inf slide mod/crafting bench mod
can someone send me a link to download a satisfactory mod that has a inf slide featur like sliding without any speed decreases
10 Replies
and also maybe a mod that has a crafting bench in your inventory
SMM has a search function y'know. Top result for "craft":
Craft Anywhere - SMR
Allows you to use craft (almost) anywhere!
Not sure what you mean by inf slide though. If you mean crouch-sliding, it doesn't exist.
is there an infinite slide mod that you know of?
Like I just said, it doesn't exist.
oh ok
The closest thing we probably have in the mobility department, is the grappling hook:
Grappling Hook - SMR
Swing around like spiderman!
thx for the help
Or the ultimate hover pack:
Hover Pack Ultimate - SMR
Almost no power consumption and unlimited range. Configurable values in-game. is pretty nice if you don't want to depend on any gear
Super Pioneer - SMR
A super-powered player movement mod. Sprint at the speed of sound and jump over mountains!