my game keeps crashing idk why it was fine last night.
Assertion failed: ArrayNum >= 0 [File:C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\ArrayView.h] [Line: 231]
0x00007ff816260c28 FactoryGameSteam-CoreUObject-Win64-Shipping.dll!FAsyncPackage2::Event_ProcessPackageSummary() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:5597]
0x00007ff81626140e FactoryGameSteam-CoreUObject-Win64-Shipping.dll!FEventLoadNode2::Execute() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:4320]
0x00007ff81626191d FactoryGameSteam-CoreUObject-Win64-Shipping.dll!FAsyncLoadEventQueue2::ExecuteSyncLoadEvents() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:4508]
0x00007ff816270ce7 FactoryGameSteam-CoreUObject-Win64-Shipping.dll!FAsyncLoadingThread2::Run() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:7665]
0x00007ff80e8f5b2e FactoryGameSteam-Core-Win64-Shipping.dll!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Windows\WindowsRunnableThread.cpp:149]
0x00007ff80e8f1df1 FactoryGameSteam-Core-Win64-Shipping.dll!FRunnableThreadWin::GuardedRun() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Windows\WindowsRunnableThread.cpp:79]
0x00007ff89871257d KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
Crash in runnable thread FAsyncLoadingThread
i got the debug info as well so let me know if its needed
58 Replies
yep it's needed
here it is @sjhoward
Automated responses for xZeno2322 (1070671063693918209)
Your profile's lockfile has somehow became corrupted. Delete the
file with your profile's name from your game install directory.Key Details for
where do i ding the something-lock.json
In your game install directory, there's instructions in the link - but that won't solve your crash
I think Something Bad™️ has happened to your hard drive and corrupted a bunch of files, did your PC turn off in the middle of something recently?
nope it didnt happen before
Well, verify files on steam & delete the lockfile and lets see if that sorts it 🙂
but where in the game directory is the lockfile im dumb
should be there, might be a hidden file or SMM might have already sorted it
so i just verify?
i wont close this for now well see if the game works
yeah looking at more logs it seems your crash might be related to Taj's graphics overhaul, which is currently not turned off due to the lockfile issue - have you rebooted your PC since the problems started? this might be windows doing strange things with file handling
i mean yeah i turned it off
should i delete the graphics overhaul mod?
it looks like you already tried but the uninstall failed because of the locking issue
i had it, when i ran my game it had max 10 fps so i deleted the mod
ran the game again it was fine
lowered the graphics settings to medium installed the overhaul again
and its alright at 40fps
i mean it was before the game started crashing
by delete it do you mean you tried to uninstall it through SMM?
and i didnt try the first time it just worked
lowered the in game hardware and installed it again
Ok, yeah - the SMM log says it failed to uninstall, but the from the game log it looks like it's not being loaded
your crash is related to rendering through
i dont wanna have to reinstall man i hope that wont be needed
so just to understand:
* You had problems with Taj's overhaul so uninstalled
* You removed the mod & ran the game fine (for one session? more?)
* Suddenly the game started crashing
the verification is done
6 files missing
its downloading them
ah well hopefully that'll sort it then!
for one session to lower the graphics in game
then the game was fine for a good 4 hour session
Ah you changed some graphics settings during that session, then started having problems in the next session?
i went to play a different game wanted to go back to satisfactory and it just crashes when loading any saves
it was fine in both sessions
the first one where i was testing the overhaul had the fps issues but i lowered the setting in game and it was better
Well, the fact it's downloading 6 files means your game files got corrupted in a way mods can't cause
6 files 9 gigs of downloading holy crap
its almost done tho
that, paired with your lockfile being damaged, reinforces my guess that something either went quite wrong with windows, or your hard drive is unhealthy
i have the game on a separate hard drive like the one you plug into the pc from the outside
its getting hot when i download stuff, like updates or games
could have been a connection issue then, potentially
but when i play its alright
yea propably
well... if I were you... I'd make sure any files you can't get back are not stored exclusively on that drive, just in case 😅
had that happen in war thunder once in the middle of a game, disconnected for a second i plug it back in and the game gets super weird
i have all my games on there 💀
pc has only one 500gb hard drive
those can be redownloaded, so that's not too bad
saves are generally not inside the game folders too
yea i know, at least thats good huh
alright, let me know if the game's running fine 🙂
(once your downloads are done)
its done im testing the game
when i try to delete the overhaul it shows me an error
i disabled the mod and well see if the game is going to work
@sjhoward good news
without the overhaul the game is alright
how do i delete the mod if it shows me an error
it's probably still the lockfile problem
do you know how to make windows show you hidden files?
no idea, but i know that my game works fine still looks good and i got normal fps
do this & see if that lockfile pops into view
it does not appear
oh wait I think it should actually be in
nothing changes
ow yea its here
nice, delete that lil bastard
yes sir!
might be worth closing & reopening SMM after that
i didnt have it open so
if i try to delete the overhaul everything should work?
oh thank god
its gone
so it was uninstalled for the game
but not for smm
ill mark this as solved
thank you for your help and advice good sir!
great, let us know if you have any more problems! you're very welcome 🙂