unable to progress Extra Milestones

I add the mod to my game cause I completed project assembly and wanted more to do but it seems to be wanting me to send 50 smart plating through the space elevator and it's stuck on the project assembly complete screen after you finish project assembly
7 Replies
sjhoward•5mo ago
>mod extra milestones
FICSIT-Fred•5mo ago
Fred Mod Searchâ„¢
Extra Milestones
This mod adds +107 Milestones, with new machines and new items to produce. Aka Ficsit Production Chains Pack EA: :white_check_mark: EXP: :white_check_mark: Last Updated <t:1729862464:R> Created by Andre Aquila
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
sjhoward•5mo ago
AndreAquila•5mo ago
Hi Lord Dracon. Hmm, i saw that error in changing game phases using Share Research mod or ResearchCheat. Do you have a mod that forces gamephases?
Lord Dracon
Lord DraconOP•5mo ago
Ah, I am using the share research mod, I'll try without it never mind, most of the mods I'm using are broken because of the satisfactory update, I'll let you know when I'm able to open the game again
AndreAquila•5mo ago
Its probably Share research 😦
Lord Dracon
Lord DraconOP•5mo ago
I tried disabling most of the mods I use including any I thought even might do anything with milestones and research and I still can't get anything past the tier 1 milestones the space elevator is locked to only showing the final screen when you finish project assembly so if there was anything using it that's blocked, any chance you could do it like the BAM mod where theres just a milestone you activate at a higher tier that unlocks a lower tier milestone?

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