Setting up Dedicated server mods
I am new at this and have been struggling so right off the top any help is greatly appreciated.
I had my dedicated server running perfectly fine through steamcmd. Now we are looking to mod it and I cannot for the life of me get the server added to the SMM.
Where do I find the Username?
I set the password so i know that
Does the server name matter?
I have the host ip
port: Do I use the ports that i have open for portforwarding? Do I need to open more?
Path: Looking for the but cannot fin it. any tips???

24 Replies
It is local server or a dedicated server ?
Dedicated server
Then how do you login to that server for manage files?
Mostly you are using default root/password right ?
I just set it up through steamcmd then logged into it through Satisfactory. Sorry I am extremely new to this stuff
I mean how do you use steamcmd
You have to login to this dedicated server somehow
Linux(Ubuntu ect) or windows ?
Hm so Windows Remote Desktop or something like that right ?
I just host it on this pc that I am also playing on
What, wait, you are using your pc that is connected to a dedicated server and play with that ?
yeah so i run the dedicated server through steamcmd then fire up satisfactory to play and the server is just so that my friend and i can play together and leave the server up
I mean dedicated server is something you buy over internet and it an external pc
I’m understanding that right yes?
Or you just installed the dedicated server on your pc
Two different things 😬
Anyway go to advance
Switch to advanced mode
Send the screenshot I forgot how it is

Sftp what type there are in the box
Sftp/ftp and something else ?
and path
Set path
is it that easy lol
Yeah but it is not friendly user if someone is not pointed there
You are not the first that miss those steps 😬
And also it is not a common way for host a server but yeah have fun if you found out
THANK YOU!!! haha got it in the manager now... wow so easy once someone shows you the path lol
Thank you again for dealing with my wrong lingo and unconventional server!! Really appreciate it!
Oh hey I also run a dedi server on my local windows box!
Just a tip from someone that does the same, some clientside-only mods won't wanna install on your server install, so I keep two separate profiles: One for my steam copy/local play and another profile

("Main Server" will be w/e you named your server install in SMM)