Some mod not updating (constantly downloads older version and re-prompt update)
I'm encountering a strange update loop, as by pics, i check for updates, it shows me a mod that needs updating (before were 8, 7 of which updated normally), i select update all (or update selected, no difference), it does the update process, goes back to the update screen (now empty) and then if i press again to check for updates, it shows me again that same mod
Update 1:
I've tried to both pause/unpause and uninstall/reinstall the mod, all pre and post re-opening of the software, both with and without admin rights. The fact that even after complete uninstall of the mod, the wrong version is downloaded again feels like a bug

4 Replies
I'm having the same issue with three mods. If I open the mod's page and change version manually, I get this error:
Automated responses for Vinbullet (210606973828202498)
Outdated mods found!
SpaceGameDev Mod Update Notifier can be updated to
One Click Buildings Square/Round can be updated to 1.0.10
Discord Rich Presence can be updated to 2.0.1
Update these mods, there may be fixes for your issue in doing so.Key Details for
The profile is used in both a server and a client install, and the latest version of One Click Buildings doesn't support servers