Cannot Bypass 240 Items Per Minute Upload Speed For New MAM Research Mod
I decided to learn how to make a mod so that I could add a new MAM tree which would allow you to increase the upload speed of the Dimensional Depot.
Despite changing the speed percentage in the blueprints I've created, the upload speed remains at 240 items per minute.
If anyone has figured out how to bypass this, I would greatly appreciate some help as this has been bothering me for over a week now.
Thanks in advance.
Solution:Jump to solution
CDO and change mDefaultTimeToUpload on the FGCentralStorageSettings class which I had been looking at for ages but since I had zero results actually having my CDO's NOT crash I was not feeling lucky....
13 Replies
@Acxd seems to have figured out how
I did message them, I think yesterday. Haven't heard anything back yet though
Yeh I asked if he could share the source files. But didn't hear back....
Read/follow the cpp headers, that's all I can say. You'll learn a lot if you make a habit of reading it
yeah so probably class FACTORYGAME_API AFGCentralStorageContainer : public AFGBuildableStorage, public IFGActorRepresentationInterface
and modify mTimeToUpload... probabably need to hook into it
yeah was looking at that one too
Basically, the unlock subsystem is doing stuff
/** Affected in game by AFGUnlockSubssytem::mUnlockedCentralStorageUploadSpeedMultiplier */
UPROPERTY( EditAnywhere, config, Category = "Central Storage", meta = ( ToolTip = "The time it takes to upload an item to central storage. Affects both player and container upload speed", Units="s" ) )
float mDefaultTimeToUpload;
The percentage in the
has to be negative, maybe?
Oh, no need, it's stored as a decrease
@JP Eagles and Katz 🦅🐈 So, how did you do this? 😄Solution
CDO and change mDefaultTimeToUpload on the FGCentralStorageSettings class which I had been looking at for ages but since I had zero results actually having my CDO's NOT crash I was not feeling lucky....
Ofc.. this value is kind of silly but at least it proves it works.... I mean there seems to be a minimum speed anyways... just have to find it.. But ah well.. at least finally I have some success 🙂