Efficiency Check Activation
Hi @Marcio Neves, Is there a way to have the Efficiency Checker automatically be unlocked or active/available upon install (Perhaps have it as a setting toggle which is by default off)?
I am regularly installing and uninstalling the mod so others who don't use mods can join my game and I find that having to always unlock the mod is problematic to the point that sometimes I just don't bother reinstalling the mod.
I do like the way it unlocks through the HUB, don't get me wrong.. but having to unlock it over and over is a little frustrating and I am hoping there is an easier way for my situation. (Same for Mass Upgrade)
7 Replies
not what you're asking for directly, but you can use MAM Enhancer's debug mode to grant yourself the milestone again with one click after reinstalling. or you could use ContentLib to make the unlocks of the milestone granted by a (vanilla) schematic you already own
is there a reason the other players refuse to get mods? seems like that would solve your problem with the least work
Just their preference and I respect that. I am okay with having multiple profiles in SMM.
going the contentlib route would probably be the best time save in your case, because your mod would become one that gets turned on/off with your profile
>mod contentlib
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If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
you'd need a schematic patch to add the recipes of the tool and checker building to some vanilla milestone
I think MAM Enhancer debug might be more what I am looking for atm. ContentLib looks too complex and what I would need to do isn't documented yet in the schematic modification. Just toggling a hub milestone on is easier.
Thanks for the suggestion in lieu of Marcio adding a change to his mod. 🙂
There's an example here if you change your mind: https://docs.ficsit.app/contentlib/latest/Features/Patching.html#_example_schematic_patch
Glad you found something that works, have fun
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