just fly redux, Update (dec.04.2024) slow flight speed
Since the Satisfactory Update on Dec the 4th 2024, whenever I start building something my flightspeed is set to slow. Is tehre a way to keep the flightspeed, as before the Update
3 Replies
Noy yet Skarra. Maybe you can set the sp1 to 4500 and sp2 to 1500
Using the chat commands:
/jfly sp1 4500
/jfly sp2 1500
Some players asked me to reduce when building but i didnt make a way to configure it yet
Ok, I try it when i'm back home. Thanks
@AndreAquila Just coming to report this issue. Might I suggest either creating another speed category for this feature or making the feature an option.
In the meantime, I will swap the speeds between sp1 and sp2.