[READ ME FIRST] (Being Resolved as mods update) - Patch Released 2024-11-04 broke some mods.

The headers for the modding repo have been updated and mods are starting to be released. Please double check for updates before reporting any broken mods. Several mods have been broken by patch released today (2024-11-04) Please double check the mod in the manager to see if it has been marked Broken or Damaged by todays update. If you have a mod you suspect is broken/damaged by todays update, please attempt to load with only that mod and verify that it is indeed not working correctly, then report it here. We will verify before marking it as broken. This is not a huge breaking change like 1.0 was for mods. The main modding repo needs to be updated with the new Headers, which will be done soon and most mods will just need to be recompiled. A few may need more work, but overal shouldnt be a long wait. Keep an eye on #announcements for more information!
136 Replies
coolfarmer5mo ago
Modular Load Balancers is also broken, it's the only mod I have activated and when trying to place one -> crash.
Myla_005mo ago
refinded power is also not woriking
Aidcraft5mo ago
ficsit networks also broken.
Episeric5mo ago
i've been getting that too, can confirm
jerejalil5mo ago
Modular Load Balancers is also broken, the game crash after load when I have this mode activated.
freddu405mo ago
fluid extras crash
Cable Choices Plus
Niggolo5mo ago
Infinite zoop is crashing when use or on launch? cause i was playing with that mod installed like 15 minute ago
DJDaScream5mo ago
Crashes by use
LynkfoxOP5mo ago
I will shift to damaged
PiggyChu6205mo ago
No Research Time by Andre Aquila causes this crash upon starting the game:
PiggyChu6205mo ago
Fluid Teleporter also crashed with the same log
KEVINJ5mo ago
Confirmed here as well
DJTQ-06165mo ago
Confirmed here as well most of a mods I downloaded broke as well the game just crashes with an error message involving mods that are on my list
pfg5mo ago
any ideas of what in messed up so many mods ?
stasgrin5mo ago
I am not sure what mod is that? I see no any reference here in the crash log: happens only when you build building with holding CTRL button, otherwise if you just build with simple left click - all is ok. that's confusing....
sjhoward5mo ago
Yes, headers changed which is very normal for an update
pfg5mo ago
then why didn't it break them all ?
sjhoward5mo ago
Because only the mods which used headers which changed will notice
Hikari5mo ago
Can I reverse the update somehow to get back to playing
sjhoward5mo ago
Not a perfect analogy, but imagine 10% of people in a country change their phone number. Some people won't need to update their contacts at all, some people will have to update a lot of contacts. The more numbers you have, the more chance you'll need to do it - those are the more complex mods. >downgrade but it's slow, brittle, and complicated, so I'd strongly recommend just waiting
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
It's possible to use SteamCMD to go back to previous versions of the game. This only works if you own the game on Steam - there is no alternative for Epic. For Epic, you must back a backup of the game files before the update occurs (so turn off auto update to make this easier!) More info: https://docs.ficsit.app/satisfactory-modding/latest/faq.html#PlayOlderVersion
sjhoward5mo ago
It's also very much not supported here - you're on your own if you try it
Hikari5mo ago
Yikes, how so? Does it have to re-download
ChaoticUnreal5mo ago
are we looking at hours/days/weeks for new SML and then updated mods?
sjhoward5mo ago
Almost certainly not weeks
I'd think hours to days for the most popular mods
stasgrin5mo ago
never mind, it was mod "Innfinite Nudge"...
rcthardcore5mo ago
Infinite Splines also causes my game to lock up/crash.
PiggyChu6205mo ago
I have taken it down completely until I can sort everything out, sorry for the inconvenience.
lakario5mo ago
Infinite Nudge (already listed) is causing objects to simply disappear
Just a baka
Just a baka5mo ago
Seems like Circuitry is also affected, game hangs
sjhoward5mo ago
Already marked, too Might be worth rebooting SMM if it's not updating compatibility info properly, but I thought it did a regular check now
xpsion5mo ago
Actually lots of popular mods are broken again... the game is limited on build freedom with blue prints without nudge mod...
rcthardcore5mo ago
@PiggyChu620 No worries.
Myla_005mo ago
do we know of any rough timelines for when fixes will be out?
Phil_T_Casual5mo ago
Construction preferences is causing a Hang/Crash
MrOmni5mo ago
is there a way to launch Satisfactory in a way that bypasses steam so I don't have to update?
PiggyChu6205mo ago
If you have already updated, then I'm afraid it's too late. There are ways to downgrade it, but it's very complicated and not recommended.
MrOmni5mo ago
I have not updated yet
lakario5mo ago
nobody asked me if i wanted to update :feelsbadman:
MrOmni5mo ago
Would you like to update dude?
PiggyChu6205mo ago
Ah, OK, then try to run the exe file directly, without open the Steam? Not sure if it works, haven't tried before.
ChaoticUnreal5mo ago
If you go into steam settings for satisfactory there should be an only update when you tell it to. The default is whenever you launch the game But I'm not at my computer
Wikki5mo ago
All fluids are gasses also cause a crash on startup!
rcthardcore5mo ago
SnapOn is also crashing my game.
Lopez5mo ago
According to SMM all my mods are up to date/compatible but I get some sort of crash (according to chatgpt related to garbage collection) - Is there a way to tackle this?
sjhoward5mo ago
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
Follow this flowchart to troubleshoot issues caused by mods (crashes, unexpected behavior, etc.). More information can be found on the docs: https://docs.ficsit.app/satisfactory-modding/latest/faq.html#_how_can_i_troubleshoot_crash_issues
sjhoward5mo ago
We're still finding out which mods are affected
Lopez5mo ago
thanks boss
ziptie_operator5mo ago
"More swatch slots" by Kyrium causing a fatal exception crash on game start.
Lopez5mo ago
Pneumatic Fracking is causing EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error on start. Tested with just that one mod enabled after being able to run vanilla satisfactory
kingcloudii5mo ago
snapon mod not working, instantly crashes when trying to build a splitter
wakairyu | Ryan
wakairyu | Ryan5mo ago
better radar, build gun utilities & curve builder currently not working
AgedChicken5mo ago
this was the same for me as well
ziptie_operator5mo ago
At this point is it worth talking about mods that seem to be working fine?
DJTQ-06165mo ago
leave that discussion to the modders but any info can help them as well...
ziptie_operator5mo ago
I was thinking more for anyone tring to troubleshoot a broken game.
Will Scarlett Ohara
I can confirm Of my 12 installed mods, only 2 no longer work.
Chloraphorae5mo ago
Awesome Sink Storage is also gone. Total CTD on startup, even when only it is used.
GumballBath5mo ago
AFAIK Steam offers three options for updates: 1. Update normally (i.e. in background) 2. Update high priority (i.e. update as soon as possible) 3. Update when I launch Notably, AFAIK, #3 does not give you the option to launch without updating. Unless you can launch Satisfactory purchased from Steam without it actually integrating with/talking to Steam, then Steam is going to force you to update. I assume this is why Factorio devs make old versions of the game available in Steam under "betas". Edit: Lo, Satisfactory Modding Discord has all the answers, though: https://docs.ficsit.app/satisfactory-modding/latest/faq.html#PlayOlderVersion
Frequently Asked Questions :: Satisfactory Modding Documentation
You can find answers to frequently asked questions on the modding discord (and about modding in general) here. Consider using your browser...
Kyne Flaretail
Kyne Flaretail5mo ago
where do I find log files for satisfactory crashes? not sure which mod is doing it but here's a log file
sytone5mo ago
I for got to disable auto update in Epic, I was hoping to use legendary to pull down the previous version but I cannot find a epic manifest for the previous version. Can anyone assist with the manifest for the version previous to manifest is: https://download.epicgames.com/Builds/Org/o-9r9hp69ccnr39qp9f9mgpsznznu4as/Crab/default/-XpqdydAF96YNfv7mk6-rznuEboDjg.manifest anyone know the previous one?
Xzander5mo ago
i'm getting crashes with: *All fluids are Gasses *No fluids in the game *Infinite Nudge *Infinite Zoop
Eth5mo ago
more swatch slots is broken and crashes on start up
BippyMiester5mo ago
Current ones that aren't working for me are (And some might already have been reported):
Inf Zoop - reported
mod load balance - reported
More Swatch Slots
Pneumatic Fracking Machine
Inf Nudge - Reported
Inf Zoop - reported
mod load balance - reported
More Swatch Slots
Pneumatic Fracking Machine
Inf Nudge - Reported
Deaf-Raven5mo ago
Faster Hard Drive still not been fixed since 1.0 release If you using Steam yes you can as it worked for me reverse to v1.0.0.4 using DepotDownloader but there a BUT as Fluids Extra still dont work it very odd maybe SMM blocked Fluids Extra to use on v1.0.04 as worked BEFORE with the v1.0.0.4
Hikari5mo ago
Worked for me as well with depot downloader
Deaf-Raven5mo ago
can Fluids Extra mod work for you with depot downloader ?
Hikari5mo ago
I didnt test if out fully, but it launched with no issues and the mod itself seemed to work fine, though i had some issues with the fluid physics Nothing major tho
Deaf-Raven5mo ago
thank for mentioned
Hikari5mo ago
wivaca5mo ago
Found another mod that might need to be listed as broken: Construction Preferences causes my save to crash whenever I have it enabled. I don't have to be constructing anything. Just crashes a few seconds after save loads. Turn it back on and save runs as long as I let it.
danthemann815mo ago
Can you report mods as broken directly in SMM?
DJTQ-06165mo ago
Most mods are affected by the update v1.0.0.5; the modders are already working on updates...
Nasbit5mo ago
Awesome Sink Storage is broken, causes crash on start
IzaacB5mo ago
Construction preferences chrashes my game if any value is not default.
Zohan_ZZGamer5mo ago
i have 3 mods by Karium thats crashing the load. More Swatch slots & Awesome Sink Storage Pneumatic Fracking Machine which have been mentioned...
lincoln5mo ago
um is nudge fixed ? it show compatible for me
coolfarmer5mo ago
I see that certain mods are fixed. Do we need to wait for the new version of SMM, or do we just have to download the new versions of the mods?
ChaoticUnreal5mo ago
If I'm following the various conversations SMM didn't need an update just the tools most of the mods use to interface (which has happened) so once mods update should be good
wivaca5mo ago
Same question. I just re-enabled the mods that were updated this morning.
OliPerri5mo ago
More Swatch Slots prevent the launch and crashes
wivaca5mo ago
There are a lot of new reports in this thread that aren't listed at the top. More Swatch was one of them I reported last night. Hopefully mod authors are searching for their mod names here.
ChaoticUnreal5mo ago
he has already updated one of his mods most likely just building them all now
IzaacB5mo ago
Use Sampled Orientation just chrashed my game, after having worked for about 30 minutes while not building and sampling xD
Deaf-Raven5mo ago
So many mods been update as show in mod-updates, wonder if modder of Fluids Extra know it not working
Hansen5mo ago
Is there a way to see what mod is causing crashes, or do I need to deactivate one by one? All installed mods are showing green after updating, but game is still crashing.
DJTQ-06165mo ago
Debug logs SMM will show mods that are not updated either in red/yellow
Zohan_ZZGamer5mo ago
it doesnt actually.. Awesome Sink Storage, Pneumatic Fracking Machine, More Swatch Slots are all broken and they showed up as white....
DJTQ-06165mo ago
yup i can confirm that for sure casuing the game to crash
Does anyone know how long this Will take depending on other sml fix things?
Hansen5mo ago
Where in the debug logs can I see whats mods causes the crash?
DJTQ-06165mo ago
Game crash log but it will not say otherwise
Zohan_ZZGamer5mo ago
i know.. keep getting updates to mods, but they loaded up just fine before the update... lol.. Kyrium needs to get his mods updated lo, i can live with waiting for the other mods. lol
DJTQ-06165mo ago
the best thing u can is disable them in SMM until they're updated
Mods are really a thing I need to have like infinite zoop
DJTQ-06165mo ago
infinite zoop got updated
Zohan_ZZGamer5mo ago
the drill will remove buildings from my saved gave tho.,. not something i can do
DJTQ-06165mo ago
the best thing is to load another saved world or start a new save until it becomes updated the mod makers are in different time zones and going C++ is very complicated if you know what you are doing with C++ I saw the C++ its not easy
Game_Blox99995mo ago
Or do what I did and revisit an old, unmodded save that you haven't visited since getting hooked on mods.
Hansen5mo ago
More Swatch Slots seems to be the reason for my crashes..
DJTQ-06165mo ago
disable it and it wont cause your crashes
Hansen5mo ago
Yes, the game started when I disabled it. Should I report somwhere?
DJTQ-06165mo ago
not necessary Im pretty sure the mod(s) makers are already informed via this post and announcements especially through Coffee Stain Studios/Satifactory announments on Steam/Epic im going through my list of mods as we speak....
DanzaDragon5mo ago
Yeah just confirmed, More Swatches mod causes crashing
DJTQ-06165mo ago
example video to disable the mod(s) until they're updated...
H-E-L-I-X5mo ago
yup easy to disable or pause but the issue is like mine at the moment fluid extras is causing the crash. bu to disable any mod like this that has modules. will then delete thos modules from your save... big issue when its used in my 235,000mw power setup
Live2Ride175mo ago
thats rough
ziptie_operator5mo ago
more swatch slots was reported to cause CTD by a bunch of people yesterday, yet its still not on the list.
Live2Ride175mo ago
a mod needs to confirm it @.Compatibility Officers one of them needs to confirm it for it to be added to the list, idk rules for ping
DJTQ-06165mo ago
has gotten an update
No description
ziptie_operator5mo ago
It would be great if one of them would do that, considering the issue with more swatch slots causing a crash has been raised about 10 times.
DJTQ-06165mo ago
im pretty sure they are doing the same as I
sjhoward5mo ago
It would be easier for them to see it if people weren't flooding the report thread with discussions
DJTQ-06165mo ago
thats why posted an example video to hopefully stop the craziness... MK8 pump casuing crash BAM Mod(s)
DJTQ-06165mo ago
these two mods are causing the game to crash when it is rendering a pump from those mods
No description
DJTQ-06165mo ago
mega pump crashing the game as well
Something went wrong UPDATING ANY MOD So, because installing Top Down View (TwoDimensions) ">=0.0.0" and Top Down View (TwoDimensions) ">=0.0.0" is forbidden, version solving failed.
sjhoward5mo ago
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
Please make your own thread, or simply right click this one and hit "follow post" if your issue is identical and you want to stay updated while it gets resolved.
DJTQ-06165mo ago
Im just letting people know which mods are possibly causing issues just tryin to help...
Taus5mo ago
Awesome Sink Storage confirmed causing crash on launch when the game is launched with only this mod active.
apd5mo ago
Pneumatic Fracking also causing crash on launch.
DJTQ-06165mo ago
Found the mod that has the mega pumps in it causing the game to crash when selecting upon building; the only thing i can come up with it has a render issue via ghost machine when selecting/loading
No description
Hemps5mo ago
saw a post that he knows about it and will get to it as soon as he can
DaviNsBr5mo ago
I can't play, after the update, I use infinite nudge, a graphics mod for reflections and ficsitcam, and now the game simply won't open, it crashes every time, it was so difficult that they just didn't do an update and broke the mods?
Deaf-Raven5mo ago
Thak for that @Hemps Thank*
LynkfoxOP5mo ago
Unpinning this post - most mods are getting back on track real fast. Please check for mod updates before posting that a mod is broken. Mod authors will update as soon as they are able to. please make a new thread if you have any further issues.

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