CurveBuilder: Testing New Linux Support (Found a weird issue)

Good morning all! I saw *lastnomai * has added support for Linux on this mod which prompted me to reinstall my dedicated server (hosted by DatHost). Everything installed well, I can boot into my save(s) and can even select and interact with the curvebuilding mode without crashing! However, there appears to be a strange issue once you place the curve, instead of following what the hologram shows, it will place a huge number of additional foundations (see video demonstration). This does not occur on the Windows binary version. Youtube link (unlisted):
23 Replies
JarkevaOP4mo ago
This is the mod stack I'm running on both client and server:
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JarkevaOP4mo ago
@rosso135 -- Thank you again for all that you do!
duellingislands4mo ago
I haven't tested this yet, though I'm super excited for this mod to come to dedicated servers... but reading through your comments, I'm wondering if you tried with Infinite Zoop disabled? That could be a bad interaction worth looking into by the dev because I have a very similar intermittent problem you're describing when I'm only running Infinite Zoop on a dedicated server.
JarkevaOP4mo ago
Interesting! I'll give that a try and report back. So I just tested and that is absolutely part of the issue. Removing Infinite Zoop allowed CurveBuilder to function almost 100% correctly, however, there is now a wrinkle in that however many foundations you place are DOUBLED. In other words, if you place 3 holograms, you get 6 foundations. I can definitely deal with that minor inconvenience, but I wonder what it's interacting with now?
duellingislands4mo ago
I think he says in the single-player version that there is a hologram bug, so maybe at least this dedicated server version is 1:1 with the single-player? Not sure Might be wrong about that
Hello, you don't crash with infinite zoop + curve builder
JarkevaOP4mo ago
I'll test in singleplayer again to verify, but this is the first I've experienced it. I did not. However, there was definitely some bad interaction between the two mods that caused CurveBuilder to go haywire if you look above.
I crash when I want to place a foundation and I think the two mods are not compatible
rosso1354mo ago
That’s weird. Of course in typical fashion I tested it while half asleep late last night on my Linux machine with no other mods and it seemed to be okay. Bizarre it doesn’t happen on windows? No difference in code
JarkevaOP4mo ago
Ohai Nomai! I'll do some more testing and get back to you.
rosso1354mo ago
Thanks. I'm currently trying to modify the keybind system using SirDigby's method with Infinite Nudge in the hopes of making compatibility easier. It's a bit new to me so taking longer than it probably ought to, but might also have a nice little UI more like the base game
rosso1354mo ago
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JarkevaOP4mo ago
Lovely! So I tested again, I can see that the issue is a little bigger than earlier. I placed 4 foundations and got 26! Lol. Here's a video showing what happens on singleplayer (Windows) and what happens on my dedicated server (Linux): Scratch that... uploaded the same one again, on moment...
rosso1354mo ago
That's hilariously bad sorry hahaha. Not a clue in the world why it is doing that. Does it add more and more each time you try build? Wonder if something isn't getting cleared properly when the zoop is constructed. If you want, feel free to DM me and I can try send a test build. Don't want to keep pushing updates until it's definitely fixed Also thank's for recording the videos - huge help in trying to understand the issue
JarkevaOP4mo ago
It seems to be that way! Lol. Singleplayer works beautifully though, even with Infinite Zoop installled. Just ping me if you'd like me to test something. 🙂
rosso1354mo ago
Welp just confirmed same bug on my own server. Lesson learned: don't test mods when you're falling asleep
JarkevaOP4mo ago
I feel like that's a variation of "Don't patch production on a Friday." 🙂
rosso1354mo ago
So I've found the issue and it is super weird. When you add a 'zooped' hologram in-game, the game recalculates the positions for all the zooped holograms in the zoop array. So say you have 4 holograms, when you add that 4th one, it recalculates 1, 2 and 3 as well. Likewise when you remove a hologram in game, it does the same calculation. For whatever reason, this seems to be different on Linux than single player/windows server, where it looks like it isn't correctly removing the holograms from the array, but just continues adding. I have no idea why tbh, but might have to do some research to see if the game handles this differently on linux. Weird one!
rosso1354mo ago
Sorry, hoped that would let you watch in discord
JarkevaOP4mo ago
Hah! That is BONKERS. That's awesome you are able to watch it count up the array in real time! I have no idea why the zoop array would be handled differently on Windows vs Linux... what on Earth?! Lol.
rosso1354mo ago
Lol it's so bizarre. And I can't see any simple way to fix it other than redoing the zoop system (which thankfully I don't think is as hard as it seems).
JarkevaOP4mo ago
It's like somehow adding an entity is "+1" and subtracting an entity is like... "-(-1)", so it becomes a positive as well. Lol.

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