Cannot move after building a blueprint

Not sure if this has been noticed but after placing a saved bp, all done in and currently on patch I cannot move, I have respawned which makes it so you can move but you hover a foot or so off the ground and end up having to reload a save. Not sure if this is mod related, probably is but just don’t know which yet.
16 Replies
Rdc74656OP5mo ago
to expand on this, game just crashed with the attached error message, i think it might have something to do with autokill mod as it mentions creature spawning
sjhoward5mo ago
Nothing in the log points anywhere more specific than that, lets see if there's anything in your mod list particularly likely to cause issues... 125 mods 👀 >debugmods
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
Follow this flowchart to troubleshoot issues caused by mods (crashes, unexpected behavior, etc.). More information can be found on the docs:
sjhoward5mo ago
It's rough, but this is the best I've got for you
Rdc74656OP5mo ago
lol i did filter the mods down once they started getting updated for 1.0, even removed some due to the bugs i didnt think 125 was that many
sjhoward5mo ago
fairly rare to see debug logs with more than 30, tbh it's not the highest count I've seen but it's definitely up there
Rdc74656OP5mo ago
see sometimes i feel i may install a mod and i may already have a mod that does a almost similar job, i obvs try to not let this happen...majority are qol...i'm only just toying with rr and ff back on with the issue, i saw someone was having a crash possibly due to pcm so i'm going to remove that and see if it happens, of course ive just built a bp that uses them but hey ho. it must be that as the not being able to move and sometimes ctd is shortly after ive placed the bp in question
sjhoward5mo ago
I'd be surprised if that managed to interact with creature spawning
Rdc74656OP5mo ago
Well I think I’m down to like 115 mods and started a new game everytime and deleted previous session and have finally been able to move after placing bp. I can’t be 100% certain as I was trying to delete mods methodically but I’m pretty sure it’s a dark industry mod that was the issue, I’m going to install one by 1 see if it happens again.
Game_Blox99995mo ago
Was one of the mods that you removed the Build Gun Utilities mod?
Rdc74656OP5mo ago
Tbh that was one of the first ones I removed BUT I didn’t delete the session the bug occurred on. I have had issues in the past that stemmed from bgu so may just have to bite the bullet with that one
Game_Blox99995mo ago
BGU has a feature in Deconstruct mode that allows you to move already built buildables around, but it uses the sprint keybind, which interferes with my (hopefully common) style of gameplay where I hover-sprint when mass-deconstructing a long line of things. I'm not sure what could be interfering with the building of things unless SifVerT added something to the mod without mentioning it.
Rdc74656OP5mo ago
See even when I had bgu installed I never had that issue. Only issue I did noticed was the dismantle more than 50 items thing seemed bugged compared to how it used to be on 0.8 and worked flawless. No offense to anybody but this is doing my tits in. I spent last night removing (pressing the pause button in SMM) on all possible mods I thought could be causing an issue. I left the mods enabled that I knew I had installed prior to this issue happening. And even with it just being those, issue persists. Also just happened to noticed that first bp placed is normal but if I place a second one the paint scheme just goes to black and all swatch slots are just black. There’s no fi sit, no chrome, no catering. Just black. In every swatch slot.
sjhoward5mo ago
* Are you doing it one by one? Because the image I sent suggested doing half at a time, which is much faster. * Have you verified that it works in vanilla? * Have you tried verifying your game files?
Rdc74656OP5mo ago
I’m going to do an in depth test later this evening. Everything shy of just doing a fresh install again just to be on the safe side

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