Help using the cartograpgh mod
i added the mod "cartograpgh" by @yeshjho to my game and wondering if i can add the existing buildings to the map?
When i build some new stuff it apears ins the Cartograph menu but the existing buildings are not added.
Is there any way?
19 Replies
You mean they're not being drawn on the map, or not showing up in the menu?
Also, are you playing singleplayer, or multiplayer? If multiplayer, are you the host or a client?
The mod should draw the existing buildings, are you referring to the modded buildings? They're not being drawn yet.
There's too few information to help you as of current, it would be helpful if you provide more details 🙂
Hey 🙂
Thanks for the fast respone!
I will add some screenshots as attachments -
I'm on a Dedicated Server in Multiplayer.
All existing Buildings are just not existing.
When i build new stuff (for example the mini train track on the screenshot) it will be drawed.

Hmm, that's weird, could you upload the game's log file?
Learn about where to find log files:
sure gimme 2 minutes
u ned the client or the server logs?
both would be great!
If it helps i cloud delete the old logs and make a clean restart of the client and the server
It's fine!
It seems like it failed to serialize the buildings data, I'm not sure why, cuz it failed to serialized the very first field of the very first building data, hmm 🤔
I'll try setting the mods as you did and test locally. Thanks for reporting, and sorry that I can't resolve the issue right now
I can send u the savegame and mod profile if it helps u
that u have a 1:1 setup like mine
Yes that would be super helpful!
i download the savegame gimme 2 mins
if u need anything else just mark me here or hit me up in a dm
Gotcha, thanks for the help! I'll start investigate this on this weekend I think
sure! Thank you
Hey! This issue should™ be fixed now with 0.7.2, though other bugs might prevent the buildings from being drawn. 🙃
The condition of this bug was having a large amount of buildings.