Help on resource mod

So im using the buldable resource nodes (link below), the water guiser is tier 7, is there anyway to use it at phase 1/2? in my case im also using an empty map so i dont have acces to water for coal power, any tips?
Buildable Resource Nodes Redux - SMR
Allows you to build your own Resource Nodes, Resource Wells and Geysers! Works in Multiplayer!
5 Replies
Miirym2mo ago
Well, considering you cannot build geothermal generators before T7 (because of the parts they need), it really doesn't make much sense to unlock the building of new nodes earlier. If you really want to get geothermal that early you can do the following: Install the mod "Early Geothermal" (gives a early game geothermal generator at T1) and then either use the "Research Cheat" mod to unlock the milestone for building the nodes or use "ContentLib" to edit the milestone directly (that's more work though so i recommend the research cheat)
KrakioOP2mo ago
Hey @Miirym , thanks for the anwser. the thing is using an empty map i have no access to water for coal power, ill try and edit the milestone, thank you or if you have another idea ill apretiate it.
brotherhell2mo ago
you can try this mod there machine Water Drill to extract water on ground
Fluid Sink and more - SMR
A Fluid Sink to vanish fluids, Valve Overflow, Ground Water Drill, Multi Pipe Junction and Mini Storage Tank.
Robb2mo ago
you could use Content Lib to change when they are unlocked >mod contentlib
FICSIT-Fred2mo ago
Fred Mod Search™
Easily create or modify Items, Recipes, and more via JSON for any machine and any mod! EA: :white_check_mark: EXP: :white_check_mark: Last Updated <t:1728880047:R> Created by Nogg-aholic and Robb
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.

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