Outgoing reliable buffer overflow

Hello, i'm setting up a dedicated server (hosted on cloud) to play with my little brother but we're having the "Outgoing reliable buffer overflow" when connecting, My mod list has 34 mods and both more decorations and structural solutions, is my only solution to remove one of those mods ?
3 Replies
Lynkfox5mo ago
Some of them yes. This is a hard limitistion in the game itself, and while there are possible coding solutions CSS has not prioritized it and SML devs have yet gotten a work around into the modding framework that's reliable.
OrriOP5mo ago
I removed More decorations and could connect to the server for the first time thank you for the insight, i would imagine CSS just has to up that bufffer limit but it's probably more complicated than it seems
Lynkfox5mo ago
Yeah what mod doesn't matter other than how much data that mod has to send to clients. Different combinations of mods can lead to the same thing It would require some form of multi session I believe where it teaches the limit and then starts new transfer but continues to remember the previous... As is believe that it's an engine limitation (but don't quote me on that)

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