Sftp acces not even recognizing my bisect server

ive filled out all boxes in the mod managers sftp minus path with correct password and the box just stays in loading position forever, ive got all the info correctly put in and bisect wont answer my ticket in a reasonable time manner even on high priority.
Welp, suit yourself then
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37 Replies
Mircea3mo ago
Can you show a screenshot of SMM?
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
umm that would be sharing my server credentials to a public discord chat
Mircea3mo ago
The password is hidden, so the only thing you'd be showing is the username
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
this is all u need to see other info is all put in based on bisect video thats the loading wheel my port is correct my user name is correct i removes the sftp:// and the port from host that comes from the bisect panel and have the correct password with its special characters the whell never stops spinning
Mircea3mo ago
And SFTP selected in the dropdown on the left?
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
yup on simple mode im wondering if this is a issue on bisects enf end* i also made sure my server isnt running like the bisect video does
Mircea3mo ago
I think the infinite loading is actually an error that doesn't get shown, wait a moment
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
why does this one ping my defender and the main app doesnt
Mircea3mo ago
Because it's not signed
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
ye why
Mircea3mo ago
Because I just built it on my machine, not on CI Only the CI can sign, as part of the terms of the code signing we use
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
u have to understand that anyone who understands how the signing works knows its rly hard to trust a unkown publisher. ik its a signature of something being particulary malicous. but its still a very concerning thing for me to be able to trust. ive dealt with many hackers before this could easily be a trojan and im not personally willing to risk that. sry even if ur intentions are good
Mircea3mo ago
Well, I'm the developer of SMM, if that helps you You can also put it into virustotal if you want
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
yes if u can do that that would be fine
Mircea3mo ago
And you say it's hard to trust an unknown publisher, but all the mods you're installing are unsigned, they are checked on virustotal though And pretty much all open source code is unsigned Because "proper" code signing certificates, which allow you to sign anything, cost a lot
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
and yes that 100% lends cred but we've all heard the horror stories of ppl in high places. im not tryna create something outta nothing i just dont trust things out the gate 100% i get that i just always and extra cautious downloading anythign without a publisher ive been hacked bad when i was young i learned from that this is also 100% valid but they do not as for priviliages within my system
Mircea3mo ago
Neither does SMM
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
ill run it through virus total rq if nothing pings ill try it
Mircea3mo ago
I've uploaded it already
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
ive had bad expierences gotta understand my skepticism
Mircea3mo ago
Mh, AI antiviruses again
No description
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
sry fam imma have to slug through bisect support on this one if i cant run mods on my server so be it.
Mircea3mo ago
Welp, suit yourself then
Robb3mo ago
remember that mods contain basically arbitrary C++ code; running any mods at all is a bigger risk than launching SMM. good luck with their support
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
XDD if u believe that ur highly misinformed the point of a publisher according to windows when it was implimented is it is a way to verify a base programs code couldnt escape the OS. if a virus made it past the publishers name stage it could still mess ur system up but would always be fixable with a simple drive wipe and bios reinstall. The creator of the idea behind a publishers name through windows defender, stated himself if u run a program with no publisher windows cannot guarentee that the code itself from said program cannot escape the os. meaning way More dangerous than "running any mods at all". and like i said while this is not indicitive of a virus in itself or even malicious intent. it is still a risk for any individual, you must always pick ur battles and never bite off more than u can chew. i can fix a virus contained within a OS, however i do not have the skill to fix one that breaks outside of it. im simply taking precautions for myself the fact that it pinged on virus total is very suspect, i simple launcher shouldnt be pinging Trapmine even with a unknown publisher. you should look into your dev fam
Mircea3mo ago
That's not at all what the code signing is
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
it is i can provide u resources from the creator himself
Mircea3mo ago
All that code signing is is saying "this code is definitely coming from this author" It has nothing to do with what the code is doing
Orion ☂☂
Orion ☂☂OP3mo ago
ur highly misinformed
Mircea3mo ago
Code signing provides some important benefits to application security features like App Control for Business. First, it allows the system to cryptographically verify that a file hasn't been tampered with since it was signed and before any code is allowed to run. Second, it associates the file with a real-world identity, such as a company or an individual developer.
And the Trapmine antivirus is one of those garbage new "antiviruses" which just throw AI on the label and say "look at our product", but you can even throw windows into them and they will mark it as a virus, because it's all AI garbage And what does "escape the OS" even mean? Maybe what you're thinking of is that windows requires EV signatures for kernel level drivers, since they get kernel level priviledges, windows wants to ensure that they are linked to some publisher, so someone's name and reputation is on the line if that kernel level driver is malicious But that's not the case here
Robb3mo ago
This is no longer related to your original help request. Open a new post if you have another help request
Mircea3mo ago
I think they left

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