SFTP dedicated server failed to connect
I am attempting to connect to my server through the mod manager and it returns a "no such host" error. Ive verified that I can connect to the server using WinSCP on the same machine as the mod manager.
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So the issue was my password contained a character that was not allowed in the URL.
21 Replies
Are you using the simple or advanced mode of SMM's Manage Servers menu? If simple mode, did you include the
in the host field? (you shouldn't)I tried both. Im hosting the server using AMP game server. And verified I can WinSCP just fine into there server.
And i did not include the sftp:// in the host name either.
Can you show a screenshot of the error and the fields?
AMP generated a sftp link that works for winSCP as well.
Yep give me just a few seconds

Remove the sftp:// from the beginning
It gives me a spinning wheel on this

And in the second one, you wrote 2224 for the port, instead of 2223
Both are valid ports but removing the SFTP gave me a new error

Yeah, it's missing the password
If you use the advanced modeGotcha how do a properly escape the # character which is a part of my password
Then it could be the path in the second one being filled in with an invalid path. You can leave that empty to get a file picker, or the path to the server if you know it already (without any of the other information, just the
)URL Encode
URL Encode and Decode - Online
Encode to URL-encoded format or decode from it with various advanced options. Our site has an easy to use online tool to convert your data.
Any idea on which character set I should be using?
Also i mispoke its ) that is in my password that isnt catching right
UTF8 is fine
Ok im getting further now. I changed my password to not use that character. Now i just gotta get it pointed to the right file
Dont suppose you know which file I need to be poitning to for a linux satisfactory install?
The folder that contains the FactoryServer.sh
So the server install dir
That did it
Thanks you very much
No problem
So the issue was my password contained a character that was not allowed in the URL.