Insta Crash when playing,

It never happened prior to updating Taj`s Graphical overhaul to 3.0.0
35 Replies
FICSIT-Fred2d ago
Automated responses for Co5teL (444056804494934026)
Key Details for
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.1
Installed Mods: 82
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from Epic Games
Path: `d:\Games\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start com.epicgames.launcher://apps/CrabEA?action=launch&silent=true -epicapp=CrabEA -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername=Co5teL -epicuserid=6a9ef2cc17ed451b8b724ddfafece934 -epiclocale=en -epicsandboxid=crab
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.1
Installed Mods: 82
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from Epic Games
Path: `d:\Games\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start com.epicgames.launcher://apps/CrabEA?action=launch&silent=true -epicapp=CrabEA -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername=Co5teL -epicuserid=6a9ef2cc17ed451b8b724ddfafece934 -epiclocale=en -epicsandboxid=crab
Outdated mods found!
Taj's Graphical Overhaul can be updated to 3.0.0 Update these mods, there may be fixes for your issue in doing so.
Co5teLOP2d ago
i switched to 2.2.12 myself the crash was with version 3.0.0 and debug was created after switching to 2.2.12 my bad.
Co5teLOP2d ago
at this niagara system i got the crash. in Nortern Forest.
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Co5teLOP2d ago
@(Taj)emnikTV [GraphicalOverhaul] maybe take a look at the code in 3.0.0 i dont get any crashes with 2.2.12 ( well maybe 1 time in 2-3 day)
McCovican2d ago
For the 3.0.0 crash, perhaps because you have this installed: ― old UE4 models and meshes (and, evidently, old effects too). Probably not gonna play well with advanced UE5 Lumen functionality enabled by TajsGraph v3.
Old Stuff - SMR
A Simpler Time. Some items from older versions of the game. No Fluids for Coal Generators.
Co5teLOP2d ago
i do not have old Stuff installed it must be a bug, i had it long time ago maybe something else ?
TajemnikTV2d ago
I have some suspicions as to why this might be happening. I will take a closer look when I fully wake up and get onto my PC lols Is this crash also only started happening in 3.0.0? I'm not sure which logs I should be looking at here... First of all, please set Surface Cache Compress method to "1" - that will most likely resolve issue which you sent in the screenshots channel. Second thing you can try (to resolve the niagara crashes) would be to uncheck both of the "Async Tick" in the mod settings I'd also recommend to set Surface Cache Reset to 0 in the dev settings, it shouldn't be enabled by default in the 3.0 version
Co5teLOPthis hour
hi again Taj, i was sleeping for an hour or so. well yes i updated to 3.0.0 and all those crashes are from there ... today i switched to 2.2.12 and i did not have a crash all day long. i will make those settings and let you know what is goying on.
Co5teLOPthis hour
i got most done but i got 1 BIG question
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TajemnikTVthis hour
Yeah, what's up?
Co5teLOPthis hour
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Co5teLOPthis hour
i am also using this mod for grass could it be problematic ? i really like how the grass looks now ... i wanted it taller but meh
TajemnikTVthis hour
They probably do the same thing to change the density, so depending on which one loads their changes last - this one is going to be used
Co5teLOPthis hour
Surface Cache Reset is 0 Asynk Ticks both unchecked, Surface Cache Compress set to 1 this is what i set up as you said it has a lot of options i do not understand so i dont mess with them i leave them as they are .. well Better grass is up on the list and Taj is down
TajemnikTVthis hour
Yeah, when I push out an update which changes "default" settings it probably doesn't change for people who already had the mod installed, which isn't the best option. I definitely have to adress this issue...
Co5teLOPthis hour
so i can basically uninstall that mod right ?
TajemnikTVthis hour
Since they do the same thing, if you plan on keep on using Graphical Overhaul then you can disable it
Co5teLOPthis hour
Ow i love your mod man
TajemnikTVthis hour
If you wish to disable Graphical Overhaul mod but only change the grass density, then you can go with SpaceGameDevs mod
Co5teLOPthis hour
you should see how it looks with Blood Moon mod along with Tajs mod on the night of the blood moon, WOW... unbelievable il delete better grass mod
TajemnikTVthis hour
I've never actually tried the Blood Moon mod, I'll definitely have to see that - You can also do some photoshoots yourself:p
Co5teLOPthis hour
I was like wth man my pc runned until now without crashes and now lumen crash and niagara crash immediately after 3.0.0 you see picture what niagara effect caused the crash i build mostly in northern forest when i saw those clouds there , insta crash 1 time only, then swithced to 2.2.12 and went there and no crashes all day
TajemnikTVthis hour
Hm, that's... odd.
Co5teLOPthis hour
something mustve changed in the script but i made those changes, give me 2 min to launch game and go there with 3.0.0 and see with new setting if i get crash
Co5teLOPthis hour
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Co5teLOPthis hour
nothing yet all good so far
TajemnikTVthis hour
Okay, that's really good then, if there happens to be any crash - don't hesitate to let me know immediately. We'll make sure to fix it right up. In the meantime I will check out that place myself and figure out why it was crashing with these settigns before
Co5teLOP20h ago
no crash untill now...? what was those settings that i changed ? where they related to quality or something ?
TajemnikTV20h ago
So good to hear that! I'll try to, but I'm not really good at explaining things lol: Surface Cache Compression settings affects how UE stores and processes surface cache for Lumen. When you had it set to 0 (Uncompressed) it wasn't compressing at all and most likely filling up any available memory - On top of that, your crash referenced AtlasSize, so most likely the atlas was overfilling and tried to allocate more, which if it exceeds 8k - it crashes the game. AsyncTicks settings is rensposnible for how the engine schedules asynchronous tasks related to ticking. When they are enabled, it allows some tasks to be processed in parallel rather than sequentially, which could improve CPU performance. Neither of those settings should directly control the quality or visual fidelity, they are mostly performance and stability settings
Co5teLOP20h ago
my cpu is good if not the best but those AsyncTicks would`ve been nice to have, this is a cpu game after all...
TajemnikTV20h ago
Yeah, you could try enabling those settings, maybe your crashes were solely because of the Surface Cache. But if it does crash again with Niagara Tick mentioned in the crash report, these might be a reason why
Co5teLOP20h ago
i do it now
Co5teLOP20h ago
so far so good...
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Co5teLOP20h ago
well see tomorow afternood after work il let you know, have a good night
TajemnikTV18h ago
Hope it's gonna work just fine:D You too have a great night! Cheers

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