Searching for Mod to Fix Fluid Output

Hi there! I'm trying to find out whether there exists a mod that changes the fluid output capacity of buildings in the game. Reason: Currently it appears that all buildings have a max of 50 'fluid' they can hold in their output, and if a building tries to generate a recipe that has over 50 fluid as a part of the output it will run once, output any 'solid' products, and then hang in an Idle state without ever outputting the fluid. The building then has to be deconstructed, rebuilt, all the attachments re-attached etc. before it will run again.. one time. And then hang. I realize this is something of an edge case I've run into because of using other mods that are changing recipe output multipliers, but it feels weird that buildings can buffer hundreds of solid items while only having a 50 fluid buffer.
Maybe Heavy Fluid Overhaul could help?
Heavy Fluid Overhaul - SMR
The humongous pipe emulator that reduces all fluids in recipes, resource extractors and power generators
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4 Replies
SirDigby3w ago
Maybe Heavy Fluid Overhaul could help?
Heavy Fluid Overhaul - SMR
The humongous pipe emulator that reduces all fluids in recipes, resource extractors and power generators
KiroOP3w ago
Thanks for the suggestion! This does fix many of the issues, but unfortunately the mod does not appear to include Dark Matter Residue or Excited Photonic Matter in its "fluids" that it modifies recipes for, so I'm still stuck with those.
SirDigby3w ago
@Acxd (IE, HFO, SR) any plans to add those?
KiroOP3w ago
Actually, on further review it looks like the mod might be altering them to 1/2 original based on its 2x default multiplier, but it doesn't change them from that when the multiplier is changed in the mod's settings (unlike other fluids such as fuel which are affected when the multiplier is changed)

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