Resource Roulette - Buildable Resource Nodes conflict

Uninstalling and reinstalling resource roulette got me the correct version in-game - but broke some ore nodes that were placed with Robb's Buildable Resource Nodes mod.
@sunyudai when you say "broke them" can you be a bit more specific (e.g. they're there but don't work, or they're not there, etc)
12 Replies
sunyudai•4mo ago
They were gone - the minors on top of them remained and read 'invalid' where the output rate and quantity text normally goes. (but I did notice the greyed out output icon was correct for what they were, e.g. the caterium minor had a caterium logo but read 'invalid'). I've seen that 'invalid' text and missing nodes happen previously, when removing Andre's "All Minable" from a save. (speaking of, would love if the nodes from that mod were compatible, but that's off topic) ---- Side note - only nodes that were placed after Resource Roulette was installed vanished. Nodes placed by Buildable Resource Nodes before Resource Roulette was installed all turned into impure limestone nodes. Not a huge issue, but should be noted.
BeefOP•4mo ago
Thanks for the details! I'll look into it and figure out how to filter the nodes out. I don't think it will interfere with all-minable as they should have different class names, but I'll give it a check myself. If nothing else, that's another mod that I can likely add support for randomization to.
sunyudai•4mo ago
So, current save does have both installed. I've not found an All Minable node, and I've checked a few places that I know they spawn by default. I suspect they aren't spawning with Resource Roullette installed, but haven't done due diligence to verify that yet. (Nor have I explored terribly far in this save, working on phase 2 now ;p.)
BeefOP•4mo ago
I would still caution against using Resource Roulette in a game you're not willing to abandon/restructure - in order to get multiplayer to work it's likely that there will be some change to logic for how nodes are shuffled, which could result in breaking saves. I'll try to brainstorm something to avoid that from happening in existing saves, but no guarantees
sunyudai•4mo ago
Yep, understood! Why I wasn't bothered by the old nodes converting to limestone. I also have to wonder if SMM's weirdness with borking the install might have been a factor too, so I wouldn't put to much of a priority on this unless you get anotehr report. It was weird how SMM and the game were reporting different isntalled version numbers. Oh, and thank you, the mod is a delight!
BeefOP•4mo ago
sunyudai•4mo ago
Oof. Update from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 just did the same thing.
No description
BeefOP•4mo ago
it's likely it will do it on any save/reload until I fix it :\ I added some configuration options for now that will only affect new sessions until I implement the re-roll functionality, but wasn't able to figure out a way to filter out the nodes from BRN just yet so I've reached out to the smarter and more experienced modders for assistance in this. It's unlikely i'll have much additional time to work on this until late in the weekend. Hopefully I'll have some solutions for this issue by then 🙂
sunyudai•4mo ago
Hey, awesome! TBH, I'm not going to have the chance to play again for another week and a half anyway, it'd be more for anyone else in that situation.
BeefOP•4mo ago
got a chance to sit down and solutions in the works 🙂
Lord Dracon
Lord Dracon•4mo ago
any chance you could just do like another resource node randomizer and make it that it doesn't randomize nodes with a miner on them?
BeefOP•4mo ago
It's not really in my plans, but it's an interesting idea. Implementation would be harder than it sounds to make consistent across saves and across multiplayer (which is still WIP), since it relies heavily on having a reliable pseudorandom generator so that state can be mirrored on each system without actually having to send all the data back and forth, only the seed :interesting:

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