Wwise not being able to load mod soundbank

I am trying to integrate sounds by following https://github.com/satisfactorymodding/Documentation/pull/359 guide draft. I've got to the point that I can successfully play AKAudioEvent in the Editor, but not in the game itself. In the log of the game I see the following (modRef: TestMod, ak event: Play_sample, :
[2025.01.08-20.15.27:292][ 0]LogWwiseFileHandler: FWwiseFileCacheHandle::OnSizeRequestDone (0000020D62F88780): Streamed file "../../../FactoryGame/Content/WwiseAudio/TestMod_Soundbank.bnk" could not be opened.
[2025.01.08-20.15.27:292][ 0]LogWwiseFileHandler: Warning: FWwiseFileStateTools::GetFileToPtr Failed to get FileCache instance while reading ../../../FactoryGame/Content/WwiseAudio/TestMod_Soundbank.bnk
[2025.01.08-20.15.27:292][ 0]LogWwiseFileHandler: Error: FWwiseInMemorySoundBankFileState::OpenFile 3051154241 (TestMod_Soundbank): Failed to load SoundBank (../../../FactoryGame/Content/WwiseAudio/TestMod_Soundbank.bnk).
[2025.01.08-20.15.27:292][ 0]LogWwiseResourceLoader: Error: LoadEventResources: Could not load 1 prerequisites for Event Play_sample (1811189196). Unloading and failing.
[2025.01.08-20.15.27:292][ 0]LogWwiseResourceLoader: Error: LoadEventAsync: Could not load Event Play_sample (1811189196) in language SFX (0)
[2025.01.08-20.15.27:292][ 0]LogWwiseFileHandler: FWwiseFileCacheHandle::OnSizeRequestDone (0000020D62F88780): Streamed file "../../../FactoryGame/Content/WwiseAudio/TestMod_Soundbank.bnk" could not be opened.
[2025.01.08-20.15.27:292][ 0]LogWwiseFileHandler: Warning: FWwiseFileStateTools::GetFileToPtr Failed to get FileCache instance while reading ../../../FactoryGame/Content/WwiseAudio/TestMod_Soundbank.bnk
[2025.01.08-20.15.27:292][ 0]LogWwiseFileHandler: Error: FWwiseInMemorySoundBankFileState::OpenFile 3051154241 (TestMod_Soundbank): Failed to load SoundBank (../../../FactoryGame/Content/WwiseAudio/TestMod_Soundbank.bnk).
[2025.01.08-20.15.27:292][ 0]LogWwiseResourceLoader: Error: LoadEventResources: Could not load 1 prerequisites for Event Play_sample (1811189196). Unloading and failing.
[2025.01.08-20.15.27:292][ 0]LogWwiseResourceLoader: Error: LoadEventAsync: Could not load Event Play_sample (1811189196) in language SFX (0)
and when attempting to play the event:
[2025.01.08-20.18.22:879][837]LogAkAudio: Warning: Failed to post AkAudioEvent: Data for 'Play_sample' wasn't found. Make sure the GeneratedSoundBanks folder (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Satisfactory/FactoryGame/AK/AKFactoryGame/GeneratedSoundBanks/) exists and is properly set in the project settings.
[2025.01.08-20.18.22:879][837]LogAkAudio: Warning: Failed to post AkAudioEvent: Data for 'Play_sample' wasn't found. Make sure the GeneratedSoundBanks folder (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Satisfactory/FactoryGame/AK/AKFactoryGame/GeneratedSoundBanks/) exists and is properly set in the project settings.
I am not too familiar with UFS, but I've confirmed that TestMod_soundbank.bnk is in the generated .pak under Content/WwiseAudio/TestMod_SoundBank.bnk". Maybe it tries to load it from the base game for some reason? I'd appreciate any help on how I can proceed/debug this further. Full game log: https://pastebin.com/gv9e76au
wwise-issues - Game log - Pastebin.com
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Are you using the latest dev branch of SML?
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8 Replies
Mircea2mo ago
When you say it's under Content/WwiseAudio, that's not how folders show up in the pak, so what is the full path to the asset in the pak in FModel?
OocOP2mo ago
That was from UnrealPak.exe -List command, according to FModel it maps to FactoryGame/Mods/TestMod/Content/WwiseAudio folder, which contains TestMod_Soundbank.bnk. I've also taken a look at FactoryGame-Windows.pak and sure enough it has a path that is reported in error (FactoryGame/Content/WwiseAudio), but obviously my mod bank isn't there. So I wonder where in Unreal+Wwise integration the path of the soundbank is actually configured (and how the guide author managed to make it work)...
Mircea2mo ago
Yeah, that's not the right path
Mircea2mo ago
Are you using the latest dev branch of SML?
Mircea2mo ago
That's what makes Wwise pak the soundbank at the correct location inside your mod's pak
OocOP2mo ago
nope, used master per starter guide. Will give dev a try, many thanks! It is fine to check it out in-place, right? Or is it better to create a fresh starter project?
Mircea2mo ago
You can checkout, yeah
OocOP2mo ago

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