SMSatisfactory Modding
Created by PiggyChu620 on 12/31/2024 in #help-using-mods
UEVR crashes, most of time from opening the inventory
@Dortamur It happens a couple of time when I open a date in the calendar, but most of time it's from opening the inventory, but the funny thing is it doesn't happen every time. Here is the completely crash log, please be so kind as to take a look, thank you very much for making such a great mod.
33 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
Created by PiggyChu620 on 11/12/2024 in #help-developing-mods
Multicast function didn't actually update the property on the client side
I have a multicast function in a BlueprintSCSHook actor component:
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable,NetMulticast,Reliable, Category = "Infinite Spline")
void SetLength();

void UInfiniteSplineActorComponent::SetLength_Implementation()
if (AFGConveyorBeltHologram* belt = Cast<AFGConveyorBeltHologram>(GetOwner()))
UE_LOGFMT(LogInfiniteSpline, Display, "Run on {0}, Length={1}", *NetModeToString(),Length);
belt->mMaxSplineLength = Length;
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable,NetMulticast,Reliable, Category = "Infinite Spline")
void SetLength();

void UInfiniteSplineActorComponent::SetLength_Implementation()
if (AFGConveyorBeltHologram* belt = Cast<AFGConveyorBeltHologram>(GetOwner()))
UE_LOGFMT(LogInfiniteSpline, Display, "Run on {0}, Length={1}", *NetModeToString(),Length);
belt->mMaxSplineLength = Length;
And the logs show that it was executed on both the server and the client side.
24 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
Created by PiggyChu620 on 10/14/2024 in #help-using-mods
How can I change the anchor/alignment of the newest SMM?
No description
4 replies