The Great Audio Bug

Not really a crash crash, but the game is entirely unplayable unless you force quit it. Long story short, since so much was in #satisfactory, my main save just kind of crashed, and when I load back into it, the game is extremely laggy for like 2 frames (they display about 20 seconds apart) and then it just freezes and I only have sound until I force quit. I have tried, with help from @GrahamKracker, @Bababooie, @Muppet Burrito and a few others, basically everything short of reinstalling Windows itself, and the ONLY solution we have currently is using the -nosound launch option. That is the ONLY thing that allows the save to load. However, as I don't really want to play Silentfactory, we're trying to figure it out. Still getting stonewalled even after 4 hours, so I'm making this thread because I realistically should have to begin with. Just didn't expect it to be THIS extreme of a problem :KEK: If you want a list of things tried: Verified game files Restarted PC Reinstalled the game Reinstalled mods Reinstalled both Updated GPU drivers Reinstalled GPU drivers Downgraded GPU drivers to the second latest version Updated audio drivers Updated bluetooth drivers Updated chipset drivers Had other people try the save with my mods Muted the game Muted part of the game Disabled all audio outputs in Windows Tried -nosound (The ONLY confirmed fix so far, but I'd like my sound!) Checked logs, multiple times I could reinstall Windows too but I'd really prefer not to do that, however we're running a bit low on options lol
517 Replies
Bababooie3d ago
ya tagged the wrong burrito eheh
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
whoops Sorry lol
Muppet Burrito
Lol its all g, I found my way in here anyhow
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
The only option that came up when I typed burrito was Muppet, but then it changed it when I typed it so I assumed it was a display name 💀 Guess it was just discord being fucky I fixed it lol
Muppet Burrito
Woo! Discord just does that sometimes
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Real lol
Muppet Burrito
I wish I had more ideas of things that could be helpful, other than play it soundless with a youtube of satisfactory sounds playing on your phone until it decides it wants to work properly again
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Lmao Yeah idk tbh
Muppet Burrito
It's a real head scratcher that's for sure
McCovican3d ago
That log has like 15k lines of Refined R&D shitting its brains out. I'd start with disabling that. Secondly, one of the last lines was an error with TrainSoundComponent. I'd try disabling any mods related to trains or train stations. Thirdly, it wasn't in your list, but did you have any problems running the game without mods at all?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I have no idea what Refined R&D could be flipping out over, because if anything their stuff is super stable. I'm using all three of their mods, Digital Storage, Ficsit Farming and Refined Power, and as far as I know all three are fine. That being said, I did try without mods, and I even tried with mods but on a fresh save, and it was fine. As far as trains go, I'm using Better Train Collision, but that shouldn't mess with sound, and also DI Transportation which adds faster trains, but again, doesn't mess with sound. I also need DI Transportation on this save, as I've used it for part of my factory. I don't think either would matter in this case though because while I'm near some trains, they are both entirely vanilla trains, no modded ones anywhere near the place I'm bugging out at
McCovican3d ago
What you think "shouldn't" mess with sound is perhaps not the best gauge to go on while attempting to troubleshoot something you're stuck with. You also have vastly more train mods than you seem to realise. You also have SmallTrainStation, TrainGateFix, TunnelSignals, UninterruptedTrainBelts, FoundationsUnderRailways and ModularStations (which in the recent past has had notable sound issues). Whether or not you "need" a mod is irrelevant during troubleshooting as well.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Got on to check some stuff because I can't sleep, and decided to put a couple more attempts in at fixing this. As for removing train mods, the only one my save does not use actively is TrainGateFix. I could probably live with UninterruptedTrainBelts, and FoundationsUnderRailways, and TunnelSignals, and I highly doubt those are the problem but still, could probably get away without them. Small Train Station and Modular Stations are an absolute requirement for my save to work, because I would have to rebuild my entire hub storage mall and multiple large factories to remove them. Point is, I can remove some of those, but if they aren't the problem, removing any of the others will cost me most of my save
McCovican3d ago
You've been overthinking this for 3 days without success. Please just do the basics. Removing a mod during troubleshooting will not "cost you most of your save". We're only trying to figure out what's the cause. If a mod isn't the cause... you can just re-enable it. I'm not suggesting you permanently remove any of these mods. If you find it is one of these mods, losing it and continuing would also seem somewhat preferable to not being able to load the game at all. Given that you didn't have issues with this mod loadouts on a fresh save, another thing to try might be to load your save into SCIM, and then immediately just re-download it. SCIM can occasionally straighten out some save-file related issues.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
sigh I guess I'm just gonna be real tilted if it's one of the mods I need for my save to run that's causing it, because I'm gonna lose all motivation if I have to rebuild half the damn map I'll start trying stuff but I'll be upset if it's one I need First let me see if having the computer off for 7 hours even mattered, like... if I just load it now as is, does anything happen I highly doubt it but I mean two days ago, it did just fix itself after like 3 hours so it's not impossible
McCovican3d ago evidently didn't "fix" itself, given that it started back up again.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Well it did, it fixed itself that night, it started working again magically. It just broke itself again 23 hours later Uninterrupted Train Belts was not it. Trying one at a time here Okay thank fuck, it wasn't modular stations. That would've been the worst possible one lol
Rex3d ago
Just... Back up your save file? If you don't overwrite the save file, loading it without mods won't break anything permanently. So a backup wouldn't even be needed (but it doesn't hurt to make one just in case).
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Well I know that but it's just if one of the mods I need is the problem then I wouldn't be able to play without removing it, and removing it would break the save, that's my point
Rex3d ago
Ah, and that would make it much more complicated to see if the bug still happens?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
So far though, none of these have fixed it, and the worst one for that was Modular Stations, which was not the issue seemingly, so there's that at least
McCovican3d ago
Try the SCIM thing then. If it is your save that's faulty, that would be a prime place to start if you don't want to worry about losing any mods.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Well the game freezes the second it loads the save, that's the bug lol. So it doesn't have give time for the game to make a save if it wanted to, much less time for me to make one I'm just testing all the train mods right now to see what happens If it's one I need then well fuck I guess If it's none of them then I'll try the SCIM thing, and if none of that works then I got nothing
Rex3d ago
Okay, so issue happens immediately when loading the save? That's good (for testing) Because you can literally disable all the mods and see if the issue still happens
Had other people try the save with my mods
Did it also fail to load for them?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
True but I'd like to know which mod it is, not if it's none of them. Since a fresh save works, I don't think it's a mod that's just broken as is. It's gonna be something that takes at least 100 hours to break (my save has 96 hours on it) Should've clarified that, but no it didn't. Baba tried it a couple times and didn't have problems
Rex3d ago
Oh, that's quite interesting
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Yeah so we think it's an issue with my computer, but having tried... nearly everything on that front short of changing hardware (because I do not have a second computer lying around, GPUs cost a fortune these days lmao) and reinstalling Windows which... yknow I'd like to not have to do that XD
Rex3d ago
So it would seem that it's something regarding your computer that causes it Do you have a log of a failed attempt to load the save?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Yeah like I just suggested, but at this point it's change hardware/try another computer or reinstall windows. Maybe not entirely but unless you have any new suggestions that's basically all that's left lol
Rex3d ago
Me suggesting this is to see if the problem is with a mod, since then we can do a binary search >debugmods
FICSIT-Fred3d ago
Follow this flowchart to troubleshoot issues caused by mods (crashes, unexpected behavior, etc.). More information can be found on the docs:
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
There was some logs in the main chat, Graham linked them near the top of this thread. We have two, one from a failed attempt, and one in which we used the -nosound launch option, which prevents the game from generating any sound, and that, so far, is the ONLY thing that has allowed the save to load. Nothing else did. But those logs are both present This link In the mean time I'm going to keep trying train mods. So far I've tried almost all of them and haven't found it yet lol Then I'm gonna try the SCIM thing but after that idk Okay it's none of the train mods apparently. SCIM time
Rex3d ago
I would do this
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Well when you're like me and have just over 100 mods on, that is extremely slow and sucks major balls to do. I usually try to avoid it as long as possible because I just hate doing it but if we're at a point where that's all that's left to try then I'll be back in a couple hours :KEK: First though, I have one more test, since SCIM didn't work either
Rex3d ago
No, it's 7 tests You cut the mods in half each time
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
That is, my save is broken, but a fresh save works. What if I just remove literally every single mod from the save and load it vanilla I'm aware that will DEFINITELY break the save if it works but if it doesn't then we know it isn't a mod issue
Rex3d ago
That's what I suggested earlier
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I thought you suggested playing without mods, which yeah, that works. Not specifically loading a modded save without the required mods
Rex3d ago
Let me try to word it more precisely: load the failing save without any mods
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Well it doesnt matter now I already tried it XD Which yes, it works now since it's just vanilla SF
Rex3d ago
Cool, so something in the mods is causing this
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I think it's a mod that's suddenly become incompatible with my computer somehow
Rex3d ago
And this approach would be the quickest way to narrow it down
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
sigh Alright give me an hour and I'll come back with carpal tunnel from clicking disable and enable about 800 times :KEK: I absolute hate this method but there isn't shit else to do at this point lol
Rex3d ago
I do wish SMM provided assistance to do the debugmods thing
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Yeah, literally no modding service I know of does this, but almost all communities agree that this method is the best option. And that's saying something considering I've probably used mods on about 30 games and even made a few of my own for a couple of them I guess the fortunate part is I probably have the least mods on Satisfactory out of all the games I've had to try this on, so that helps. Still takes ages though The main thing I hate about it is having to keep track of where the hell "half" is lol I know I have 104 mods but then I gotta count 52 lol Anyway I'll stop yappin and start testing. Gonna be a bit Or... I disabled 52 and somehow that's more than half, when I know for sure it's 104 total. Idk I guess, so I disabled "roughly half" and we're just gonna go with that then I guess
Rex3d ago
Sort alphabetically and visually do it
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Alphabetical would've been better here but oh well, already figured out something. I'm just going with this lol
Rex3d ago
Yeah, it doesn't need to be exactly half (especially since you can't disable half a mod), but unbalanced splitting could mean having to test a few more or less times (depending on luck). Still, in your case it's an order of magnitude (10 times) less tests than disabling mods one by one, though :alpacool: I opened a feature request:
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
That'll be helpful in the future lol Currently I'm just waiting for the game to load the save and go through the bazillion items it has to remove
Rex3d ago
Ah yes, been there done that
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Weirdly when I just flat out disabled mods, it loaded almost immediately because it was vanilla SF, but loading with half of them off it's now taking eons to load the save lol Either that or it's still broken and this is the one time in like 40 attempts that it froze so fast that the loading screen didn't even finish XD
Rex3d ago
I'll have to go now, I'll check when I come back
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Rex3d ago
You can enable the console in the launch arguments
Rex3d ago
Note: closing the console window will kill the game
No description
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I mean yeah true Well I know it's working because when the bug occurs, I have like 5% CPU usage, but right now I have 21%, so it's not just the bug triggering in loading screen. At least I don't think it is I'll reload anyways with the log just to make sure, I guess lol Okay yeah, it's working, it's just abysmally slow This may only take around 7 load attempts compared to the 30 or 40 I've probably already done, but it's going to take like 5 times longer just due to the loading times :/ I was kinda joking about the whole "hour" thing, but tbh that estimate may turn out to be accurate, or even too low of an estimate
McCovican3d ago
That should only be a problem during the troubleshooting, as the game logs all the previously-built parts that are missing from the mods that have been disabled. If you do end up finding a single mod as the cause and disable it, if you load the save, then make a new save, when you next load from that new save, it should, I think, be at normal speed ― but that will have removed the buildables from the missing mod, so make sure to keep a backup of your current save.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Well it's going through and removing things right now Only problem is right
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
This number right here is slowly ticking down at an average of about -4 per second
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ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Idk what that number is for, but it's near the 32 bit integer limit, 2.147 billion (it's at a little under 2.143 billion rn), and if that has to get to zero for the game to load, the sun will explode IRL before this is done loading :KEK: [2025.03.01-16.04.24:318][270]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object 'Object /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.Build_RP_MP_SolutionHeater_C_2142725336' That's one line that contains the number There's thousands of them As far as I can tell it's just the game saying it couldn't find something because the mod needed for it is missing, which is entirely expected right now But uh, again, if that last number that's like 2 billion has to hit zero before the game loads, this will effectively never load, because we'll all die of old age before it even gets 1% done XD I kinda doubt it's that but idk what it is tbh so Guess I'll go get some food while this is going because it's gonna be awhile
Muppet Burrito
Ooof enjoy munches, and I hope that counter finds its shards soon so this test is done sometime before the cold death of the universe...
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Yeah really lol It's been loading for a solid.... 20 minutes probably now It may actually be faster to do it one at a time. When I removed the various train mods, I did those one at a time and got through 7 in about 6 minutes This is 52, but it's already been 20. Thinking it might not be any quicker lol
Muppet Burrito
The only problem with doing it one at a time is if the problem is with more than one mod but you're right it might indeed be faster
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Fair point I guess on the bright side, a lot of my favorite YT channels all posted a new upload during the night, so I have like 3 hours of content to watch. The downside there is that I have ADHD :KEK: I can watch YT for hours but only when I'm doing something else to keep my hands busy. If I'm just waiting for Satisfactory to load I'm not keeping my hands busy XD It's been 30 mins now btw lol
Muppet Burrito
Yeah I'm the same, can watch YT all day but only if I'm also playing something at the same time
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Yeah exactly lol
Muppet Burrito
Big ooof
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
OH MY GOD IT LOADED FINALLY 30 DANG MINUTES XD It worked too, which means it was one of the 52 Time to cut that in half. After I eat lol
Muppet Burrito
Wooo narrowing down things! Progress!
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Muppet Burrito
Right?! The wait must have been killing you. Hopefully the next test loads much faster for you Have you had any luck testing the next batch?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Well it has taken a bajillion years but I've narrowed it down to 13 mods One of these 13 is the problem However, I am highly concerned because this group of 13 contains Modular Load Balancers, Digital Storage and Refined Power. All three are absolutely core to my factory. If any one of those has to go, my whole save will become complete bollocks
Muppet Burrito
It shouldn't be MLB, and hopefully won't be one of the other two either, they're all usually pretty stable...
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Gonna start doing one at a time. I have a sinking feeling it's one of those three, so I'm just gonna test each one at a time and brace for a possible success, because if it it's one of the three I named, the save is gone Ik that's what I'm saying, it could easily be one of those three, because I used them extensively in many places. Which means there's a high chance I broke one of them somehow, but also a low chance since those three are usually very well made mods. If it is any of them I'm gonna cry lol I'm doing those first to just get the pain out of the way lol
GrahamKracker3d ago
I'm still convinced it's partly from hardware/drivers where a mod isn't playing nice with them
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
One at a time by the way, because that way we know specifically which of the three, if it is one It honestly could be, and if it's either, it's almost certainly drivers. Though I don't know what else I could possibly do with those because I updated nearly every driver I have. I could reinstall Windows or update the BIOS but that's about all Let me first find what mod it is. Gonna start with MLB first, then RP, then DS And just fuckin pray it isn't any of them
McCovican3d ago
Given the errors I saw in that log from RR&D, I would not be surprised if it was involved. It's 15k lines of this:
[2025.03.01-06.48.01:381][101]LogRRDL: Display: HasInRange AttachmentLocation: X=5507.299 Y=-282407.156 Z=0.000, MaxDistance: 500.000000, Distance: 0.000000
[2025.03.01-06.48.01:381][101]LogRRDL: Warning: IsLocationFree Failed: TestLocation: 5507.298828,-282407.156250,0.000048|0.000000,-175.000000,0.000000|1.000000,1.000000,1.000000, MaxDistance: 500.000000
[2025.03.01-06.48.01:381][101]LogRRDL: Display: Failed to add new Actor To Attachment with error: Location not free.
[2025.03.01-06.48.01:381][101]LogRRDL: Display: Failed to add new Actor To Attachment with error: Attachment Index was NONE
[2025.03.01-06.48.01:381][101]LogRRDL: Display: HasInRange AttachmentLocation: X=5507.299 Y=-282407.156 Z=0.000, MaxDistance: 500.000000, Distance: 0.000000
[2025.03.01-06.48.01:381][101]LogRRDL: Warning: IsLocationFree Failed: TestLocation: 5507.298828,-282407.156250,0.000048|0.000000,-175.000000,0.000000|1.000000,1.000000,1.000000, MaxDistance: 500.000000
[2025.03.01-06.48.01:381][101]LogRRDL: Display: Failed to add new Actor To Attachment with error: Location not free.
[2025.03.01-06.48.01:381][101]LogRRDL: Display: Failed to add new Actor To Attachment with error: Attachment Index was NONE
Which, at a guess, seems like something has destroyed its attachments? Actually, saying that made me realise ― you have AutoLink installed too. It could be that it doesn't play nicely with such a large base of RR&D buildings?
Muppet Burrito
Okies, good luck, I'll keep all of my fingers crossed that its one of the other 10 mods not playing nice with your hardware all of a sudden
GrahamKracker3d ago
did you autolink a blueprint with rr&d stuff? because of what covican was saying
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Uh... yes and no? Depends on how direct it matters I didn't autolink anything directly TO RR&D buildings, but I have a blueprint with some of their stuff present that includes the ability. I have nuclear heaters from Refined Power set up in a way that they have manifolds to collect the waste from them, and the belts coming out of those manifolds just extend out a ways and then stop, so you can place that blueprint directly against a copy of itself and it will join those belts. But nothing from RR&D is directly connecting to anything using autolink
McCovican3d ago
And was AutoLink in the list of disabled mods during your working test?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Basically in that instance, the only time I used it, it would be Refined Power Nuclear Heater > Belt to merger > Belt from merger > Autolink to belt to next merger Autolink was enabled in the first, second, and third tests, all of which have been successful so far (which is why I got through this as fast as I did because I got lucky and found the correct half every time lol) RP however, has been disabled the entire time
McCovican3d ago
Try with RP enabled and AutoLink disabled.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Wait no it was off on the first test but not subsequent ones. So RP and AL were both off for the first test, which worked. Then the second test AL was on but not RP, and the game still worked. Third test was the same for those two (RP off, AL on) and it worked again. Now I'm on the 4th test and all I did was enable MLB to see if that's it, so I need to wait and see After this test (which I just described the conditions of), I'm going to try enabling RP, so they'll both be on at once, and see what happens. If it breaks I'll disable AL but leave RP on and see what that does Just waiting for it to load still :KEK: It takes ages to load if I remove any of the mods I used a ton, which happens to be the three we're concerned about (MLB/RP/DS) lol I promise I'll provide updates on stuff like I have been. Loading times are just through the roof because of what I'm removing lol Okay it wasn't MLB. Time to test RP Well, RP+AL If it breaks I'll disable AL It's Refined Power. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu- Of all things, the mod I used for my power grid :/ Let me try it without AL Nope Broken Refined Power has bricked my save :/ That was the mod I was most excited to use too because it has Project Icarus :Sadge: @GrahamKracker @Muppet Burrito @Bababooie {Class::Null} Guys I found it, it's Refined Power. Issue is I was most excited for that one because of Project Icarus and such, and also my entire power grid is based on the mod D:
Bababooie3d ago
Will it work if you turn down this sound setting?
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Bababooie3d ago
Perhaps worth trying?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Maybe? Tbh though I'm wondering if I just have too many I have hundreds of turbines lol I made a rocket fuel factory with 242 of them, and I have a couple hundred more at my two nuclear plants, and that doesn't include my coal or biofuel plants (though those are far less) I'll test the sound setting but tbh I wonder if I just built too many modular power systems lol There has to be thousands of modular power parts around the map (heaters, boilers, turbines, etc) I mean I was making like over 400GW off of them all :Wesh: Testing now with the volume slider on 0.2 (it was one 1.0 before) Annnnnd nope, nada
Bababooie3d ago
bugger sorry friendo :c
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Fuck Well let me go report it to the RP Devs. Even though idk what the actual problem is Like I know it's their mod, just not why it's their mod
Bababooie3d ago
Very strange indeed, but yeah, sounds a plan
Muppet Burrito
Ahh beans I'm so sorry it was RP, reporting it to the devs is defs a good idea though it's such a bummer it's scarfed for now
McCovican3d ago
If you'll forgive a little wisdom from an old hand ― next time, try starting with the advice given when you are, in fact, explicitly asking for that very advice. 6 and a half hours of testing and slow loading just to get to the very first thing that was suggested.
Muppet Burrito
Would it be possible to load your map into the interactive map editor & remove some of the modular stations for now to swap out for vanilla fuel power generators? Maybe if you didn't have quite so many you could hold off the issues for now...
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I understand your point but personally I prefer to avoid things that would catastrophically break my save, and RP was one of them. It's also reasonable to assume, since it's like yknow, the single most well known mod for the game, that it probably wasn't that specifically and might be something else messing with it. Like, I get it, but there was some pretty valid reasons to not immediately assume it was RP lol If it's just a matter of there being too many, this could work. But we don't really know why RP is a problem, only that it is a problem I've already made a bug report in their server about it so they're at least aware of it
McCovican3d ago
Considering RP was your problem, you weren't avoiding it or preventing it just by not troubleshooting it. That's called "sticking your head in the sand". The problem still existed, and it was still RP. And you still have a broken save, as you did then. You just gave yourself 6.5 hours of extra work instead. The logs were there that showed some pretty massive issues with it. You asked for our help to diagnose it. We diagnosed it.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Yes but hindsight is always perfect. Obviously we know NOW that it was RP and not another mod messing with it, but at the time we didn't. That's my point, we didn't know for an absolute fact it was that Anyway, doesn't matter now, we sorted it What did the log even say about RP anyway? Might give us some idea of why RP is the problem, besides the fact that it just is
McCovican3d ago
Okie doke. Well, best of luck with that.
Tomtores3d ago
does RP misbehave also if you disable all other mods?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Idk, I haven't tried that yet. However, I did just find this in the log, which is one of the few places that refined power is mentioned alongside an error. First, it shows this, which mentions RP itself, and then a string of letters and numbers a couple lines down for "unknown levels"
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:592][602]LogSave: Warning: ========= [/RefinedPower/World/ResourceLevels/Thorium_Level_WP.Thorium_Level_WP:PersistentLevel] Load error summary =========
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:592][602]LogSave: Warning: ========= Unknown Classes =========
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:592][602]LogSave: Warning: ========= Unknown Levels =========
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:592][602]LogSave: Warning: C06H7R91SEBDJSJHLSY1R9YKE
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:592][602]LogSave: Warning: ========= Unknown Objects =========
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:592][602]LogSave: Warning: ========= [/RefinedPower/World/ResourceLevels/Thorium_Level_WP.Thorium_Level_WP:PersistentLevel] Load error summary =========
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:592][602]LogSave: Warning: ========= Unknown Classes =========
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:592][602]LogSave: Warning: ========= Unknown Levels =========
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:592][602]LogSave: Warning: C06H7R91SEBDJSJHLSY1R9YKE
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:592][602]LogSave: Warning: ========= Unknown Objects =========
When I copied that string and searched it, I got three results, all right near each other, which is this section. What C06H7R91SEBDJSJHLSY1R9YKE is, I don't know, and while I do have some idea of how to read this info, I don't fully understand all of it, but it seems like it would be relevant
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:032][602]LogSave: Error: Object Reference 'C06H7R91SEBDJSJHLSY1R9YKE::Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.BP_CreatureSpawner973' is contained inside of the World Partition Cell 'WorldPartitionRuntimeLevelStreamingCell /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.FGWorldSettings.WorldPartition_0.FGWorldPartitionRuntimeSpatialHash_0.C06H7R91SEBDJSJHLSY1R9YKE', that is currently Unloaded. References to it from the current level will not be resolved!
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:032][602]LogSave: Warning: Failed to find level C06H7R91SEBDJSJHLSY1R9YKE
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:032][602]LogSave: Error: Object Reference 'C06H7R91SEBDJSJHLSY1R9YKE::Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.BP_CreatureSpawner973' is contained inside of the World Partition Cell 'WorldPartitionRuntimeLevelStreamingCell /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.FGWorldSettings.WorldPartition_0.FGWorldPartitionRuntimeSpatialHash_0.C06H7R91SEBDJSJHLSY1R9YKE', that is currently Unloaded. References to it from the current level will not be resolved!
[2025.03.01-18.21.19:032][602]LogSave: Warning: Failed to find level C06H7R91SEBDJSJHLSY1R9YKE
I'm going to try again with only RP, but keep in mind it will likely take 30 minutes or even a full hour to load. When I cut out 52 (about half) of the mods to do binary searching earlier, it took 32 minutes to load the broken save. I will tell you what happens but keep in mind it may take a long time before I can tell you lol
Tomtores3d ago
checking with RP as only mod installed will tell you if problem is in RP, or intercation with other mod. Secondly: list all the things that changed on your machine just before the problem started occuring. Did you install new RP version? downgrade and try again. Sound driver update? (if you have auto updates, kill them, rip the sound driver and install very old stable version). Did you build something? Try older save backup from couple days ago to see if the problem is in broken buildables. Things to check from top of my head, thread too long to read in details, but things don't just happen randomly, its always some kind of change that triggers it.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
When the bug initially happened, I had not built anything for at least 30 minutes and only walked some distance in the last 3 minutes of that time span. The other 27 I was at my computer but not using it (was on a phone call lol). Outside the game, nothing major had been changed for some time. I think the most recent change to anything was over two weeks prior when I updated my GPU drivers, but I had started the save only a week and a half prior, approximately, and it ran perfectly up until this point. So as far as prior changes go, virtually nothing
Tomtores3d ago
have you tried loading the save from older backup? a day in the past?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I didn't update RP, it hasn't had one for some time. I did update my sound drivers, but only as an attempted fix for the issue after it occurred, which didn't help anyway I tried loading all previous saves, except for one save that was literally 12 seconds old because I just made it to throw into SCIM when I first started the save. I had one manual one and 3 autosaves, none of which worked, all bugged. Which is why we didn't think it was something that happened in the world, but rather a thing that was either a long time coming (as in something I did ages ago got to a certain point that the game broke, but idk what that would be), or something entirely outside the game, but so far we've been unable to determine any cause for any of that
Tomtores3d ago
any saves that are at least day old / previous playsesion old?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Tomtores3d ago
grab one from backups? it can be anything that happened in last playsesion but did not brick the game as things were already loaded, but bricks it when trying to load all at once
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Unless the game backs them up automatically somewhere, I don't have any backups. The only other worlds I have are both fine, because one is 100% vanilla and the other is just a test save with like... 10 buildings in it lol
Tomtores3d ago
I would like to sternly state that you ought to have manual backups of your save, unless you don't care about it at all.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Also when it first broke, the oldest save I had that wasn't an autosave was a manual one that was a couple hours prior and that was broken too. It's like, when one broke, they all broke Which is why, again, we're not sure it's the game world itself But we also don't know what it is
Tomtores3d ago
was that oldest save the same playsesion or previous playsesion?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Same playsession, just hours earlier
Tomtores3d ago
eg. did the game ever load with that save earlier
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Also hey, update for you: The game loaded with only RP. It works So it IS a conflict with RP
Tomtores3d ago
great. now you only have to check 99 other mods
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
However idk about you but I'm not about to do 104! (104 factorial, basically 104x103x102x101, etc) to test every possible combination of mods
Tomtores3d ago
it will be either conflict with some mod that is doing things, or resource shortage error where number of mods exceeds your vram/ram/timing and things go dead
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Also 103 other mods would take eons to test considering it takes 30 fuckin MINUTES to load it every time if I only have two mods on
Tomtores3d ago
how big is your save?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I have plenty of hardware specs. 4090, 5950X and 64GB memory 11mb Specifically, 11,089kb
Tomtores3d ago
My save is 14.1 MB (14,821,889 bytes) and loads in about 30 seconds, so something is clearly wrong with your setup, or a mod you use is crapping itself up how does your perfoamnce tracker look during the load? cpu/gpu/disk access?
McCovican3d ago
The reason it's loading slowly is because of the removed mods during testing.
Tomtores3d ago
a check for missing entities should not take half hour, unless its solely modded items?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Haven't looked at the disc, but during loading, it takes about 21% CPU and only a couple percent GPU since it's just the gray Satisfactory screen Well it does. The reason it took me that long to get back to you on what happens when loading only RP and nothing else is because I was waiting for the game to load
Tomtores3d ago
loading is single threaded, so 22% looks about right
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Which means I did the math on this
McCovican3d ago
Yes it is. You're going over stuff that has already been thoroughly explored. We have the section of the log containing the fault, and what it is. It's been posted to RR&D.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
If it takes 30 minutes to load the save with only RP + 1 other mod, then yeah, I'd eventually find the conflicting mod. But since it takes 30 MINUTES to check each mod, then if it was the last one I checked, it would take roughly 51 HOURS to find the conflict this way. I don't care who you are, that's unreasonable to do
Tomtores3d ago
do you have the game loaded with just RP now? make a new save save the game with just RP as new file. enable all other mods. load that save, should take much shorter. this will check if problem is in modded buildable, or some mod interacts with functionality of RP. Of course this will strip all other moded buildables from save than RP, but will tell you if issue is in buildable added by other mod (simply not build it, strip from Original save with scim), or a mod interacting with RP stuff and making it crash. From there, you will be able to guess which mods may be the case - either ones adding content or ones adding functionality.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Er Shoulda asked before I closed the game :Wesh:
Tomtores3d ago
yeah, and your response would probably be
No description
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Also if I did save with only RP, would it not just delete everything else entirely? Like, yeah it'd load faster when adding other mods, but that's because it would not add back what got removed, there's no modded buildable data By that I mean, loading a save with only RP would delete everything but vanilla and RP content. So then saving and loading that save again later would not magically rematerialize any other modded buildings that were there, because the game was saved AFTER those were removed
Tomtores3d ago
Only in separate save to diagnose the problem. By stripping modded buildables then readding all other mods, you will know if problem is a buildable in the save, or mod overwiritng something. Once the offending mod is determined, you can turn it off on original save and play normally.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Well, "normally" assuming it's not another mod core to the save
Tomtores3d ago
you will have to choose then
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
But that is still a long time to test all that Multiple hours
Tomtores3d ago
optimistically, half hour to make a trimmed save with just RP objects in it, then couple minutes to run bisection search to find offending mod. if you load the trimmed save with all mods and issue magically disappears, then its a buildable, and you try the original save with all mods that add buldables disabled. you can start curating a list while game loads.
McCovican3d ago ― RR&D, attachment points. If you're gonna go down this road, at least don't waste another 6 hours in the wrong direction. Attachment points to RR&D mods. AutoLink wasn't it. Think, what would interface with attachment points in RR&D. Go down that road first.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Attachment points So I assume conveyors, pipes, power cables, etc?
Tomtores3d ago
side option: do you have another machine that can load the save? all original mods enabled, should go quick, and see if it loads.
McCovican3d ago
Right. Or anything else that could impact how they attach and interact with RR&D.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I do not have another computer. Unless you count the Steam Deck, but then you're running the game on Linux and also the Steam Deck would likely chug pretty hard
McCovican3d ago
Given seeing an issue with it elsewhere today, my next thing to try would actually be LFOB.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
McCovican3d ago
Large Fluid Output Buffers
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Oh Yeah I was about to say that lol Came to me right at that second lol The other thing that comes to mind is Daisy Chain Everything. Pretty sure that's the only other thing I have that messes with attachment points I mean I'd need to rewire basically everything in the entire map, which would take eons, but that's the only mod I know I have which messes with APs But let me try it without LFOB first
Tomtores3d ago
does daisy chain everything add custom buildables or just modifies attachment count?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Just modifies attachment count It just changes the max number of power connections every building can have. I think I set it to 3
Tomtores3d ago
then you can unistall it and keep the save, just wont be able to abuse the functionality anymore
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Oh neat
McCovican3d ago
Stop thinking about what would happen if you had to remove a mod and just try it without it. One stage at a time. We're at troubleshooting, bughunting. You find the problem first, then deal with how to fix it or work around it.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Less damaging than I thought lol Well anyway Trying without LFOB for now
Tomtores3d ago
how long does it take to load the save if you only remove one mod? minute?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Next is DCE. After that, idk tbh Yeah not that long
Tomtores3d ago
try everything that adds buildables or messes with building.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
LFOB wasn't it, DCE time DCE wasn't it either I don't really have anything else that messes with existing APs
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
That actually sounds really similar to our issue Honestly yknow what fuck this I'm gonna just sit here and marathon this until I fix it I'm doing the 51 hour ultra test session
Tomtores3d ago
any sound buildables mods?
McCovican3d ago
You also have DigitalStorage btw, another RR&D mod that very impacts attachments.
Tomtores3d ago
and you can just disable mods one at time, presuming its 1-1 conflict with RP, and not some crazy combination.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
If we want to know what mod breaks Refined Power, we have to test every mod with it, one at a time, which would take about 51 hours. I'm just going to do this shit because it's the only guaranteed way. We could spend that long trying to break it apart and may or may not succeed, or I can just spend that long brute forcing it
McCovican3d ago
No, you don't.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
But it would mean we find it
McCovican3d ago
You use your head and start with the mods most likely to negatively impact it.
Tomtores3d ago
just disable one, test, enable it and disable another. You said that doesnt takle half hour to load
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Well whatever order and method I use, we're going to be here for a LONG time to eventually test every conflict for RP so I better get cracking If anyone has any specific ideas to try, I'll test it, but at this rate it looks like brute forcing is one of the last options so it's what I'm going with
Tomtores3d ago
all building mods first. is there a mod list available so we can vote on things to try?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
DS was not something I suspected because they're made by the same devs, I'm sure they'd be compatible. I just tested it as well and it didn't fix it, so it isn't this
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Gonna try removing SnapOn
McCovican3d ago
And DirectToSplitter and Duplicator (sus) and Loaders (sus ― I've even had major problems with this) and MagicMachine
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I don't think I used it anywhere but perhaps I did accidently and didn't realize Direct to Splitter? idk what that is Duplicator, Loaders and MM I know but not DTS
McCovican3d ago
SnapOn - SMR
SNAPON, apply directly to the factory. (Attach Splitters, Mergers, and Pipe Junctions directly to factory inputs/outputs)
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Don't think I have it either Oh yeah okay it's just the alt name for SnapOn Well good news, it's not that LOL
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
The game loaded as you said that, which was what I was testing, and it didn't work So it's not SnapOn I have not used Loaders anywhere but I'll remove that one because I wasn't really using it as much as I thought anyway (literally nowhere yet lol) so... I'll just delete it entirely lol Wasn't Loaders either Duplicators time
Tomtores3d ago
you have a lot of buildable mods, so I can list things that should not be a conflict instead: AlienArtifactAutomation, BetterTrainCollision, BladeRunnersUltimate, Cartograph [probably], CommunityBasicTracks/RailwaySets [probably], CopySampledSign, EarlyMapRedux, HoverPackUltimate, Megaprinters [probably], NoNewLabel, NoResearchTime, ProgressiveBlueprinter, ProtoPioneer, SmallRailSignals
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
We've tried Better Train Collision, pretty sure I tried Cartograph but I'll try it again, Community Basic Tracks/Railway Sets just adds blueprints to a save, that's all it does, so I highly doubt it's that but I guess I could try. Copy Sampled Sign, doubt but worth trying I guess. EarlyMapRedux just lets you unlock the map way earlier and therefore only adds a milestone. HoverPackUltimate (and Blade Runners Ultimate) is equipment, not buildables. Doubtful, but I could try. Megaprinters I could maybe see as a problem. NoNewLabel and NoResearchTime just remove the "New" label when you unlock something new in the build menu, and NRT just makes it so the pod doesn't move and you don't have to wait for it to come back to do another milestone. Progressive Blueprinter, maybe, ProtoPioneer, again doubt it, but maybe, and Small Rail Signals we already tested, back when we tested Better Train Collision, it was not that
Tomtores3d ago
thats a list of things that are not the conflict (most likely), try everything else
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Wasn't this either Oh right okay
McCovican3d ago
He's giving you a list of what it's probably not an issue.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Misread :KEK: I literally slept 5 hours last night and then have been up for 8. Excuse me if I'm slow XD
Tomtores3d ago
dunk megaprinters just in case, that mod is not recommended to use in your main save, as it can bring instability due to size of designs.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I used it a few times but sure. I don't keep them built though and I only made... 3 blueprints in them? I think Also I already tried all the train related stuff, so it isn't any of those That was something I did before i knew it was RP Wasn't Megaprinters, for the record
Tomtores3d ago
still not recommended to use it in main save with lots of mods. some interact weirdly and break stuff.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
McCovican3d ago
(Context: Tom is the Megaprinters dev)
Tomtores3d ago
and a couple others in the list
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Right okay XD
Tomtores3d ago
but only megaprinter is known to make things crash, likely exceeding the vram usage and such.
McCovican3d ago
There is another unfortunate possibility: it may not be any one of these mods. Given the sheer scale of the failure points in that log (it's like 5k failed attachments or so), it could be your save + RP + {the combination of a lot of other mods adding more attachment points with their own buildables}.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Well that would be odd, because other people can run my save. Baba tested it a couple times actually
Tomtores3d ago
we will know once everything in the list has been tried. then unfortunatelly, bisection time again. with all the original mods?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Yes Multiple times I gave him the save and the SMM profile He's explored my world without issue
Tomtores3d ago
that would point out to machine issue. or resources shortage, but would be weird in that config
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Yeah exactly but we already went down that path and found out it probably isn't, because we tried EVERYTHING short of reinstalling Windows lmao
Tomtores3d ago
can you upload your save to scim and move the player to hub?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Well maybe not everything everything, but everything reasonable
Tomtores3d ago
rip the audio driver out and isntall the one that came with your mb cd?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Well we updated it and it didn't fix, and the last time I updated it was god knows when so it probably just had whatever came preinstalled, which would've probably been the same as the CD's driver And I have zero audio issues on anything anywhere else
McCovican3d ago
(We did the SCIM thing)
Tomtores3d ago
most likely a windows update driver, and updating often makes things worse. The only driver that is verified to be stable, is the original one included in mb, because manufacturers check that. Updated ones, often wonky, at least for me. do you have usb headphones at hand?
McCovican3d ago
The driver theory is shaky to me based on the consistency of RP failing, and the sheer number of unrelated errors from it that are in the log. And that, y'know, we've already been down this route.
Tomtores3d ago
unistall main sound card, use usb as audio, if that works, its the audio driver
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I've never really had it work by doing that. However, I have had multiple things fixed by updating it Also rolling back with the CD would change every driver, it doesn't have a way to pick specific ones. It just goes
Tomtores3d ago
uh, browse the folder and pick realted audio?
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
So it'd roll them ALL back and that will probably cause more issues that it'd fix, since I've had previous issues fixed by updating them The CD that came with mine, if I even still have it, I recall using one time, and when you put it in, it just auto-ran and did whatever it does
McCovican3d ago
You'll be able to download them from the manf's website.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
But I'm kinda with McCovican on this, I don't think it's a driver problem anymore
Tomtores3d ago
hold shift to disable autorun, which should already be disabled on every modern pc
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
And btw no I don't have a USB headset I did at one point but not anymore, that was a couple years ago
Tomtores3d ago
well, from evidence, game works when audio is disabled, it works on other people pc with audio on, but does not work on your pc with audio on. Either sound driver causing issues or sound loading exceeds some resource.
McCovican3d ago
uh [2025.03.01-06.47.18:425][ 0]LogAudioMixer: Display: Using Audio Hardware Device Headphones (2- Crusher Evo Stereo)
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Yes but RP is flipping out over attachment points Yes that's not USB. That's Bluetooth Crusher Evos are wireless
Tomtores3d ago
bluetooth radio is usually usb.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I think you CAN use them via bluetooth but they're wireless
Tomtores3d ago
disable main sound card, try those headphones
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Also they don't have an adapter or anything Those are what I always use
Tomtores3d ago
if it doesnt work, disable bluetooth and try again
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I literally ONLY use these headphones The last time I used cabled ones was well over a year ago
Tomtores3d ago
if you use them wirelesly, your sound card is not necessary I think
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
I do use them wirelessly That's what I said they're bluetooth not USB
Tomtores3d ago
disable soundacrd in windows hardware manager, try again
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Maybe bluetooth uses USB technically, but my motherboard natively supports bluetooth so I just connect and it works
Tomtores3d ago
FYI: wireless headphones register as their own separate soundcard
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Also how do I disable a soundcard when I don't have one Oh So you mean just disable the output Yeah we tried this
Tomtores3d ago
mb has built in one. hence the drivers
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
McCovican3d ago
No This ^
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Well disabling the headphones in device manager would be the same as disabling the output, disconnecting them from the computer or just turning them off completely. I have tried all three of those things already
McCovican3d ago
We don't mean the headphones.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Then what DO you mean
McCovican3d ago
Your PC's mainboard usually comes with its own built-in sound-card.
Tomtores3d ago
disable the mb sound card.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
And how exactly do I do that when the only enabled output is my headphones
Tomtores3d ago
if that still crashes, disable the headphones - unplug, turn bluetooth on pc off.
ShoobFloof22OP3d ago
Once again, this part has already been done. And you can't unplug bluetooth so that's irrelevant
McCovican2d ago
Okay, I think we're getting a little rabbit-holed here anyway. Satisfactory is, at least, only attempting to use the bluetooth headphones. That's evident in the logs.
Tomtores2d ago
kill this
No description
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I'm gonna kill the game is what I'm gonna do :KEK:
Tomtores2d ago
Although, I wouldnt be surprised if headphones are the problem
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I don't think audio is the problem anymore Also when the bug occurs the audio still works The game just freezes Which yknow That's been that way the whole time Yesterday and today
GrahamKracker2d ago
you have said before that the audio stops 10 seconds before freezing
Tomtores2d ago
the bug does not occur when audio is disabled, yes? thus audio ir component of the problem.
McCovican2d ago
That's not actually really an indicator of it working properly and not causing issues. To keep Tom happy though, go to Settings -> System -> Sound -> Manage Sound Devices, and just disable anything that's not your headphones in the "Output devices" section.
Tomtores2d ago
mb built in soundcard parasites on main cpu. it could in some instances cause lockups
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Yeah the very first time it did this, like 2 days ago. But then that sorta resolved itself 3 hours later, and then only 23 hours later the next DAY it broke again, in this new way, which has persisted ever since, and the sound has NOT gone away in this instance
Tomtores2d ago
physically diconnect all sound devices from pc, and try, then connect them one at time.
GrahamKracker2d ago
this did not work before btw
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I've literally already done this because apps like to just randomly output to my monitor sometimes. For YEARS now I've only had ONE output, my headphones. Everything else is disabled. Completely. Entirely
GrahamKracker2d ago
output to your monitor? could it be the game/wwise trying to use your monitor
McCovican2d ago
No. I've checked that in the logs.
Tomtores2d ago
you can disable the other two things in my example ss to get rid of that
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I have 12 possible outputs in the settings menu. My monitors, my GPU apparently has digital audio outputs (idk where they are but they show up as outputs), a couple cable outputs and a few other things, mostly for software audio modification. ALL OF THEM ARE OFF EXCEPT MY HEADPHONES. THEY HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS I can't be more clear than that Every SINGLE output I have for audio is DISABLED. ONLY my HEADPHONES are enabled No application is allowed to use ANYTHING ELSE I have ensured this
Tomtores2d ago
off does not equal disabled. and I am asking to disable it all to check if problem is in hardware/driver, or game instancing the sound engine.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
-_- Mate
GrahamKracker2d ago
I think tom means in the device manager
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I can't DISABLE something more than it already is
Tomtores2d ago
gpu audio outputs is just the audio line on hdmi cable can you show your device manager with audio devices section?
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
LITERALLY nothing else
No description
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I told you multiple times. THERE IS NOTHING ELSE Everything that isn't my headphones and my external microphone IS DISABLED That's the end of it
McCovican2d ago
And indeed again, the logs also show the game only using the bluetooth headphones.
Tomtores2d ago
try turning the micorphone off for a try. some have built in audio output.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
What fuckin mic has an output??? Sorry but I've never heard of that
McCovican2d ago
If they did, it would show up as an audio output then Tom.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Also mine was like 60 bucks. It's nice but I know it has no output
Tomtores2d ago
just throwing spaghetti on the wall here to see what sticks, and my an2022 has built in audio amplifier/output
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
And again, as previously stated like 7 times: Every single audio device I'm NOT USING, has been disabled. I originally mentioned outputs but that INCLUDES INPUTS. If it isn't used, it's disabled I think it's definitively not an audio device issue at this point
GrahamKracker2d ago
my blue yeti does as well
McCovican2d ago
Some mics indeed do, but it would be on that list you just showed that has no other output devices on it.
GrahamKracker2d ago
it's not uncommon
McCovican2d ago
So, y'know, it's not that.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Well I've not heard of it but it doesn't even matter at this point The end of the story is, if I am not USING AN INPUT/OUTPUT, ITS DISABLED That is that and we're moving on
McCovican2d ago
ANYWAY, moving on... Timing, heh.
Tomtores2d ago
I don't know how they show in the dev list (never checked on mine), but no harm in trying to disable everything that is not the device you need.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
sigh Okay yknow what What does "Disabled" mean to you I don't mean that in a rude way
McCovican2d ago
Tom, please just drop it. You're no longer helping matters.
Tomtores2d ago
...then the actual headphones in case they are the culprit.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Tomtores2d ago
I'm out of ideas otherwise
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
It's not audio If you want me to prove it to you I'll unplug everything that isn't my mouse and my monitors
GrahamKracker2d ago
what about uninstalling the headphone device and checking remove the driver using device manager?
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Idk anymore man I'm just gonna go back to finding what's fucking with Refined Power
GrahamKracker2d ago
but it is and we have proved that
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
How?????? Since we did we PROVE it's audio
GrahamKracker2d ago
works when -nosound is on doesn't when it's not pretty simple?
Tomtores2d ago
if disabling ingame sound fixes it, audio is somehow related. could be device. could be running out of some hardware resource. we dont know.
GrahamKracker2d ago
there is something with wwise and rp that is not playing nice
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
The only thing we factually proved was that it works in Vanilla, it works without Refined Power but all other mods, and it works when ONLY Refined Power is installed. What we DIDNT prove was WHY -nosound fixes it. And we tried a variety of audio stuff already that didn't do anything Also you guys have failed to realize this entire time that Refined Power is one of the few mods that has CUSTOM SOUNDS. Do you think that maybe some other mod that has custom sounds is somehow fucking with RP's custom sounds?
Tomtores2d ago
rp+some other mod may be just triggering the issue by exceeding usage, but actual problem lies elsewhere. if thats the case, rp devs wont be able to do anything about that. maybe optimize their code to use less resources, but thats it.
GrahamKracker2d ago
wwise has already caused issues modding before, it's not a leap to assume that is the issue
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
But we don't KNOW it's exceeding issues It could just be a conflict
Tomtores2d ago
conflict would not magically go away if you turn sound off.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
It would if it's a SOUND CONFLICT
GrahamKracker2d ago
and that's what we are trying to do... it's starting to feel like you are working against the people trying to help you
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Eh? I just don't think it's directly an audio issue at this point I can just go out and buy different headphones if that makes you feel better To test non BT headphones
GrahamKracker2d ago
you keep saying that despite multiple people saying that it is
Tomtores2d ago
didnt you say it works fine on somebodyv else machine? same save, same mods? then issue is in the machine
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Okay yknow what
GrahamKracker2d ago
and no we aren't saying to do that either
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Fine You think it's an audio issue
Tomtores2d ago
just rip them out and try
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I have a better idea Unplugging LITERALLY EVERYTHING except one monitor, my internet and my mouse so I can actually load the game
Tomtores2d ago
you can use built in mb soundcard without attaching anything to it
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
If that does not do it then it's not an audio problem
Tomtores2d ago
try and let us know.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
If I do that and it's still broken then it isn't audio and that's that
Tomtores2d ago
just make sure your headphones are powered down first
GrahamKracker2d ago
there is still residual stuff, unplugging won't just uninstall broken software do this please just tap the headphone device and hit uninstall
Tomtores2d ago
try with unpluggin, then uninstal if still broken
GrahamKracker2d ago
I doubt unplugging will work that was tested before
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Okay I just unplugged everything except my main monitor, my ethernet cable and my mouse. Even my keyboard wasn't plugged in. And my headset was turned off and I put it in the OTHER ROOM too so it wasn't even in range. Not needed but yknow, just to be extra ultra sure. Then I loaded the game and guess what, nothing
Tomtores2d ago
if it still doesnt work after unplugging or game refuses to boot without sound, try enabling one of those hdmi outputs into your screen that has no speakers but counts as valid audio sink
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Also can I just ask what the fuck this has to do with refined power and attachment points? Because that's what the log is upset over I just fail to see any connection here No pun intended
Tomtores2d ago
ignore the log, focus on what fixes or does not fix the problem. no audio devices connected, original save na d all mods enabled, and game still crashes?
GrahamKracker2d ago
if people knew for sure they would say we can only go off of what you put here nobody else has been able to replicate it
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Okay but like, we have one point of evidence for sound, that being that -nosound works. We have many points for refined power being the problem somehow. From a purely logical standpoint, it's more likely to be refined power because there's more evidence in favor of it
GrahamKracker2d ago
that's just not how computer issues work
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I am WELL aware phantom issues exist with computers where nonsense shit can happen Had many
Tomtores2d ago
not exactly. Refined power may be the one causing crash, but audio may be the trigger. so we try to determine if problem lies in code or drivers.
GrahamKracker2d ago
we still need this
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
But currently we have more evidence in favor of RP than audio. Should we not cover the entire RP pathway first?
GrahamKracker2d ago
well what more can you do?
McCovican2d ago
Alright, there is one thing you can do that'll put this to bed once and for all. I don't rightly agree, but just uninstall all audio devices from your computer, and that'll at least answer this question and be done with it.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
If I uninstall all audio devices my shit will break
Tomtores2d ago
for five minutes you may need to enable hdmi output so game actually sends audio somewhere
GrahamKracker2d ago
you have no ability to change much about it other than enabled/disabled and the other mods that are enabled
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I have custom audio stuff I had put together by a friend for my mic and a couple other things, and I don't know that friend anymore, nor do I know what he did. If I completely wipe all my audio stuff, all that shit will break and I will not be able to fix it, period, end of
GrahamKracker2d ago
you can spend your time trying to figure out the trigger but you still won't have found the cause
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Yes my game may remain broken but I'd rather that then completely destroy all my audio settings without any possible hope of repairing them
GrahamKracker2d ago
well your custom audio stuff might be your issue
Tomtores2d ago
so from other end - you have unknown custom audio configuration that may be doing crazy shit like replicating all sounds into another poirt?
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I can mess with some outputs but not inputs
GrahamKracker2d ago
if you are unwilling to possibly break it how can we actually help you
Tomtores2d ago
consider that if you nuke your windows and reinstall, you still loose that custom setup. We dont know what exactly your friend did and whether completely removing audio output devices will affect it.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
It does not do that, it's software post processing. Also I put over 1000 hours into SF (mostly on Epic Games, but 300 on Steam) with this audio software present and did not have problems. You guys have said yourself that "shit doesn't magically break on it's own" so if I have had these settings for like two years and never touched them, why would it suddenly decide in 2025 to just fuck off
Tomtores2d ago
do you have anything other than game and windows services and discord running? kill all other programs that may be touching audio.
GrahamKracker2d ago
yes but on its own means never has updates
Tomtores2d ago
windows update messing with drivers may be a cause and is hard to diagnose.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I only have Krisp and the friend's audio setup which only touches the microphone. Only. But obviously nuking my audio settings will fuck that up too so I can't Yeah we disabled updates on any software that had it. I distinctly remember that
GrahamKracker2d ago
there are things that have changed over the course of game, windows, etc updates that mean that point is invalid
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
The last Windows update was like a month ago
GrahamKracker2d ago
the environment it's running in has still changed
Tomtores2d ago
unless your windows update is disabled, you cant be sure your drivers have not changed somehow
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Well I can be
GrahamKracker2d ago
even then you cannot be
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Okay If we can't be sure of anything on Windows then here's a proposition: Fucking abandon everything and move to Linux. Then you have 100% full control of everything, period, end of story
McCovican2d ago
Shit very much does "magically" break on its own when it comes to this game & mods, if we're being entirely honest with ourselves. Okay, might not be truly "magical", in that it has a cause, but this is game has a history of throwing up surprise breakages. Not every failure in this game requires or is directly associated with an external stimulus. Time is itself a factor.
GrahamKracker2d ago
again, we aren't saying that
Tomtores2d ago
unless you have WPD running and blacklisted winupdate in your router, you cannot be sure windows didnt mess things up.
GrahamKracker2d ago
even that isn't enough
Tomtores2d ago
yes, not always enough
GrahamKracker2d ago
you would need a fully Internet disconnected computer like what the government uses to begin to say that
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Okay Right
GrahamKracker2d ago
but stuff can still hop on over USB sticks and other external devices
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
So if we can't be sure of anything at all, whatsoever, period, uncertainity is FOR SURE A FACTOR, then how do we even know it's audio at all What if, because tech is gonna tech, something else ENTIRELY is breaking audio in one specific edge case that's then breaking RP I have had games crash because the framerate was too high before Or other wack ass shit
Tomtores2d ago
verify it by disabling audio devices /shrug
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
We can't even be sure it's audio Dude we've been down this 75 fucking times. THEYRE DISABLED
GrahamKracker2d ago
you keep going in circles trying to deny that audio has an impact
Tomtores2d ago
try redirecting all audio output to hdmi. it may or may not bypass all other custom audio things you have going.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Well you guys keep telling me to disable audio devices. And I have said, literally over TEN TIMES NOW, They. Are. Disabled We have been there We have done that Multiple times Unless you can figure out how to disable something further than it already is, short of physically breaking it, it's disabled
Tomtores2d ago
well, someone suggested unistalling. But let me offer you alternative to rule out software issues. repartition your drive to get at least 50gb free space. make new partition there. install fresh copy of windows. instal game and necessary drivers. run the save. if it works - play there. if not, something broken in either hardware or the mods.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I am not dual booting windows to play SF I think at this point I just resign this shit and move on
McCovican2d ago
Jesus fucking Christ Tom give it a rest. That is not a remotely serious suggestion.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Maybe it's audio but honestly whatever at this point We're getting to ridiculous solutions for this I could probably try 75 different headphones from the past 50 years and get the same result at this point
Tomtores2d ago
This is actually a serious suggestion. if it works on everyone else pc but not on this windows in this configuration, problem points at windows install. if it doesnt work on fresh copy, then its not a windows issue
GrahamKracker2d ago
you are not being reasonable, it's a valid suggestion based on what has been tried before i see it as unacceptable to talk to people trying to help like that
McCovican2d ago
Y'all keep going in circles offering up the most unrealistic and deranged edge-case suggestions to someone who is already clearly overloaded with information which they do not fully understand. Your lack of realistic suggestions to the contrary is not reason enough to harangue someone with tasks which you can clearly see have either already been done, or which are vastly beyond them.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Actually I think If you REALLY want to test dual booting and shit yourself
Tomtores2d ago
OP already said 'reinstall windows'. This gives same result without wiping current windows if it doesnt fix the problem. if it fixes it, then you can investigate further.
GrahamKracker2d ago
you are just being rude now you are not adding anything to the conversation you are actively discouraging help in a bad way
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Tomtores2d ago
I personally have separate os install to play games because of gpu driver bugs.
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ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
If you want to test this shit yourself, fly into LAX and let me know the terminal number, I'll come pick you up and you can troubleshoot this in person
McCovican2d ago
I am actively discouraging you from harming the user you're trying to help, yes.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
But I don't feel like dualbooting windows just to solve a problem, that just seems unnecessary At that point I'll just switch to Linux and fuck off of Windows entirely
Tomtores2d ago
This option requires 50-100gb of free space or spare hdd and around 1h to setup. You don't have to mess with boot menu, and said boot menu can be disabled afterwards anyway there is a way to install windows into vhdx and run it on bare metal (been there, done that), but this does mess with boot manu in a way I cannot cleanup afterwards
McCovican2d ago
The course of action you are proposing has a high-risk of catastrophic and permanent damage to someone who does not fully know what they are doing. You are being wildly irresponsible. Once again, not everyone has your level of knowledge and experience.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Well For what it's worth
Tomtores2d ago
I hope that in the time of this discussion OP tried disabling all other mods one by one and found which one is the conflict?
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I know how this type of shit works. Maybe not VHDX on bare metal but I know how VMs and dualbooting works. I just don't want to get into THAT level of shenanigans to play a fuckin factory game
Tomtores2d ago
troubleshooting, nt playing if it doesnt run on fresh os, something else is broken
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
No because I've been trying to confront your yapping this whole time and tell you I don't want to go through this entire fuckin process of DUALBOOTING WINDOWS just to fix this. That seems entirely unnecessary. Yes I can do it if I want to, but I don't want to If I want to dual boot something it's gonna be dual booting you straight out the door lol
Robb2d ago
let's put this on pause for at least an hour, this is getting more heated than a support post really has any right to. tracking this down to one specific mod would be beneficial both in understanding the problem and letting the mod dev know about it. I suggest those involved play something else for a bit and if it's not mod related in the end: >sod
FICSIT-Fred2d ago
Hello! It seems like your question or issue is not mod related. For help with standard game related questions, issues, please use the official Satisfactory discord.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Guys, update! I fixed it!!!
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
This mod here broke the save
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ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I removed it and it works again I used this in one specific location, and one item
sjhoward2d ago
Normally we'd tag the author, but he is not present in this server
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I had placed a chip from the mod that I connected to a fluid buffer and set it up so that if the buffer filled past a certain amount, it automatically flushed it, and I even tested it to make sure it worked Idk what exactly caused it to stop working later, but something did apparently, and it bricked the whole everything lol Without the mod it works Fair enough. He should be here lol
sjhoward2d ago
That's a whole other story we won't go into
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Okay yeah that sounds like a don't ask situation XD So fair enough Well, the single reason I had that mod was to prevent a fluid buffer from filling up, and it turns out that there's a couple different mods for that anyways So removing it has no major effect on the save, it just lets me PLAY AGAIN XD Okay we're back to the first bug that occurred before all of this started, which is that the game would start, go dead silent, and then freeze anywhere from 1 to 30 seconds later. However, having JUST GOT DONE FIXING THE OTHER PROBLEM, I'm not really feeling like troubleshooting AGAIN, so tbh I'm just gonna take a break from the game and come back another time, rather than spend the next 24 hours doing nothing but troubleshooting. Because I just did that
Muppet Burrito
Oh man I'm so sorry you resolved the one bug only for the first to come straight back, let us know if/when you decide to come back to satisfactory & if you need help troubleshooting when you do ❤️
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
Yeah well, id like to play again but it's like... i just went through all that, I don't wanna do it again xD It's Refined Power AGAIN dude I decided I'd just remove it because it caused problems earlier, and spent the last half an hour loading to find out yes, it works if I remove that What the hell man That's the one mod I've wanted to use the most for the Icarus stuff, and it just keeps breaking my game .-. Time to just start removing every mod under the sun then until it works ig, that's what I did yesterday And before we get round 2, no, I am not doing audio troubleshooting again. I am sticking to testing mods until I have tried everything possible within the game before I do ANYTHING outside of it. One thing at a time here (ik I said I wasn't going to troubleshoot again but I have nothing better to do lol)
Tomtores2d ago
Does disabling sound fix the problem Again? Because it may be something messed up in audio system after all, and RP just uses enough resources to trigger it. Are you sure your custom audio setup isn't mirroring audio events somewhere that would crash the driver? usually when games crash its other way around - video freezes and audio keeps going or loops. A fresh windows install would verify that - in whatever flavor youre comfortable with. If dualboot is a problem, do you have spare data drive you can just chuck into box while disconnecting your original drives? Just bare windows + gpu driver + sound driver for mb and try running it (maybe without the fancy headphones, just plain ol 3.5mm jack into box). If it works, you know its windows/driver problem, if it still crashes, it may be some kind of weird hardware conflict. The problem happening only on your specific install with custom audio setup, and not on anyone else machine with same save and mods points out to system problem, not mod problem.
ShoobFloof22OP2d ago
I just told you. I'm not doing this again We got the thread locked last time We're not going down this road again until I've tried everything possible within the game I am not doing audio troubleshooting again and you will not change my mind Period, end of story
Tomtores2d ago
Knock yourself out, but its very possible within game is not the problem.
ShoobFloof22OPthis hour
Well when I've tried what's in the game, maybe then I'll have a look elsewhere. But fucking with audio yesterday didn't fix the first issue, it was a mod conflict, and audio EVERYWHERE ELSE is fine. I refuse to believe it's an audio problem and refuse to test it until I can safely say that nothing within the game itself is a problem So for right now, no more audio troubleshooting requests. I'm not doing them Also yesterday we said the same thing "other people can run it fine and not have problems so therefore it can't possibly be mods" and guess what, it was mods The circuitry mod was at fault for the first problem Anyway, end of that path. I'm not even gonna look at that shit until I've done everything else I can with the game first Right so I tested removing every single mod one at a time to see what happened, and I learned a couple things. First is that if I remove Refined Power, it fixes it. Nothing else does. Second, removing the Covered Conveyor mod causes the whole game to crash when the save is loaded, and I do not have a save from before I installed that. What that means is I also can't test if running with only RP works, because doing that requires removing Covered Conveyor induces a crash before the save can even finish loading Also, I already tried all audio fixes except dualbooting Windows, which I absolutely refuse to do because that is just unnecessary, so I think we're at a dead end here. I'm forced to either removed Refined Power or simply not play, and since RP was the main mod I wanted to use, I'm just going to not play for now Also, having checked removing all but RP before Covered Conveyor was installed all the way back like 3 or 4 days ago, and seeing the game work, leads me to believe that it would work if CCB didn't crash the game when removed. So if RP on it's own is fine, but with every other mod installed with it isn't, then that's a mod conflict. But if I checked every mod with RP that I can and found no issues, then it might be a wider issue outside the game, possibly with audio, as some people here seem extremely intent on determining. However, since the only audio things I have NOT tried are nuking windows audio settings or installing a second copy of Windows entriely, neither of which I'm willing to try, then I think it's safe to say I just can't run RP in a modpack on my computer. It just doesn't work. Why? Idk. It just doesn't. But that's kinda where I'm at with that. So if anyone has any ideas that are NOT nuking Windows/dualbooting Windows, that I haven't already tried (which is very few), please let me know. Beyond that, I think, since I have to either ditch RP or not play, well... given that my whole 100 hour save is entirely built on RP, and I was also most looking forward to using that mod specifically, I would need to restart without it, and that kind of kills my motivation, so I think I'm just going to play something else for awhile. Again, any ideas SHORT OF NUKING WINDOWS SETTINGS, or similar extreme methods, are welcome. Beyond that I'm just kind of done with this (Also ping me if you suggest something because I don't get notifs from this thread for some reason and may not see them for awhile)
GrahamKrackerthis hour
again, you have done everything short of doing that
GrahamKrackerthis hour
what other options are there
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ShoobFloof22OPthis hour
Well if I've done everything short of nuking windows, and I refuse to do that, then I guess I just can't play with RP anymore. Fuckin sucks but oh well I guess, I am not nuking my operating system. I have too much to lose if I do that So I say again, if you have any OTHER ideas, do tell me. But otherwise it seems like this is just the end of things
GrahamKracker23h ago
well the only other one i have is to uninstall the actual sound devices, but that will mess with your custom audio thing even that im not sure would fix it
ShoobFloof22OP23h ago
Well yesterday when the thread was locked, I tried some of your fixes that weren't nuking my OS. I tried an old cabled headset I found I still had, which didn't work, and I tried monitor outputs too. When I tried the headset I also disconnect my bluetooth one and uninstalled anything related to it in Windows (doesn't really have it's own drivers but I basically just made Windows forget it ever existed) and tried with the cabled headphones, which didn't work either I realize that this is a slightly different problem now, but if it truly is audio related, then in theory, that should've fixed both problems, and it didn't I think, unless anyone can come up with any other outlandish idea, it's just busted permanently unless I nuke my whole OS and start over and I refuse to do that. Too much shit to lose that way, and quite frankly, at this rate idk if that would work either, because nothing else did Actually I have one SINGULAR idea: Move the game to my C drive All my games are on a huge 4TB SSD that I bought to hold more games at once, compared to my 512GB M.2 I use as a boot drive But I have enough space left on that M.2 for the game, so maybe, somehow, being on a different drive is fucking it up somehow. It's a real longshot but that's all I was able to come up with at this point Yeah that didn't work either. As expected Well that's the end of that then I suppose
GrahamKracker23h ago
i dont think its from the actual hardware i think somehow your sound card/custom audio setup isnt playing nice with wwise we dont really know much about your custom audio setup either so its hard to fix
ShoobFloof22OP23h ago
Well no and I don't either. But it's really just for the mic only. It's got a compressor and a filter on it, entirely software based I don't think it will cause issues with the sound output at all, it never has, and since it only touches the mic, it shouldn't anyways But nuking the OS or audio settings would fuck it up and may not even help so I don't know I also don't have a soundcard, it just uses the one built into the motherboard itself, which I can't remove as it's soldered in. It probably doesn't matter, but the board is an Asus ROG X570-E Gaming Wifi II (II being the second revision) And I don't have an external soundcard either so yknow Kinda not able to do much there
GrahamKracker23h ago
adding a compressor and filter (depending on what type you mean) shouldnt be too hard to set up, not exactly sure how it would break either since it seems to be done through krisp
ShoobFloof22OP23h ago
It isn't done through Krisp Krisp has active noise cancelling The compressor and filter are to make the audio that we actually want, (which is isolated by Krisp) nicer But my friend, being an audio engineer, is the only person I know who can set it up. I don't know how to do it
GrahamKracker23h ago
i also work as an audio engineer
ShoobFloof22OP23h ago
He'd given me EqualizerAPO with some plugins There was like 3 or 4
GrahamKracker23h ago
but for stage productions so fairly different
ShoobFloof22OP23h ago
But I don't think it's going to be an issue anyways because it's just to make the mic sound nicer It doesn't mess with outputs Only inputs Krisp can mess with outputs but I permanently disabled that functionality because I don't want it It has the option but it isn't used
GrahamKracker23h ago
ok so then how would uninstalling the output device mess that up then?
ShoobFloof22OP23h ago
It wouldn't. But I already tried that when I tried a cabled headset instead. And you guys suggested nuking all audio settings, which would mess with that So it's already been tried and has not worked
GrahamKracker23h ago
that was never suggested
ShoobFloof22OP23h ago
It wass at one point I remember was*
GrahamKracker23h ago
can you link to it then?
ShoobFloof22OP23h ago
Well maybe nuking all the settings wasn't exactly it, but Tom did suggest disabling everything that messed with audio, which would include the mic filters and such. But that doesn't mess with outputs anyway so it doesn't matter But again, you guys did suggest disabling and/or uninstalling every audio output which HAS been tested already
GrahamKracker23h ago
wait you did uninstall it already? all im trying to get you to do is hit uninstall on the headphone device, then check remove device drivers
ShoobFloof22OP23h ago
The mic stuff? No of course not. It doesn't touch the outputs. Everything that does I stopped from running or disabled it entirely, and it did not work, so I just put it back so I can have my sound again XD
GrahamKracker23h ago
windows should then, next time you connect, reset the drivers for the device yeah im not asking you to mess with your mic at all unless it has an audio output, which you said it does not, theres nothing to do with it
ShoobFloof22OP23h ago
Well considering I told Windows, at one point, to completely forget my headphones existed, and then tried a different headset that was cabled instead, and it didn't work, well... doesn't seem like it's that
GrahamKracker22h ago
wdym "completely forget my headphones existed" ???
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Yeah see, look, it even kept a log
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ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Device Deleted Then a few minutes later after I checked the other headphones Device install requested
GrahamKracker22h ago
device deleted as in uninstalled the drivers for it right?
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
It reset them Yes, this is the driver events
GrahamKracker22h ago
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
So like I've been saying this whole time, I tried that
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
I think I vaugely remember one time one of these settings caused a problem. Literal years ago before I even knew Satisfactory existed (possibly before it did exist), I had a problem where "Give exclusive mode applications priority" broke something, so maybe one of these would fix it?
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GrahamKracker22h ago
ive heard that can cause issues, yeah
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
I'm literally throwing bullshit ideas at the wall now because if it has the smallest chance of doing fuck all, it's honestly worth trying over reinstalling the OS lol I've turned them both off, time to watch the game blow up again for the 100th time :KEK:
GrahamKracker22h ago
yeah and the sad thing is that reinstalling windows isnt that out there of an idea 😭 do you have a thumb drive you could boot off of
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
I know I just REALLY don't want to do that Not... one big enough for Windows lol it didn't work 😭
GrahamKracker22h ago
damn cause there are ways to just replace the windows bootup without impacting your files
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
If it only has to be big enough for the Windows ISO, and not the whole operating system, then MAYBE, but I don't... actually know where the drives are anyway
GrahamKracker22h ago
yeah just the iso is what i mean although then youre reusing the same (possibly) buggy drivers
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Well maybe? Idk where the drive is though :KEK: I know, very unhelpful ADHD makes it easy to lose things lol
GrahamKracker22h ago
does -nosound still fix it? like did you try after the old crash came back where audio freezes and whatnot i wish i could reproduce ._.
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
I didn't try it but I imagine it'd work Hold on Thing is there's no sound anyway when the bug occurs so I just have to wait for as long as 30 seconds to see if it freezes or not XD Testing it now and I'm expecting it to work, but only because I'm fairly sure using -nosound just does fix it lol Teah, -nosound works Because of course it does That's expected by this point uhm well my shift key stopped working randomly so i cant type caps or punctuation anymore tf Okay a restart fixed that problem. Good lol Loaded the game and let it bug out and then scrolled the entire log and there's nothing mentioning any kind of sound or audio anything. Doesn't even seem to notice that a problem exists until it just... stops Is it possible that Wwise has some codec or something that I can update locally? Or would anything Wwise related have to be tweaked by CoffeeStain?
GrahamKracker22h ago
wwise is compiled as a separate binary i believe
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Like for instance there's... I think it's Microsoft something or other, TONS of games use a distributable library for stuff and they can tell you computer to automatically download what they need I think it's Visual something
GrahamKracker22h ago
visual c++
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Or like Minecraft uses Java, so you can update Java and sometimes that fixes issues That's it yeah So I was thinking can I maybe update Wwise similar to how you update Visual C++ or Java to see if that works? XD
GrahamKracker22h ago
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory\Engine\Plugins\Wwise\Binaries\Win64
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
It's a bit insane because idk how to properly update it but idk what else to do
GrahamKracker22h ago
notice how they are all compiled specifically for "factorygame"
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
yeah hm
GrahamKracker22h ago
i highly doubt you could do anything
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
well shit It was an idea
GrahamKracker22h ago
try using windbg on it when it crashes? and process monitor + event viewer again just in case i believe it ships with all the symbols
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Wait what about this? I was scrolling the log with "audio" in ctrl+f and I found this around the time I wanted to load a save
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ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Though maybe that's just the audio for the menu Yeah alright let me open procmon, event viewer and if I can find it, windbg because I don't think I have it unless it ships with windows
GrahamKracker22h ago
yeah ill double check in my logs
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Oh I do actually sick Idk how to use it though :KEK:
GrahamKracker22h ago
it does not, however it is an official microsoft app
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
I think it probably came with PowerToys, because I do have that installed
GrahamKracker22h ago
likely, yeah
GrahamKracker22h ago
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ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Okay so what should I be looking for in any of these? And how do I use WinDBG because I don't know how that works lol Okay it's just the menu world I guess lol
GrahamKracker22h ago
well for event viewer its a, does it show application exception or not kind of deal
GrahamKracker22h ago
go here
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ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Fair I crashed it hold on :KEK:
GrahamKracker22h ago
how lol
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Tried to resize it and clearly it didn't like that with the application event list open XD Lagged it real hard and then it just closed XD
GrahamKracker22h ago
cannot reproduce
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
It's okay I got it back open again lol
GrahamKracker22h ago
i think your computer may be cooked ngl 😭
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Well the Application list has 35,000 entires for some reason I am unsure why
GrahamKracker22h ago
mine has 25k its fine
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Yeah I tried to resize the list, to make it wider, and it lagged really hard and then crashed lol So I just resize the menu before opening the list XD Anyway How do I use Windbg
GrahamKracker22h ago
its basically everything that happens with an application
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
That's the main thing lol Because that's the only one I've not actually used
GrahamKracker22h ago
we are gonna find out together kek
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Oh boy XD okay
GrahamKracker22h ago
ive partially used it but had lots of hand holding
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Do I connect it after I launch the game or something or...?
GrahamKracker22h ago
one sec its being really slow to update
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Oh I can launch an executable
GrahamKracker22h ago
we love windows store
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Hold on I'll just launch the game through Windbg lol what could possibly go wrong!
GrahamKracker22h ago
that sounds good you should have a whole bunch of symbols download this could take a couple gigs of hard drive space
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
oh boy I have no idea tbh so we're just gonna launch the game through windgb and see what happens It's loading lol A bit slow, because so many things are watching it. But it's going xD
GrahamKracker22h ago
if it freezes you might need to hit go
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ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
I did yeah it's going Nearly to the bug And it bugged And none of the applications did anything
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Windbg looks like this, which it looked like the instant I asked it to start the game (so literally nothing has changed since the splash logo that just says "Satisfactory" across the screen lol)
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ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
And Procmon and Event Viewer didn't detect anything odd
GrahamKracker22h ago
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
What would I even look for in Procmon anyway? Wait a second I have an idea
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
This. Audiodg
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ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
This program is what handles a lot of audio, and sometimes, it fails on multicore stuff. There's an affect that me and a few friends have had where, to other people, our mics sound "like popcorn", and setting this program in Task Manager to only be allowed to use one core, fixes the problem I wonder if that would fix the issue I mean a 5950X does have 16 of them lol Yeah it was set to all cores. Most of the time, that's fine, but every once in awhile it goes "popcorny" and you have to set it to one core Wonder if the game is somehow affected. I forgot about this, should've been one of the first things I tested if I remembered XD
GrahamKracker22h ago
look for calls to wwise if it has them
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
I will in a bit, I'm testing the one core audiodg theory lol If it doesn't work then I'll check, since it'd just bug again lol Damn, wasn't audiodg lol
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Oh god :KEK:
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ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
It's finding a LOT Usually the search is pretty instant It's taking a good min here
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
or it's... finding none
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ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
Right uh fuck :KEK:
GrahamKracker22h ago
ShoobFloof22OP22h ago
I could try disabling the MSI Afterburner overlay. The little RTSS thing I know that can cause issues. Usually not... audio issues, but it can cause some. I prefer it but I'll live without if it's that. I just doubt it by now lol But it's yet another thing I haven't tried lol
xXdrewbaccaXx21h ago
This is clearly not related to the game, nor mods at this point...
ShoobFloof22OP21h ago
Well it kind of is. It's breaking the gmae
xXdrewbaccaXx21h ago
But it's not the game or mods
GrahamKracker21h ago
its definitely related to the game lol
ShoobFloof22OP21h ago
By that I mean, whatever it is, the game is directly affected by it and not anything else
GrahamKracker21h ago
its only the game having issues
ShoobFloof22OP21h ago
xXdrewbaccaXx21h ago
The game is affected. But not causing
ShoobFloof22OP21h ago
No but we don't know WHAT is, and either way it specifically affects only this game for me and not anything else
xXdrewbaccaXx21h ago
As I suggested yesterday, did you make sure your sound card isn't fucked?
ShoobFloof22OP21h ago
I also don't exactly have anyone else to help and the people here have been very kind in their efforts to help. They don't need to but they're trying anyway Shouldn't be, literally everything else is perfectly fine. It's only Satisfactory that's bugging out Like I realize we're checking stuff outside the game or mods, but whatever the problem is, which we still don't know, it's affecting the game and only the game. And so far, the people here have been helpful. To be fair, some of their suggestions have been a bit insane, like dualbooting Windows, but without them I haven't really had any help besides my own ideas, so I appreciate their attempts at least Heck I've been listening to music during most of this and it's been exactly as it's always been lol It's very much game related, despite the fact we're checking things outside the game by now By the way, it wasn't this either, I just checked lol
xXdrewbaccaXx21h ago
Okay, but have you checked to ensure your sound card isn't broken? Sorry, disregard that one. Discord mobile scrolled me passed the music listening.
ShoobFloof22OP21h ago
I'm not... entirely sure how I'd do that, except that I can visually look at the chip on the board that handles it and tell you it looks fine LOL. I mean, literally everything sound related is completely fine except the game Oh right lol It's fine XD :CertifiedDiscordMoment: Still, as far as I can tell, perfectly fine. The game is just.. wack
GrahamKracker21h ago
we arent even sure that audio isnt a symptom of it theres a lot of evidence that its a cause but nothing completely definite it could be something else where having the audio engine is the final nail in the coffin (resource usage, etc) while that doesnt really make sense we are kinda running out of options
ShoobFloof22OP20h ago
I mean... yeah, we only know that -nosound makes it go away. Or removing Refined Power, but since I really would like to keep Refined Power, I'd also like to have sound (I.E not using -nosound), and others can load my save okay, it seems like it's a problem elsewhere that's affecting the game, I just can't possibly imagine what Sure, that makes sense, but It isn't resource usage because the game doesn't even really go beyond 50-60% usage of my CPU and GPU. And like 12GB memory, of my 64GB lol Actually let me try just turning off my music and stuff while I load because... idk? Seems pointless but I genuinely don't know lol Yeah that didn't work either. as expected It is a bit odd to me though that the game uses like 20-22% CPU while loading, and then when the bug happens, it just goes straight to 0%. Extremely rarely it briefly shows 0.1%, if you just leave it open for a bit, but basically just 0% solid. It's like the CPU just kinda says "eh not important" wait maybe if I set it to a high priority before loading the save then No that didn't work either Fuckin- Well guys, I think it's basically over lol. We've tried an insanely exhaustive list of ideas with zero success. Pretty sure at this point I can just safely say that "the game just stopped working one day and trying to fix it proved impossible" and we can just write into The Big Book of Facts that "ShoobFloof22's computer doesn't run Satisfactory + Refined Power" with a comment saying "we tried to fix it, it's impossible, that's why it's here" :KEK: I'm still open to ideas but I think everyone's out of them at this point, so I'm just going to unofficially say it's over, we tried, and it's just plain busted. More may be tried but it's not going to be an active priority at this point I'm also kinda getting a headache now for some reason so it's at least over for the day xD
GrahamKracker15h ago
crazy thought i just had at 1am (now) try downgrading rp until you cant load it in 1.0, trying each version manually? see if its just a recent bug or a long-term one
ShoobFloof22OP13h ago
Well I'm playing another game right now but when I'm done with that I'll give that a shot Well I tried this, and the very first version I downgraded to just... crashed the game when I tried to load the save. So that's not going to help unfortunately. Good idea, just not it sadly Okay I have some little bitty bit of news I was digging through a box of cables tonight, looking for a specific one, which I have yet to find, but I did find an external USB sound card I didn't know I had. So I decided to plug that in and load the game with the audio going to that It did not work But this does mean we can completely rule out hardware problems or specific issues with the existing hardware, because I just plugged in a completely external USB sound card, which works, and has the same issue with the game. It's officially not audio related, factually proven

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