Beaver's Ficsmas Booster - Activating and Un-customizing

@AngryBeaver (FE, CC+) Absolutely loving Ficsmas Booster! A couple things I noticed that might either be bugs or just known but tolerated behavior. 1. It appears that the only way to unlock the MAM research tree is to research something in the vanilla FICSMAS research tree. So if, hypothetically, one were to have gotten the Day 4 Data Cartridge and researched the three associated unlocks at around 1am on the 4th, and then installed this mod the next morning, there isn't another opportunity to do FICSMAS MAM research until the 8th. (I got around it by using SCIM to cheat in the Day 8 cartridge and then researching it, but that's not ideal.) It would be nice if there were other ways of activating the Beaver's Booster research tree, that could be done at any time. Or just have it always be active during Ficsmas. I'm not sure how feasible any of that is, though. If it's not feasible, it might at least be worth specifying what counts as "engaging with Ficsmas" in the MAM research tree description. 2. You can use the customizer to change an existing wall, foundation, or roof to the Gingerbread material. But you can't use the Customizer to change Gingerbread material back to any of the vanilla materials. So if you accidentally Customize something (or decide you don't like how it looks), you have to dismantle and rebuild it, which is a bit tedious. Again, not sure how feasible it is to fix this, but I figured it was worth noting. Otherwise, I love the mod! And not only because it's another way to rub all the Ficsmas cheer in ADA's face.
1 Reply
AngryBeaver2mo ago
#1 is an interesting bug, not the code I have written so definitely a bug. Will figure out what to do, probably disable the lock for now. Trying to make the mod unassuming while not ficsmas and it's glitchy this year #2 is an intended function that just takes a lot of manual linking and clicking, it's on my TODO for this year finally. cause I put it off last year too so it's about time I really do it

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