Automated doggos looting
Is there a mod that allows you to mass getting doggos loot? I have near 200 in a pen and I don't want to pet them one by one every few minutes.
4 Replies
Ficsit Farming has a doggo collection pen, but also a lot of other systems
>mod ficsit farming
Fred Mod Search™
Ficsit Farming
Get your Fingers Dirty with the ficsit farming mod!
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1733000713:R>
Created by I'm_a_chicken29 and mrhid6
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
Tysm. I know ficsit farming but rn I'm too busy exploring Refined Power and Digital Storage to add even more complication to my save, so I was looking for something simpler, even "cheater" like auto dropping their loot to the floor or autocollect it when around a radius.