Install Mods On Server? Error Message
I get this message, So, because installing More Color Slots (MoreColorSlots) ">=0.0.0" and More Color Slots (MoreColorSlots) ">=0.0.0" is forbidden, version solving failed.
Seems wrong? Click the button below to gather logs, then send the generated zip file on the modding Discord in #help-using-mods.
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Dead mod that hasn't been updated since 2021...
Remove that mod, or make a new mod profile if you can't remove the mod....

14 Replies
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Key Details for
triggered by @ZakRhynoExplain?
That's a summary, ignore it
About what the issue is?
Dead mod that hasn't been updated since 2021...
Remove that mod, or make a new mod profile if you can't remove the mod.

Do you know of any other mods that do something similar to add more color stuff to allow for things?
With the custom swatch, you can save any colour you want as a colour preset and then load that into the custom swatch as you please.
There doesn't seem to be a limit to how many presets you can save. (I have a save with close to 100 custom presets saved)
There is this new mod that gives a whole bunch of features.
Universal Swatch Slots - SMR
Create your own palette of swatches or modify existing ones. Share your palettes between different session or even with others.
There's also this (which the mod above says to install first if you plan to use both)\
More Swatch Slots - SMR
Add more Swatches to the game
Wait that build in with out mods? Is that what your saying? O_O
That feature yes.
Well I'm stupid!
Thank you
Not stupid. Just didn't know.
Official Satisfactory Wiki
The Customizer is an expansion to the Build Gun which adds an additional tab in the Build Menu.
The reason the Customizer was added was to expand the way the pioneer handled customization of buildables like Foundations, Walls, Buildings, Machines, etc.