Universal Machines Losing Program

@AndreAquila Been building Blueprints, and when I went back to continue, a test machine that I was running lost the program, almost like it did not save for some reason. Got other Machines running just fine still... even then, went into the Mod and deleted the contents of the RecipePatches... that did not help.
18 Replies
AndreAquila•4mo ago
😦 Hmmmm.. after the files generates, it should always save when you restart the game... at least like: With the files, set the machine, save, restart the game, should work.. Is that not working ?
KnHawkeOP•4mo ago
Nope... But the recipes that I got set thanks to Blueprints are still going strong. But I guess that's because they are tied to the BPs instead of the save itself? Did let the files Regen, like it prompted after I deleted the ContentLib files (sorry for continually bringing ya problems! 😅)
AndreAquila•4mo ago
Argh, Im sorry for those bugs in these new versions...
But Interesting, the univesal machines built with blueprints, it saves, when you reloads works ok?
KnHawkeOP•4mo ago
That's what it seems like! I checked a few places BPs... They're still going! (Granted I have not checked ALL of them, since they're scattered across the map) (yeap! just confirmed a few more are functioning fine!)
AndreAquila•4mo ago
i couldn't reproduce the recipe going away, maybe it is a problem with an specific recipe that bugged? I will try reload the game few more times to see if it lost the recipe
KnHawkeOP•4mo ago
Vanilla recipe? I'm using those out of the Packing Expansion mod Maybe that's it.. modded recipes for some reason.. I first noticed things not sticking with Packing's "Iron Plate" recipe... But I tried the same in Compact Machines and it stayed
AndreAquila•4mo ago
!!! hmmmm.... did you installed packing after the universal machine? shouldnt be it, no...
KnHawkeOP•4mo ago
I dunno if it matters.. since all these mods were loaded into a new save
AndreAquila•4mo ago
these packing recipes should be in the /RecipePatches/ folder too... Maybe it doesnt create the files for the packing expansion for some wierd reason :S
KnHawkeOP•4mo ago
Want me to send you my mod list file? See if ya can narrow it down or something? I checked... The files are there! Which is effed up IMHO
AndreAquila•4mo ago
😮 hehhehe
AndreAquila•4mo ago
those files just adds the build universal to the recipes, to load it sooner, and to not loose the programing for the buildings https://i.imgur.com/tmAC7K6.png
AndreAquila•4mo ago
But apparently it's not working.
KnHawkeOP•3mo ago
Ikr! 🤔 @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> Played around with UM again... Seems to ONLY not load program when loading a save straight from startup. BUT, if I exit to main menu and go back into the save, the program is like I never left it! while it is an annoyance... it is encouraging 🙂
AndreAquila•3mo ago
Hmm, aarghh.. strange but very good to know! 🙂 i have to fix it for good
KnHawkeOP•3mo ago
Eagerly Anticipated! As well as the FicZIP packs! 😄 @AndreAquila hate to keep sending these to ya! Yeesh! Anyway, I just found that UM is not picking up ANY of the Converter Recipes, Vanilla or otherwise.
swisschris1981•4w ago
Fist I need to say that I loooove this mod. Thx for the good work. I have the same problem as Hawke and cat find any of the recipies for the converter.
KnHawkeOP•4w ago
Master @AndreAquila ?

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