Smm not starting
Hey, I have the problem on my dedicated server where the SMM is briefly in the task manager and then disappears again without an error. I didn't have the problem on my PC??
45 Replies
Hit windows + r. Enter
in the opened box then click on Ok. That will open a folder, send the file named SatisfactoryModManager.log
from there to this channel.this ?
You can properly clean webview2 using, then reinstall webview using the Evergreen Bootstrapper from
where can I find that ;P ?
in the links right there :))
ah upsi xD
remove first then maybe reboot then install the fresh
ok i test it 🙂
nop same porblem
yup {"time":"2024-10-25T20:13:15.8336955+02:00","level":"ERROR","msg":"error detected in Webview2","err":"Falscher Parameter."}
yeah but i have remove and than new install
webview reinstall went ok though?
I think so, I didn't get an error message
yeah its in the log still, seen this a couple of times now but i dont have a full solution yet - hopefully we will have one for you soon, ty for your patience so far
ok then I will wait 😦
stab in the dark but did you try to reinstall SMM ?
Learn how to download and install the Satisfactory Mod Manager here:
Installing Mods and Using the Satisfactory Mod Manager :: Satisfact...
Answers to frequent questions and troubleshooting steps for using the Mod Manager can be found on the Frequently Asked Questions page. T...
yes but right now not just the webview
so i have reinstall smm
but same
right ok - you've said this is happening on your sever but not your PC - so might help if you briefly describe your server setup, ie Operating system etc, as that might be a factor - best of luck getting sorted
windows 2016 or 2019
i have a other server i have intsall smm and when i start i get this ?

ok or no ?
its on my second server i have 2
hm same problem
summoning @Mircea (Area Actions) for this one
So today I tried again on both servers, uninstalled everything and reinstalled it with a server restart, but I always get the same errors in the log
ur cursed 😦 /jk - hopefully youll get it sorted soon, and ty for your patience so far
Yes, I'll just have to wait until you find the problem
So I tested it again today and saw what the problem could be. I also have version 129.0.2792.89 of webview2 on my pc and it works with that and on the 2 servers I have version 130.0.2849.52 but I can't get the old version the servers
As soon as I install the old version and want to start the SMM, it always wants the new version of the webview2
If by download you mean the "fixed version" thing on the microsoft webview download page, that's not actually "installed", that's just a dump of files for apps that bundle the 500MB of webview instead of using the shared system one
ah ok hm 😦
Get the log from this build of SMM
same 😦
It wasn't supposed to fix it, just to give more information on where the error happens
Uploaded another build, same link
ah ok sec
{"time":"2024-10-27T11:54:20.8632126+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"starting Satisfactory Mod Manager","version":"3.0.3+56a7ee7","commit":"56a7ee790ab5afd7415a7e86cdb3c13d778670f7","date":"2024-10-27T10:42:12Z","type":"nsis"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T11:54:20.8896744+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"saving profiles","path":"C:\Users\GTA\AppData\Roaming\ficsit\profiles.json"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T11:54:20.8906768+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"saving installations","path":"C:\Users\GTA\AppData\Roaming\ficsit\installations.json"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T11:54:20.915318+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"failed to find installations","error":"epic is not installed"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T11:54:20.9163209+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"failed to find installations","error":"Legendary not installed"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T11:54:20.9163209+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"failed to find installations","error":"Heroic not installed"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T11:54:21.4479597+01:00","level":"ERROR","msg":"failed to get installs to apply","error":"no installation selected"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T11:54:39.9370724+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"changing NewUserSetupComplete state","value":true}

oh its startet
Uploaded another build that doesn't open command prompt (that was for debugging another issue)
{"time":"2024-10-27T12:01:08.8358641+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"starting Satisfactory Mod Manager","version":"3.0.3+56a7ee7","commit":"56a7ee790ab5afd7415a7e86cdb3c13d778670f7","date":"2024-10-27T10:57:03Z","type":"nsis"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T12:01:08.8600696+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"saving profiles","path":"C:\Users\GTA\AppData\Roaming\ficsit\profiles.json"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T12:01:08.8610719+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"saving installations","path":"C:\Users\GTA\AppData\Roaming\ficsit\installations.json"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T12:01:08.8842987+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"failed to find installations","error":"epic is not installed"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T12:01:08.8842987+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"failed to find installations","error":"Legendary not installed"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T12:01:08.8842987+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"failed to find installations","error":"Heroic not installed"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T12:01:09.2511197+01:00","level":"ERROR","msg":"failed to get installs to apply","error":"no installation selected"}
{"time":"2024-10-27T12:01:16.5249863+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"changing NewUserSetupComplete state","value":true}
startet now
and it starts on the other server too