Change M Power Production

I create a generator based on the Build Generator Biomass Automated I would like to be able to modify the M Power Production (in Blueprint) But all I find (even in C++) is: - Set Dynamic production Capacity - Set Base Production Should I handle it in the Widget instead of the Build?
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17 Replies
Robb4w ago
Are you trying to make the building produce an amount of power that varies at it operates? Or the base power production of the building? It almost certainly should NOT happen in the widget. Widgets should only do info display and user changing options stuff. Because the machine still needs to operate even when there are no players Have you looked at the solar panel tutorial on the docs?
Jean Michel
Jean MichelOP4w ago
Yes the power will vary depending on the resource that is being burned
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Robb4w ago
For that you will need a custom override for the function that determines how much power it produces. Look in the interfaces section on the building to see what the available functions are It is probably the same function that the solar panel tutorial uses, but you will have to experiment >docsearch solar panel
FICSIT-Fred4w ago
Solar Generator :: Satisfactory Modding Documentation
In this chapter we will create a simple custom power generator - a Solar Panel that only produces energy during the daytime. As in pr...
Jean Michel
Jean MichelOP4w ago
@Robb Yes I based it on this example and it uses both functions Set Dynamic production Capacity and Set Base Production What I want to change is the 75KW framed in green in my picture Because the capacity is well at 200 If I can modify it, I should also be able to create M Default Fuel Class with an enumeration
Robb4w ago
Ah yeah I think that field may just look at the building's supposed fixed output. Do you know if the biomass burners update that number to what they are actually doing or does it stay their max? For the purpose of just telling the user what the machine is actually doing in the widget, that might be good to put in the widget code, you'll have to experiment You will have to elaborate on the default fuel class situation but I don't think you want an enum for that, you probably want a set of (fuel) item classes
Jean Michel
Jean MichelOP4w ago
This value remains constant I can change it in the widget for the overclock, but I did not find how for the other I can only use certain fuels in this FG Build Generator Biomass Automated I couldn't find in C++ how to change this limitation So now I abandoned this FG and I'm basing it on the FG Buildable Generator, and everything works fine
Jean Michel
Jean MichelOP4w ago
I still have to figure out how to access the Power circuit graph (Do you know how ?)
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Robb4w ago
Burnable Fabric mod shows how to change what fuels it accepts if you decide to go back Not sure but you probably need to pass it the power circuit component from the building or similar
Jean Michel
Jean MichelOP4w ago
Thanks, it's a good example for one item, but I want to burn all items in the game I'll think about it if I don't get my way, but I'm off to a good start.
Robb4w ago
burning all items (presumably you mean anything with a fuel energy value) could lead to some unintended behavior, like being able to burn nuclear fuel rods for no waste
Jean Michel
Jean MichelOP4w ago
Yes I based myself on the ResourcesSink table, clamped to 30 - 2500 MW
Jean Michel
Jean MichelOP4w ago
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Robb4w ago
oh you mean literally all items, I never would have thought of that how do you decide how much power they make? do you scale it based on resource sink points or have fixed categories?
Jean Michel
Jean MichelOP4w ago I also detect and burn items coming from mods (like mine) = 30 MW
Official Satisfactory Wiki
The AWESOME Sink is a special building that produces FICSIT Coupons for use in the AWESOME Shop by destroying items inserted into it, converting them into points based on their value or complexity, which in turn are used to print the aforementioned Coupons. Each successive Coupon requires more points...
Jean Michel
Jean MichelOP4w ago
And even those that the AwesomeSink doesn't want to treat as PowerSlug I started with the 26 categories but I didn't see on which criteria to attribute values
Jean Michel
Jean MichelOP4w ago

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