Removing blueprint proxys from megaprint

I have a huge megaprint and feel like the blueprints in it are causing significant lag if i open the dismantel Tool. Does anyone know of another way to Edit a savegame besides scim?
8 Replies
sjhoward5mo ago
You might get better answers in #save-editing, but I don't think there are any public save editors updated for 1.0 other than SCIM so far
sixsense3429OP5mo ago
I already postet my qestion there, but got no response I would also be willing to write my own mod, though it's probably not the best time to start 😂 Just now read your full answer. I don't necessarily need something thats Updated to 1.0, cause my save is still on U8. But What other Edit options even are there?
sjhoward5mo ago
Not an area I know a lot about, I know there was a popular save editor but I don't think it ever got updated post U6
sixsense3429OP5mo ago
Sorry for my delayed responses. Do you remember what it was called?
sjhoward5mo ago
I think Gozer's save editor?
sixsense3429OP5mo ago
That looks like something. Might be easier to adjust, than writing my own mod Other than that, there isn't any easy way im missing, is there? Like loading in update 7 and then back. Where the Information if it's Part of a blueprint saved back then?
sjhoward5mo ago
saves are generally not backward compatible I really would recommend asking these questions in #save-editing, people with better knowledge than me will see them there. A lot of those people will ignore this channel entirely
sixsense3429OP5mo ago
No i meant, that i would paste the megaprint in update 7 save via scim, but now that i'm thinking about it i think u7 is not even supported via scim anymore. Maybe more of a hassle than writing a bit of Code myself. Thanks anyways, the gozer project will probably be a better Start than the outdated Version of scim on github 👍

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