Curve Builder, can't run when any build hologram is selected.

@rosso135 As the title says, if I have any hologram selected... like a conveyor lift or splitter I can't run while holding shift. My pioneer just walks. Minor bug, but annoying. And just a thought, but maybe collaborate with @SirDigby so that the mouse wheel works with Infinite Zoop to allow for finer control of the count of foundations in the curve.
3 Replies
rosso135•5mo ago
Ah damn good catch. Was testing it in fly mode so didn't realise. Happens because the keybinding is tied to the build gun as a whole, not just curved build mode. Thinking will change the default key to backslash, not as nice but at least as a fix for now. Will hopefully push an update tonight
D4rk•5mo ago
I used capslock for the keybind. I dont think any other mods use that so you should safe
syrall_•5mo ago
When I tried the mod today (awesome mod by the way), it was bound to capslock by default... and I can't use capslock: it is mapped to control on my keyboard 🙂 Can't make everyone happy! I've just rebound the key; thanks for making it configurable!

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