Index Was Outside the Bounds of the Array - FModel Mesh Extraction
Trying to use FModel to extract game assets and can't get it to work. I followed the documentation to set US Version to GAME_UE5_2 (536870944) and updated the Custom Versions and enabled local mapping file path. I also modified Models Mesh Format to gITF2.0 (binary).
My Archive options are
1. CrashreportClient.pak (45.45 MB)
2. FactoryGame-Windows.pak (1.64 GB)
3. FactoryGame-Windows.utoc (8.55 GB) <-- This is where I can find the models.
I navigate to the mesh (e.g., Constructor) Facotry Game \ Content \ FacotryGame \ Buildable \ Fatory \ ConstructorMk1 \ Mesh
I try to extract or save the model but get a "Failed" in the bottom and an error read out of
[ERR] System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at CUE4Parse.UE4.Readers.FByteArchive.Read()
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
2 Replies
1.0 uses UE 5.3, not 5.2