicles created already (saved) and it was crashing right after loading the session. Now I created a new save and I don't have any vehicle, that's how I managed to see that difference of the Vehicle being set or not
Rex5mo ago
Is the crash info correct? I'm not seeing how the heck UEngine::GetWorldFromContextObject could possibly call AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::execGetVehicleStatus()
VanzinOP5mo ago
I will make it crash again and copy, one minute
VanzinOP5mo ago
VanzinOP5mo ago
No description
VanzinOP5mo ago
Next test (I waited for some minutes before creating a tractor)
VanzinOP5mo ago
VanzinOP5mo ago
No description
VanzinOP5mo ago
So far what I could see is: self->GetVehicle(); returns a nullptr right after loading a savegame
Rex5mo ago
I still don't understand the callstack You could open up the minidump file in VS, it's in Saved/Crashes (sort by most recent modification date)
VanzinOP5mo ago
Ok, it's huge, what do you want to see specifically?
Rex5mo ago
The minidump file can be opened in VS And you can run the debugger on that to see what happened
VanzinOP5mo ago
Yes, I opened it, but it's a UI with a lot of dlls infos Uff, ok, let me see how can I do that
VanzinOP5mo ago
I guess is here... Which one?
No description
Rex5mo ago
Native Only
VanzinOP5mo ago
No description
VanzinOP5mo ago
Do you need the logs?
Rex5mo ago
You'd want to look at the call stack and the local variables I don't have much time atm, unfortunately
VanzinOP5mo ago
No problem at all! Thanks for the help Rex Feels like a Déjà vu The FGWheeledVehicle should have access to the GetWorld method right?
Archengius5mo ago
VanzinOP5mo ago
I'm lost :LUL:
VanzinOP5mo ago
No description
VanzinOP5mo ago
AFGWheeledVehicle* Vehicle = self->GetVehicle();
if (Vehicle != nullptr)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Vehicle is set"));

UWorld* WorldObject = Vehicle->GetWorld();
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("WorldObject Is Set? %s"), (WorldObject != nullptr ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false")));

AFGActorRepresentationManager* RepresentationManager = AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(WorldObject);
if (RepresentationManager != nullptr)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("AFGActorRepresentationManager is set"));

TSubclassOf<UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation> RepresentationClass = UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation::StaticClass();
UFGActorRepresentation* Representation = RepresentationManager->CreateAndAddNewRepresentation(self, false, RepresentationClass);

UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Representation Text is: %s"), *Representation->GetRepresentationText().ToString());


UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("AFGActorRepresentationManager is not set"));
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Vehicle is not set"));
AFGWheeledVehicle* Vehicle = self->GetVehicle();
if (Vehicle != nullptr)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Vehicle is set"));

UWorld* WorldObject = Vehicle->GetWorld();
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("WorldObject Is Set? %s"), (WorldObject != nullptr ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false")));

AFGActorRepresentationManager* RepresentationManager = AFGActorRepresentationManager::Get(WorldObject);
if (RepresentationManager != nullptr)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("AFGActorRepresentationManager is set"));

TSubclassOf<UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation> RepresentationClass = UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation::StaticClass();
UFGActorRepresentation* Representation = RepresentationManager->CreateAndAddNewRepresentation(self, false, RepresentationClass);

UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Representation Text is: %s"), *Representation->GetRepresentationText().ToString());


UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("AFGActorRepresentationManager is not set"));
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Vehicle is not set"));
Or am I too dumb to see what is wrong here or something Supernatural is happening
Rex5mo ago
That address is really weird
VanzinOP5mo ago
This is crazy for me hahaha
VanzinOP5mo ago
The other test, I placed 2 vehicles, 1 right after the other, first one the hook didn't manage to get the Vehicle Object, second one that I placed right after manage to get it and then crash
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VanzinOP5mo ago
This is what you wanted to see before Rex?
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Rex5mo ago
There's a window for locals, that can show you what the vehicle's properties look like
VanzinOP5mo ago
No description
Rex5mo ago
Yeah, you can expand that and dig around to see if the actor is initialised and such But I'm honestly stumped
VanzinOP5mo ago
Yeah, I started writing C++ on Friday, so this is way complex for me right now :LUL:
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Rex5mo ago
Okay, vehicle is invalid memory, it seems What about self?
VanzinOP5mo ago
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No description
Rex5mo ago
Do you crash if you try to print self->GetPathName()?
VanzinOP5mo ago
Lemme see Looks like I don't
VanzinOP5mo ago
No description
Rex5mo ago
Can you please show the code? Why is the hook logging a... Material instance?
VanzinOP5mo ago
lol, I can't sent the code
Your message could not be delivered. This is usually because you don't share a server with the recipient or the recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends. You can see the full list of reasons here:
Your message could not be delivered. This is usually because you don't share a server with the recipient or the recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends. You can see the full list of reasons here:
Rex5mo ago
Oh, did you try DMing me? It might work here
VanzinOP5mo ago
No, I did not
VanzinOP5mo ago
VanzinOP5mo ago
Well, as a file worked -.-
Rex5mo ago
Okay, what the actual ficsit self is a material instance
VanzinOP5mo ago
But it's typed as AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* self whaat
Rex5mo ago
Try self->GetClass()->GetName() expects :bricko: to be shat
VanzinOP5mo ago
Ah moment, I packed the wrong mod hehehe
VanzinOP5mo ago
VanzinOP5mo ago
added this: UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("Class Name: %s"), *self->GetClass()->GetName());
Rex5mo ago
Ah, self was NULL this time
VanzinOP5mo ago
No, it had value:
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VanzinOP5mo ago
Path name was logged
Rex5mo ago
Huuuuuh, does it not have a valid class?
VanzinOP5mo ago
Archengius5mo ago
I think I understand what is happening You are trying to hook an interface function. Hooking is a bit weird when it comes to multiple inheritance and can hook wrong function Which hooking macro are you using?
VanzinOP5mo ago
Yes, from IFGActorRepresentationInterface
SUBSCRIBE_UOBJECT_METHOD(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo, AddAsRepresentation, &HYouNameIt::Hook_AddAsRepresentation);
SUBSCRIBE_UOBJECT_METHOD(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo, AddAsRepresentation, &HYouNameIt::Hook_AddAsRepresentation);
Archengius5mo ago
Try using the _MANUAL macro instead
Rex5mo ago
There's none
Archengius5mo ago
Idk what's there to replace it then
Rex5mo ago
Nothing, actually Until the other day, when I made I've never seen the _MANUAL macros before, not sure if they're the same as _EXPLICIT ones
Archengius5mo ago
But you should hook IFGActorRepresentationInterface::AddRepresentation, and pass (IFGActorRepresentationInterface*) GetMutableDefault<AFGWheeledVehicleInfo>() as object instance
Rex5mo ago
SUBSCRIBE_METHOD_VIRTUAL(IFGActorRepresentationInterface::AddRepresentation, (IFGActorRepresentationInterface*)GetMutableDefault<AFGWheeledVehicleInfo>(), &HYouNameIt::Hook_AddAsRepresentation)
SUBSCRIBE_METHOD_VIRTUAL(IFGActorRepresentationInterface::AddRepresentation, (IFGActorRepresentationInterface*)GetMutableDefault<AFGWheeledVehicleInfo>(), &HYouNameIt::Hook_AddAsRepresentation)
I think that should be it
VanzinOP5mo ago
The signature of the Hook stays the same?
static void Hook_AddAsRepresentation(TCallScope<bool(__cdecl*)(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo*)>& scope, AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* self)
static void Hook_AddAsRepresentation(TCallScope<bool(__cdecl*)(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo*)>& scope, AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* self)
Archengius5mo ago
self might have to become IFGActorRepresentationInterface You can static cast it back to wheeled vehicle info tho Or Cast<> it back which might be a bit safer
VanzinOP5mo ago
lol, I just saw it in that interface
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VanzinOP5mo ago
Ah I see Fixed
Archengius5mo ago
AddAsRepresentation I think is the name
Rex5mo ago
/** Adds the actor to the actor representation manager */
UFUNCTION( BlueprintCallable, Category = "Representation" )
virtual bool AddAsRepresentation() = 0;
/** Adds the actor to the actor representation manager */
UFUNCTION( BlueprintCallable, Category = "Representation" )
virtual bool AddAsRepresentation() = 0;
VanzinOP5mo ago
SUBSCRIBE_METHOD_VIRTUAL(IFGActorRepresentationInterface::AddAsRepresentation, (IFGActorRepresentationInterface*)GetMutableDefault<AFGWheeledVehicleInfo>(), &HYouNameIt::Hook_AddAsRepresentation)

static void Hook_AddAsRepresentation(TCallScope<bool(__cdecl*)(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo*)>& scope, IFGActorRepresentationInterface* self)
SUBSCRIBE_METHOD_VIRTUAL(IFGActorRepresentationInterface::AddAsRepresentation, (IFGActorRepresentationInterface*)GetMutableDefault<AFGWheeledVehicleInfo>(), &HYouNameIt::Hook_AddAsRepresentation)

static void Hook_AddAsRepresentation(TCallScope<bool(__cdecl*)(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo*)>& scope, IFGActorRepresentationInterface* self)
Too far from my knowledge 😂
No description
Archengius5mo ago
Call scope argument also is IFGActorRepresentationInterface Not just self
VanzinOP5mo ago
Ok now seems all fine, besides that I will need to cast self correct?
Archengius5mo ago
VanzinOP5mo ago
Ok! Cross your fingers 🤞🏿 I will compile My neighboors will be mad at me, I just screamed very loud "It f* Worked!!"
VanzinOP5mo ago
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VanzinOP5mo ago
Oh wow! That was a long journey, thank you very very very much both of you!
Rex5mo ago
Glad to see it's working now!
Archengius5mo ago
I guess somebody really needs to look into why hooking does not work correctly for this case. I was fairly confident that we fixed it at some point
VanzinOP5mo ago
I will not be able to help to fix it (cause I have no knowledge) but I'm glad that I at least contributed to find the bug 😂
VanzinOP5mo ago
Finally 🤩
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VanzinOP5mo ago
Hey all! This is what I have done so far My idea here is that I will need to change the vehicle name in some occasions e.g: - Vehicle was created when map was loaded (check if vehicle has a path set and use its name) - Player created a new route and saved it (update the vehicle name - set path name) - Player deleted the route (update the vehicle name - set default name) - Player assigned vehicle to existing route (update vehicle name - set path name) - Player unassign vehicle from existing route (update vehicle name - set default name) I see that with AFGVehicleSubsystem I have many ways to get Vehicles by the TargetList and some other methods but not the opposite... and I failed hard trying to find a way that from the Vehicle or VehicleInfo object I can get the AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath so then I would have access to its name (via accessor transformer). Could someone give me some direction here please? (I don't need the hooks and functions that I should hook, I already identified that, I just need help understanding how to get the path from the Vehicle). I didn't want to use FindSavedWheeledVehiclePaths but rather get the association directly, but not sure if is possible
VanzinOP5mo ago
VanzinOP5mo ago
Also this is always false. I noticed that once I load the save game, the game takes a bit of time to start the auto-drive bot
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VanzinOP5mo ago
TSubclassOf<AFGWheeledVehicle> TypeFilter = Vehicle->GetClass();
FString TextFilter = "";
TArray<AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath*> Paths;
VehicleSubsystem->FindSavedWheeledVehiclePaths(TextFilter, TypeFilter, VehicleInfo, Paths);
TSubclassOf<AFGWheeledVehicle> TypeFilter = Vehicle->GetClass();
FString TextFilter = "";
TArray<AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath*> Paths;
VehicleSubsystem->FindSavedWheeledVehiclePaths(TextFilter, TypeFilter, VehicleInfo, Paths);
This worked, I can find the Path with this, but also I can find the path if the VehicleInfo is not the one in that path 😂 But I also didn't like this approach
VanzinOP5mo ago
Working fine but still can't get the correct vehicle path specifically for the current Vehicle
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No description
VanzinOP5mo ago
Both of them show Path Count = 1 even though the VehicleInfo object is different and the last one has no path loaded
No description
VanzinOP5mo ago
Saw this in the discord:
AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath* VehiclePath = Cast<AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath>(Vehicle);
FString PathName = VehiclePath->mPathName;
AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath* VehiclePath = Cast<AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath>(Vehicle);
FString PathName = VehiclePath->mPathName;
But also don't work 🥲 Another day, another failure :hypers: By using this function from AFGVehicleSubsystem:
void AFGVehicleSubsystem::FindSavedWheeledVehiclePaths(const FString& textFilter, TSubclassOf< AFGWheeledVehicle > typeFilter, const AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* vehicle, TArray< AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath* >& result){ }
void AFGVehicleSubsystem::FindSavedWheeledVehiclePaths(const FString& textFilter, TSubclassOf< AFGWheeledVehicle > typeFilter, const AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* vehicle, TArray< AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath* >& result){ }
Shouldn't the parameter const AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* vehicle filter for the saved path for that specific vehicle provided?
Rex5mo ago
There's a separate TSubclassOf< AFGWheeledVehicle > typeFilter
VanzinOP5mo ago
But I think that one is for which vehicle type: explorer, tractor, truck no?
Rex5mo ago
That is just a class I guess it could be nullptr or something to represent "any path"
VanzinOP5mo ago
So, I tried with this approach first:
TArray<AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath*> Paths;
FString TextFilter = "";

// void AFGWheeledVehicle::FindSavedPaths(const FString& textFilter, bool filterOnVehicleType, TArray< AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath* >& result) const{ }
Vehicle->FindSavedPaths(TextFilter, true, Paths);
TArray<AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath*> Paths;
FString TextFilter = "";

// void AFGWheeledVehicle::FindSavedPaths(const FString& textFilter, bool filterOnVehicleType, TArray< AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath* >& result) const{ }
Vehicle->FindSavedPaths(TextFilter, true, Paths);
This is directly called from the vehicle object itself, my assumption was that it would return only the Saved Paths for that specific vehicle, but looks like no, it's showing for both vehicles in the world, even though one of them has no path assigned to it
No description
Rex5mo ago
Are the vehicles of the same type?
VanzinOP5mo ago
Yeah, 2 tractors
Rex5mo ago
Try adding a different vehicle to the mix to see what happens
VanzinOP5mo ago
VanzinOP5mo ago
No description
VanzinOP5mo ago
Added one explorer first and one truck Seems to me that FindSavedPaths will return all possible paths that can be loaded into that vehicle. Not the path that is actually loaded on it I will do another test and add a second tractor with a different saved path
Rex5mo ago
I don't think the vehicle saves the saved path I couldn't find it yet Or it's in a superclass
VanzinOP5mo ago
I think is here: (At least I hooked here and I managed to catch the event when I saved the path)
// AFGVehicleSubsystem
// void SaveWheeledVehiclePath( const FString& saveName, class AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* vehicle );
// AFGVehicleSubsystem
// void SaveWheeledVehiclePath( const FString& saveName, class AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* vehicle );
Rex5mo ago
Save the path where? To the vehicle?
VanzinOP5mo ago
I don't know where it's saved, I know that this function is called when you press the button to save the Path in the vehicle
VanzinOP5mo ago
Looks like this is true, because now for all the tractors, the Path count is 2. So this function does not get the assigned path to that tractor, but rather get all available paths by the Vehicle Type:
Vehicle->FindSavedPaths(TextFilter, true, Paths);
Vehicle->FindSavedPaths(TextFilter, true, Paths);
No description
Rex5mo ago
Tried using false?
VanzinOP5mo ago
No, but I will do it now
VanzinOP5mo ago
with false the function also gets the paths for other vehicle types (in this case truck)
No description
Rex5mo ago
VanzinOP5mo ago
I really don't understand how this whole structure works, by using the following method I thought that I could check if the Vehicle was using that Target List or not:
bool AFGVehicleSubsystem::IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse( AFGDrivingTargetList* targetList, const AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* byVehicle) const{ return bool(); }
bool AFGVehicleSubsystem::IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse( AFGDrivingTargetList* targetList, const AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* byVehicle) const{ return bool(); }
Like this:
AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* VehicleInfo = Cast<AFGWheeledVehicleInfo>(realActor);
if (VehicleInfo)
AFGVehicleSubsystem* VehicleSubsystem = AFGVehicleSubsystem::Get(VehicleInfo->GetWorld());
if (VehicleSubsystem)
FString TextFilter = "";
TSubclassOf<AFGWheeledVehicle> TypeFilter = VehicleInfo->GetClass();
TArray<AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath*> Paths;
VehicleSubsystem->FindSavedWheeledVehiclePaths(TextFilter, TypeFilter, VehicleInfo, Paths);

bool isPathFound = false;
for (AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath* Path : Paths)
if (Path && Path->mTargetList)
if (VehicleSubsystem->IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse(Path->mTargetList, VehicleInfo))
this->mDynamicRepresentationText = FText::FromString(Path->mPathName);
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] Vehicle is using Path: %s"), *Name, *Path->mPathName);
isPathFound = true;

UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] Vehicle is not using Path: %s"), *Name, *Path->mPathName);

if (!isPathFound)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] No paths are in use by the vehicle"), *Name);
AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* VehicleInfo = Cast<AFGWheeledVehicleInfo>(realActor);
if (VehicleInfo)
AFGVehicleSubsystem* VehicleSubsystem = AFGVehicleSubsystem::Get(VehicleInfo->GetWorld());
if (VehicleSubsystem)
FString TextFilter = "";
TSubclassOf<AFGWheeledVehicle> TypeFilter = VehicleInfo->GetClass();
TArray<AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath*> Paths;
VehicleSubsystem->FindSavedWheeledVehiclePaths(TextFilter, TypeFilter, VehicleInfo, Paths);

bool isPathFound = false;
for (AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath* Path : Paths)
if (Path && Path->mTargetList)
if (VehicleSubsystem->IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse(Path->mTargetList, VehicleInfo))
this->mDynamicRepresentationText = FText::FromString(Path->mPathName);
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] Vehicle is using Path: %s"), *Name, *Path->mPathName);
isPathFound = true;

UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] Vehicle is not using Path: %s"), *Name, *Path->mPathName);

if (!isPathFound)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] No paths are in use by the vehicle"), *Name);
But then the logs:
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [AddAsRepresentationHook] Called...
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation] Construct called...
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [SetupActorRepresentation][FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260] Called...
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [SetupActorRepresentation][FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260] Vehicle is not using Path: Truck path only!
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [SetupActorRepresentation][FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260] Vehicle is not using Path: New Path with Different Tractor
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [SetupActorRepresentation][FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260] Vehicle is not using Path: First Test Track Name
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [SetupActorRepresentation][FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260] No paths are in use by the vehicle
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [GetRepresentationText] Called... Text: FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [AddAsRepresentationHook][FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260] Representation Text is: FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [AddAsRepresentationHook] Called...
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [UCWheeledVehicleRepresentation] Construct called...
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [SetupActorRepresentation][FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260] Called...
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [SetupActorRepresentation][FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260] Vehicle is not using Path: Truck path only!
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [SetupActorRepresentation][FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260] Vehicle is not using Path: New Path with Different Tractor
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [SetupActorRepresentation][FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260] Vehicle is not using Path: First Test Track Name
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [SetupActorRepresentation][FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260] No paths are in use by the vehicle
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [GetRepresentationText] Called... Text: FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260
[2024.11.01-19.55.54:826][760]YouNameIt_Log: Verbose: [AddAsRepresentationHook][FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260] Representation Text is: FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260
Dammit 🥲 This idea it's hard to implement, omg
Rex5mo ago
Which path is the vehicle using?
VanzinOP5mo ago
Should be First Test Track Name
VanzinOP5mo ago
No description
VanzinOP5mo ago
And this is how I know that this one is the FGWheeledVehicleInfo_2147474260:
No description
Rex5mo ago
/** Linked list with target nodes that make up our path to travel */
UPROPERTY( SaveGame, ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_TargetList )
TObjectPtr<AFGDrivingTargetList> mTargetList;
/** Linked list with target nodes that make up our path to travel */
UPROPERTY( SaveGame, ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_TargetList )
TObjectPtr<AFGDrivingTargetList> mTargetList;
Wheeled vehicles have this, try comparing this to the list you have here?
VanzinOP5mo ago
just a normal == you mean?
Rex5mo ago
For starters I'd just log the GetPathName() of all to see what you get
VanzinOP5mo ago
Oh, we are into something
VanzinOP5mo ago
VanzinOP5mo ago
Target list is ==
Target list is ==
was the comparison between the Path->targetList and the Vehicle->targetList
Rex5mo ago
Please show me the line that prints Vehicle PathName: and stuff
VanzinOP5mo ago
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] Vehicle PathName: %s"), *Name, *Vehicle->GetPathName());
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] Vehicle PathName: %s"), *Name, *Vehicle->GetPathName());
Rex5mo ago
I don't see GetPathName() for any paths Oh, you only called it on the vehicle And I said paths when I meant target lists
VanzinOP5mo ago
Ah ok, I will add it
Rex5mo ago
But it shouldn't be needed if pointer equality works
VanzinOP5mo ago
Now I'm curious what this function VehicleSubsystem->IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse(Path->mTargetList, VehicleInfo) supposed to do then?
Rex5mo ago
reluctantly starts up Ghidra, defying their own laziness
VanzinOP5mo ago
No no, it's ok, you don't need to, I was just saying
Rex5mo ago
I am curious, though
bool __thiscall AFGVehicleSubsystem::IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse (AFGVehicleSubsystem *this,AFGDrivingTargetList *param_1,AFGWheeledVehicleInfo *param_2)
ForElementType<> FVar1;
AFGWheeledVehicleInfo *this_00;
AFGDrivingTargetList *pAVar2;
ForElementType<> FVar3;

/* 0x7fe2d0 22637
?IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse@AFGVehicleSubsystem@@QEBA_NPEAVAFGDrivingTargetList@@PEBVAFGWheeledVeh icleInfo@@@Z
FVar3 = (this->mWheeledVehicles).AllocatorInstance;
FVar1 = (ForElementType<>)((longlong)FVar3 + (longlong)(this->mWheeledVehicles).ArrayNum * 8);
while( true ) {
if (FVar3 == FVar1) {
return false;
this_00 = *(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo **)FVar3;
if ((this_00 != NULL) &&
(((param_2 == NULL || (param_2 == this_00)) &&
(pAVar2 = AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::GetTargetList(this_00), pAVar2 == param_1)))) break;
FVar3 = (ForElementType<>)((longlong)FVar3 + 8);
return true;
bool __thiscall AFGVehicleSubsystem::IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse (AFGVehicleSubsystem *this,AFGDrivingTargetList *param_1,AFGWheeledVehicleInfo *param_2)
ForElementType<> FVar1;
AFGWheeledVehicleInfo *this_00;
AFGDrivingTargetList *pAVar2;
ForElementType<> FVar3;

/* 0x7fe2d0 22637
?IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse@AFGVehicleSubsystem@@QEBA_NPEAVAFGDrivingTargetList@@PEBVAFGWheeledVeh icleInfo@@@Z
FVar3 = (this->mWheeledVehicles).AllocatorInstance;
FVar1 = (ForElementType<>)((longlong)FVar3 + (longlong)(this->mWheeledVehicles).ArrayNum * 8);
while( true ) {
if (FVar3 == FVar1) {
return false;
this_00 = *(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo **)FVar3;
if ((this_00 != NULL) &&
(((param_2 == NULL || (param_2 == this_00)) &&
(pAVar2 = AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::GetTargetList(this_00), pAVar2 == param_1)))) break;
FVar3 = (ForElementType<>)((longlong)FVar3 + 8);
return true;
VanzinOP5mo ago
By looking at this, feels like almost exactly what I wrote :wonke:
VanzinOP5mo ago
IT WORKS @Rex [they/them] !!!!!! What would I be without your help, thank you ❤️
No description
Rex5mo ago
bool AFGVehicleSubsystem::IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse(const AFGVehicleSubsystem *this, AFGDrivingTargetList *targetList, const AFGWheeledVehicleInfo *byVehicle)
for (AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* vehicleInfo : this->mWheeledVehicles) {
if (vehicleInfo == null) {
if (byVehicle == NULL || byVehicle == vehicleInfo) {
if (vehicleInfo->GetTargetList() == targetList)
return true;
return false;
bool AFGVehicleSubsystem::IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse(const AFGVehicleSubsystem *this, AFGDrivingTargetList *targetList, const AFGWheeledVehicleInfo *byVehicle)
for (AFGWheeledVehicleInfo* vehicleInfo : this->mWheeledVehicles) {
if (vehicleInfo == null) {
if (byVehicle == NULL || byVehicle == vehicleInfo) {
if (vehicleInfo->GetTargetList() == targetList)
return true;
return false;
VanzinOP5mo ago
exactly what I did .-. Right? it's comparing the vehicle target list with the target list that you provide in the parameter In my case: I was providing the VehicleInfo and the targetlist from the Path
Rex5mo ago
I don't know what your code is This uses AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath
VanzinOP5mo ago
FString TextFilter = "";
TSubclassOf<AFGWheeledVehicle> TypeFilter = VehicleInfo->GetClass();
TArray<AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath*> Paths;
VehicleSubsystem->FindSavedWheeledVehiclePaths(TextFilter, TypeFilter, VehicleInfo, Paths);

AFGWheeledVehicle* Vehicle = VehicleInfo->GetVehicle();
if (Vehicle)
bool isPathFound = false;
for (AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath* Path : Paths)
if (Path && Path->mTargetList)
if (VehicleSubsystem->IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse(Path->mTargetList, VehicleInfo))
this->mDynamicRepresentationText = FText::FromString(Path->mPathName);
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] Vehicle is using Path: %s"), *Name, *Path->mPathName);
isPathFound = true;

UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] Vehicle is not using Path: %s"), *Name, *Path->mPathName);

if (!isPathFound)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] No paths are in use by the vehicle"), *Name);
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] No vehicle object"), *Name);
FString TextFilter = "";
TSubclassOf<AFGWheeledVehicle> TypeFilter = VehicleInfo->GetClass();
TArray<AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath*> Paths;
VehicleSubsystem->FindSavedWheeledVehiclePaths(TextFilter, TypeFilter, VehicleInfo, Paths);

AFGWheeledVehicle* Vehicle = VehicleInfo->GetVehicle();
if (Vehicle)
bool isPathFound = false;
for (AFGSavedWheeledVehiclePath* Path : Paths)
if (Path && Path->mTargetList)
if (VehicleSubsystem->IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse(Path->mTargetList, VehicleInfo))
this->mDynamicRepresentationText = FText::FromString(Path->mPathName);
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] Vehicle is using Path: %s"), *Name, *Path->mPathName);
isPathFound = true;

UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] Vehicle is not using Path: %s"), *Name, *Path->mPathName);

if (!isPathFound)
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] No paths are in use by the vehicle"), *Name);
UE_LOG(YouNameIt_Log, Verbose, TEXT("[SetupActorRepresentation][%s] No vehicle object"), *Name);
Rex5mo ago
Ah, it's getting it from... UFGSplinePathMovementComponent?
VanzinOP5mo ago
I mean, not sure, what?
Rex5mo ago
I mean IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse because it calls vehicleInfo->GetTargetList()
AFGDrivingTargetList * __thiscall AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::GetTargetList(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo *this)
AFGDrivingTargetList *pAVar1;

/* 0x972fa0 21057 ?GetTargetList@AFGWheeledVehicleInfo@@QEBAPEAVAFGDrivingTargetList@@XZ */
pAVar1 = (AFGDrivingTargetList *)this->mSimulationMovement;
if (pAVar1 != NULL) {
return *(AFGDrivingTargetList **)&pAVar1->field_0x148;
return pAVar1;
AFGDrivingTargetList * __thiscall AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::GetTargetList(AFGWheeledVehicleInfo *this)
AFGDrivingTargetList *pAVar1;

/* 0x972fa0 21057 ?GetTargetList@AFGWheeledVehicleInfo@@QEBAPEAVAFGDrivingTargetList@@XZ */
pAVar1 = (AFGDrivingTargetList *)this->mSimulationMovement;
if (pAVar1 != NULL) {
return *(AFGDrivingTargetList **)&pAVar1->field_0x148;
return pAVar1;
VanzinOP5mo ago
Yeah and then compares vehicleInfo->GetTargetList() with the TargetList in the parameters (in my case Path->mTargetList) returns false, But with the vehicleInfo->GetTargetList() == Path->mTargetList that I added later, it works fine
Rex5mo ago
The types are wrong, but field_0x148 is mTargetList I'm saying that IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse is doing something else Hmmm, were your vehicles actually following the path?
VanzinOP5mo ago
yes no change in the savegame Just from this:
if (VehicleSubsystem->IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse(Path->mTargetList, VehicleInfo))
if (VehicleSubsystem->IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse(Path->mTargetList, VehicleInfo))
To this:
if (Vehicle->GetTargetList() == Path->mTargetList)
if (Vehicle->GetTargetList() == Path->mTargetList)
Rex5mo ago
That's a different function This is AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::GetTargetList
VanzinOP5mo ago
Hmmmmmmm, true
Rex5mo ago
You're calling
/**Returns the simulation component */
UFUNCTION( BlueprintPure, Category = "LinkedList" )
AFGDrivingTargetList* GetTargetList( bool createIfNeeded = false );
/**Returns the simulation component */
UFUNCTION( BlueprintPure, Category = "LinkedList" )
AFGDrivingTargetList* GetTargetList( bool createIfNeeded = false );
VanzinOP5mo ago
AFGDrivingTargetList* AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::GetTargetList() const{ return nullptr; } The result must be different then from Vehicle->GetTargetList() and AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::GetTargetList() then
Rex5mo ago
That's the stub in the project This I reconstructed myself Based on this Actual implementation would be equivalent to this
AFGDrivingTargetList* AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::GetTargetList() const
return mSimulationMovement ? mSimulationMovement->mTargetList : nullptr;
AFGDrivingTargetList* AFGWheeledVehicleInfo::GetTargetList() const
return mSimulationMovement ? mSimulationMovement->mTargetList : nullptr;
VanzinOP5mo ago
Then it would be generated somewhere else not even from the Vehicle inside the VehicleInfo
Rex5mo ago
Uh, what is generated elsewhere?
VanzinOP5mo ago
So far I understood: VehicleInfo has a reference to a Vehicle (both of them have TargetLists) but they are different
Rex5mo ago
Hence my question, maybe the simulation movement doesn't have a valid target list if the vehicle can't run VehicleInfo does not have a target list It gets a target list out of the simulation movement
VanzinOP5mo ago
It does here
if (vehicleInfo->GetTargetList() == targetList)
return true;
if (vehicleInfo->GetTargetList() == targetList)
return true;
ah yeah yeah I meant the method
Rex5mo ago
There's two methods
Rex5mo ago
Ignore first and last (those are UE magic stuff)
No description
VanzinOP5mo ago
Ok, got it Either way I will not be able to use IsWheeledVehiclePathInUse because the TargetList from the Path is not the same used in the VehicleInfo So this worked like a charm :alpacool:
Rex5mo ago
Yeah, that's why I asked if the vehicles were moving

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