Belt and Miner Mod Remove

Hello, first sorry for my bad English. i have a question. We want to delete the Belt and Miner Mod from our Dedicated Server Game, because i learned that Belt speed more than 2000/min is bad. So i try first to uninstall that Mod and start the Save local on my PC. It's loading for a while and than always crahs. We used a lot of mk7 belt an a few mk9 Belts. I thought that uninstall the Mod, all belts get disappeared but it didnt work. Is there any solutioin, that show me all buildings i used that Mod so that i could erase them by myself in the game and after that i can uninstall the Mod? Thaks for help
load your savedata to calculator - interactive map, you can see all items/buildings on map edit on the tool only displaying MOD belt using display on/off switch for item type on right side menu select MOD items and delete them save the edited savedata...
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7 Replies
kaizo4mo ago
You need to remove all uninstalled MODs items from your save data via save editor.
dFAndyOP4mo ago
Okay, where can i find this save Editor and how does it work?
kaizo4mo ago
I have used satisfactory calculator on web.
dFAndyOP4mo ago
Okay, i would try that. Thx
kaizo4mo ago
load your savedata to calculator - interactive map, you can see all items/buildings on map edit on the tool only displaying MOD belt using display on/off switch for item type on right side menu select MOD items and delete them save the edited savedata
kaizo4mo ago
be care if other MOD items are displayed with MOD belt, you need to select only MOD belt and not remove other items
dFAndyOP4mo ago
it worked well thx!

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