failed reading
Hello everyone we are having an issue with loading mods onto the server. Adding the servers information into the mod manager gives us the text " failed reading". Anyone can help me with that?
9 Replies
Learn how to install mods on dedicated servers on the docs website:
Installing Mods on Dedicated Servers :: Satisfactory Modding Docume...
SML3.7.0 enabled the compilation of mods for Dedicated Servers and SMM3 makes it easy to manage mods on a server, be it a local server or ho...
Have you checked the list above to see if your server host is supported? Some providers don't give SMM enough access to function
we are using an european serverhost so tey are not mentioned on the website. However on their homepage it says that mods are fully supported through FTP
Which host?
Host unlimited
its called
Looks like they didn't provide enough access, there's a thread on them here
yeah well the thread ends with no helpful information whatsoever
the only way to isntall mods onto the server is through manual installing, and thats to complicated...
Contacting their support is the only way to get them to change, either the person in the other thread never got round to it or never updated us on the results