[Readme!] Some mods broken by v1.0.0.4 - Build 372858 on 2024-10-15
The patch this morning broke some mods.
If you encounter mods that are broken, please determine which one it is, and then post here so we can update the compatibility
known broken:
* Fluid AWESOME Sink Redux
43 Replies
if you have a lot of mods, you can help us by narrowing them down:
Follow this flowchart to troubleshoot issues caused by mods (crashes, unexpected behavior, etc.). More information can be found on the docs: https://docs.ficsit.app/satisfactory-modding/latest/faq.html#_how_can_i_troubleshoot_crash_issues
mod broken

updated compatibility.
the page does not update have to reopen the app to get updated info
smm3 have to reopen to update compatability list
who keep it open lol, i litteraly close it every second after i did what wanted to do
i do
That's how updating things works...
I beleive SMM checks every 5 mins, but it also caches some stuff so not sure how it determines when to recheck or not
Just found out that it only checked the mod count every 5 minutes, and unless that changed it wouldn't refetch any mod data
Will be fixed in the next SMM version :soon:
well at least i found a small bug
Beware, its not just mods, my Linux dedicated server is bricked. Keeps crashing, no mods installed.
When pruchasing mod rewards in the AWESOME Shop it freezes and crashes the game
Seems DellAquila HalfVolumeFluids is no longer wwroking, in the packager I don't have the extra tab
satisfactory mod loader seems to not work? literally only have that installed and it wont run
Automated responses for Smokahontas (209757832348827658)
Make sure you updated the game before launching SMM. If your game is up to date, you have both U8 and 1.0 installed in the same folder at once, and SMM is detecting the U8 version.
To fix this, uninstall the game, delete the game install dir if it still exists (this is NOT the AppData folder, but the location where you installed the game), then reinstall the game, and reopen SMM.
If reinstalling the game takes too long for you, a quicker fix is to delete the
<game install dir>\Engine\Binaries\Win64\FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.version
file, though this is not meant to be a permanent solution, as having the game installed twice in the same directory can cause issues later.Key Details for SMMDebug-2024-10-15-22-52-29.zip
Outdated mods found!
Satisfactory Mod Loader can be updated to
Update these mods, there may be fixes for your issue in doing so.i cant update it

Make sure you updated the game before launching SMM. If your game is up to date, you have both U8 and 1.0 installed in the same folder at once, and SMM is detecting the U8 version.
To fix this, uninstall the game, delete the game install dir if it still exists (this is NOT the AppData folder, but the location where you installed the game), then reinstall the game, and reopen SMM.
If reinstalling the game takes too long for you, a quicker fix is to delete the
<game install dir>\Engine\Binaries\Win64\FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.version
file, though this is not meant to be a permanent solution, as having the game installed twice in the same directory can cause issues later.
-# Responding to downgrade_duplicate
triggered by @Smokahontashuh
good bot
-# Responding to
triggered by @Smokahontasnot good bot
-# Responding to
triggered by @Artemking4i don't have output on "another counter" mod, i see only input
also i'm getting smm "warning" for wallconveyorsupports but it's actually working see image

Make sure you updated the game before launching SMM. If your game is up to date, you have both U8 and 1.0 installed in the same folder at once, and SMM is detecting the U8 version.
To fix this, uninstall the game, delete the game install dir if it still exists (this is NOT the AppData folder, but the location where you installed the game), then reinstall the game, and reopen SMM.
If reinstalling the game takes too long for you, a quicker fix is to delete the
<game install dir>\Engine\Binaries\Win64\FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.version
file, though this is not meant to be a permanent solution, as having the game installed twice in the same directory can cause issues later.
-# Responding to downgrade_duplicate
triggered by @tigermaster>separate next time, this is not a general place to ask questions. no, it is not, and likely won't be until next year due to the complexity of the mod
Please make your own thread, or simply right click this one and hit "follow post" if your issue is identical and you want to stay updated while it gets resolved.
What's broken in the mod?
Mass Upgrade and Efficiency Checker were updated (still in the queue for antivirus check, it seens). They should work, now. Mass Upgrade multiplayer clains were removed, it simply does not work and I have to do an overhaul to make it work. So, a task for another time
>mod production plus
Fred Mod Search™
Production Plus
Adds 50 new items to produce based on the game Factorio
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1728933001:R>
Created by Andre Aquila
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
>mod mama skin big walls
Fred Mod Search™
MAMA Skin/Big Walls/Foundation
Factory Skins, Foundations and Walls of other sizes to decorate your factory.
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1728912290:R>
Created by Andre Aquila
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
one of those is broken and causes crashes on load
will make one more test to rule out one of those
but i suspect it is production plus cause its a recipe related crash
seems so from the logs
yup, production plus is dead
Not sure if its the update or not, but EquipmentMk2 not able to unlock bladerunners mk2, no materials required for milestone and when I hit the button nothing happens and unable to select a new milestone.
>mod EquipmentMk2
Fred Mod Search™
Enhanced versions of some of the equipment items.
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1728765534:R>
Created by Mastrmyrtr9
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
this is usually caused by the mod being improperly installed on the server
I just realized that theDaisy Chain Smart Input Factory mod and Big Storage Tank and Megapump mod aren't letting me add materials either. I'll look into that. Thanks
Worked fine for me

well crap.. OK thanks!
ok there have been no other reports of mods that are broken to the point you cant even load the game, so im closing this thread