I want play satisfactory on dedi server. Can anyone tell me a hosting?

I want play satisfactory on dedi server. Can anyone tell me a hosting whos supporting mods and can i use SMM mod managger to install?
26 Replies
DarthPorisiusā€¢2mo ago
Installing Mods on Dedicated Servers :: Satisfactory Modding Docume...
SML3.7.0 enabled the compilation of mods for Dedicated Servers and SMM3 makes it easy to manage mods on a server, be it a local server or ho...
arzhuOPā€¢2mo ago
But only writed non supported or im braindead? i need a good and mod supported hosting
Dr. Gaming
Dr. Gamingā€¢2mo ago
Any VPS you buy (dedicated server) is very likely going to have ftp or sftp. The modding is not handled on the server host side, it's done on any computer just like you do to mod your local game, you just connect to the server and add whatever mods. So if you want to know which hosts support mods, the answer is any that have ftp access.
arzhuOPā€¢2mo ago
ohh so modmanagger does not update the server side mods and doesn't install?
sjhowardā€¢2mo ago
This is not quite accurate. Some server hosts block access to files which SMM needs in order to function. This is a good part of the reason why that list of unsupported hosts exists. I'd have a look at what you can find, check it's not on the unsupported list, then search this discord to see if anyone's had experiences with them. There's never been an official "supported" list, because we don't want to favour any particular host over any other, and whichever was listed first would get quite a lot of business out of it!
arzhuOPā€¢2mo ago
@sjhoward3 SMM support this funcions?
sjhowardā€¢2mo ago
SMM does need a bunch of access to install mods on servers. Once configured, assuming the host is compatbile, it will upload the mods, and install any mod updates too
arzhuOPā€¢2mo ago
Okay. and u know a hosting where can i do that?
DJTQ-0616ā€¢2mo ago
Mainly a Paid hosting if not a free hosting service will allow FTP for SMM
sjhowardā€¢2mo ago
If they aren't on the unsupported hosts list, there's a good chance they can. I self-host mine, so can't recommend any specifically.
arzhuOPā€¢2mo ago
Fine. I try the nitrado šŸ˜„
DJTQ-0616ā€¢2mo ago
The best thing to do is look what hosting offers the ftp access
sjhowardā€¢2mo ago
Searching on here, doesn't look like people have had much luck with nitrado. Almost all hosts will offer FTP access, but many of those won't work with SMM.
DJTQ-0616ā€¢2mo ago
it really depends
arzhuOPā€¢2mo ago
Ehj i try to search any hosting but nobody tells what good. only i found the bad :/
sjhowardā€¢2mo ago
You could also ask hosts some questions to see if SMM will work: * Do you provide access to FactoryGame.exe/.sh? * Do you provide access to the engine directory? * Can a 'Mods' folder be created or does one already exist? * Can DLLs be unpackaged?
arzhuOPā€¢2mo ago
okay i try to open a ticket and i ask hims its so good. i cant reach nitrado supports
sjhowardā€¢2mo ago
šŸ˜‚ sounds like they don't want customers
arzhuOPā€¢2mo ago
only got this page
No description
arzhuOPā€¢2mo ago
Doest have ticket button on any else šŸ™‚ Oh i found sometings "Do you offer modded Satisfactory server hosting? At the moment Satisfactory servers at Nitrado do not support mods."
SwissStar_BL_2ā€¢2mo ago
I would personally advise against nitrado. Performance was pretty bad and the price is pretty high. Went with indifferent broccoli, very fair price for very good performance.
arzhuOPā€¢2mo ago
And u can advise a good? or u dont know?
SwissStar_BL_2ā€¢2mo ago
As i said, indifferent broccoli
arzhuOPā€¢2mo ago
Lol sorry i dont think its a hosting šŸ˜„
SwissStar_BL_2ā€¢2mo ago
No description
arzhuOPā€¢2mo ago
I found it, and i can try working because have free trial šŸ˜„ @SwissStar_BL_2 Are u a god. Thanks the help all!
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