Cannot connect a belt to magic receiver while creating a BP

@AndreAquila I’m trying to create a BP with a magic receiver in it and when attempting to attach a belt to receiver output it says error about can’t attach bp objects to world build able, hasn’t been an issue before but then I haven’t attempted to play post patch 1.005
Hey Rdc, that will only be possible after spawning the blueprint, unfortunately... It will add a linked buildable with the connection when you build the bp.
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5 Replies
Rdc74656OP4mo ago
No description
AndreAquila4mo ago
Hey Rdc, that will only be possible after spawning the blueprint, unfortunately... It will add a linked buildable with the connection when you build the bp.
Rdc74656OP4mo ago
Ah ok I’ll give it a try, I hadn’t selected an item for the receiver to receive, I was just placing in where I wanted it and then would do the item selection after bp was built. Was this implemented to fix an issue I think I read relating to items being sent to a receiver placed in the Bp designer?
AndreAquila4mo ago
In part yes. This receiver is actually two buildings in one. In the bpdesigner it was causing some freezing and crashes 😦 So now, when we build it on bp designer, only one of the buildings is spawned to avoid those freezing/crashes.
Rdc74656OP4mo ago
Ok dokey thank you for explaining

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