Invalid satisfactory install Found
I deinstall Modmanager because of 1.0, but now i have this problem
9 Replies
(Known issue
/ smmsteam1.0
/ Temp1.0PluginFailedToLoad
) 1.0 has renamed the game target, preventing SMM from being able to automatically uninstall mods.
- To remove mods, delete the mod folder manually as described here:
- After you have deleted the mods folder, launch the game normally from outside of the Mod Manager application.
- If you are still having issues, also delete the Plugins folder then verify your game files to restore it: dint work what do i do now
i just got this same issue trying to fix it
The mod manager won't work until it's updated for 1.0, you need to launch through steam
steam will not launch it without SML being disabled
WE cant disable it if the mod manager wont work
you can, that's what the bot instructions above are for
so just so i understand its giong to solve its selve when Modlauncher is updated to 1.0