The game crashes when starting

Hello, I downloaded some mods recently, I entered the game and it worked perfectly, but today I tried to enter and the game crashed, I can't even enter, does anyone know why?
10 Replies
FICSIT-Fred4w ago
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.1
Installed Mods: 41
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from steam
Path: `c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.1
Installed Mods: 41
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from steam
Path: `c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
-# Responding to Key Details for triggered by @SgtMialdea
McCovican4w ago
So, unusually, this looks like a ContentLib crash. I don't see anything obvious in the error, preceding log entries, or the modlist. SMM profile looks fine. MP-incompatible mods, but crashing well before session selection. cc: @Robb (Busy) ― sorry to tag you in, but I do not know enough about CL to make a determination here.
SgtMialdeaOP4w ago
thanks for trying to help I need help to solve this problem, if you can help me as quickly as you can please
McCovican4w ago
I'm sure Robb will take a look as soon as he is able, but as his current handle suggest, he is somewhat busy. Remember, nobody gets paid for this. Folk like Robb have jobs & families, and are effectively donating their limited free time to this place, the maintenance of the systems and documentation that keep it running, as well as the mods themselves.
Robb4w ago
this crash is due to the FicsitTrading mod having a recipe with flower petals that CL fails to process... because flower petals don't exist any more CL should be fixed to not crash in this situation, but also trading should not have that recipe from right before the crash
[2025.02.09-15.21.02:792][ 0]LogContentLib: Display: [/ContentLib/Recipes/CL_Recipes_Module]: Loading String from File : ../../../FactoryGame/Mods/UniversalMachine/ContentLib/RecipePatches/Recipe_TradingMarket_FlowerPetals.json Relative: ../../../FactoryGame/Mods/UniversalMachine/ContentLib/RecipePatches/Recipe_TradingMarket_FlowerPetals.json
[2025.02.09-15.21.02:792][ 0]LogContentLib: Display: [/ContentLib/BP/BPFL_ContentLib]: [CL] Loaded Class: /FicsitTrading/Recipes/TradingMarket/RawMaterials/Recipe_TradingMarket_FlowerPetals.Recipe_TradingMarket_FlowerPetals_C
[2025.02.09-15.21.02:792][ 0]LogContentLib: Display: [/ContentLib/Recipes/CL_Recipes_Module]: Loading String from File : ../../../FactoryGame/Mods/UniversalMachine/ContentLib/RecipePatches/Recipe_TradingMarket_FlowerPetals.json Relative: ../../../FactoryGame/Mods/UniversalMachine/ContentLib/RecipePatches/Recipe_TradingMarket_FlowerPetals.json
[2025.02.09-15.21.02:792][ 0]LogContentLib: Display: [/ContentLib/BP/BPFL_ContentLib]: [CL] Loaded Class: /FicsitTrading/Recipes/TradingMarket/RawMaterials/Recipe_TradingMarket_FlowerPetals.Recipe_TradingMarket_FlowerPetals_C
it looks like it could also be Universal Machine providing a bad patch for the trading recipe
Robb4w ago
I wrote it down for CL later but not sure when I could fix it + Universal Machine and Trading Market should deal with this too
Crash in SerializeRecipe when mods reference invalid classes · Issu...
[2025.02.09-15.21.02:792][ 0]LogContentLib: Display: [/ContentLib/Recipes/CL_Recipes_Module]: Loading String from File : ../../../FactoryGame/Mods/UniversalMachine/ContentLib/RecipePatches/Recipe_T...
McCovican4w ago
Flower Petals, huh. I didn't realise that they were a removed item. Saw the log line and assumed they were just a custom item in FicsitTrading. Nice one, and thanks for the write-up. :) In that case, cc: @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> & @sli7e
sli7e4w ago
Huh thought I removed them. Thanks for letting me know, ill have a look.
SgtMialdeaOP4w ago
thanks everyone for the help, im going to eliminate the fiscit trading mod you are doing a grat job with this mods . I'm sorry if I have been annoying or if I have bothered you, I won't take up any more of your time, have a nice week.
Robb4w ago
No worries. Keep an eye out for messages from sli7e because there might be a fix out soon

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