Server Crash Issues Following Mod Installations - BisectHosting Dedicated Server

Hey everyone, I've got myself into a Huge pickle with my dedicated multiplayer server on BisectHosting. Issue: My server keeps crashing during save operations in a pretty specific pattern: First save (auto or manual): Sometimes works, sometimes crashes Second save: Crashes the server every single time What's Going On: Server consistently crashes during saves I've built a bunch of stuff using modded components (Flex pipes, belts, and who knows what else) And because I'm a big dummy, I didn't make a backup before installing all these mods What I've Tried: Disabled all mods Restarted the server But since I've already built with modded parts, the server freaks out about missing pieces and crashes Here's the full list of mods I'm running: Additional 300 Inventory Slots (v6.2.1) All Nodes Pure (v1.0.8) Big Storage Tank and MegaPump (v2.0.8) Cheap Power Shards (v2.0.5) Cheap Smart Splitter (v2.0.8) Daisy Chain Everything (v1.0.7) Decoration (v3.0.9) DI More Lights (v3.9.2) DI Transportation (v3.9.3) Early and Cheap Portals (v1.0.1) EquipmentMk2 (v1.0.6) Flex Splines (v1.0.20) Hover Pack Ultimate (v1.0.0) Infinite Nudge (v2.1.4) Infinite Splines (v1.3.0) Infinite Zoop (v1.8.13) Inventory Slots 150 (v1.0.9) Inventory Slots 50 (v2.0.8) Just Sink (v1.0.9) Keep Inventory (v1.0.1) Linear Motion (v2.0.34) Lower Space Whale-Thing Health (v1.0.5) Mega Miner (v1.1.0) Mega Oil Pump (v1.1.0) Mega Well Extractor (v1.1.0) Modular Load Balancers (v1.12.2) No Fall Damage 2 (v1.0.2) No Portable Miners - Redux (v1.0.6) Poster Mod (v0.0.9) Progressive Blueprinters (v1.2.0) Resource Node Creator (v2.0.13) Road Tool (v1.0.10) Simple Huge Stacks (v1.0.2) Simple Underground (v1.0.6) SkyUI (v1.0.14) Small Refinery (v1.0.8) Soft Clearance for Everything (v1.0.9) Start With All Conveyor Belts (v1.0.6) Structural Solutions (v1.1.38) Unlock All Alternate Recipes (v2.0.8) Vertical Splitters and Mergers (v1.3.0) I hate being a bother to anyone, but any help would be massively appreciated.
13 Replies
DocOP5mo ago
Here is my Debug SMM created.
Bandit5mo ago
@Doc you might have broken belt connection in your save game
[2024.10.31-04.08.28:216][612]LogCore: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: mConnectedComponent->IsConnected() [File:.\../../FactoryGame/Source/FactoryGame/Private/FGFactoryConnectionComponent.cpp] [Line: 135]
Attempted to disconnect an already disconnected connection: FGFactoryConnectionComponent /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.Build_ConveyorBeltMk6_C_2147425128.ConveyorAny1 <-> FGFactoryConnectionComponent /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.Build_ConveyorAttachmentSplitter_C_2147424820.Input1
[2024.10.31-04.08.28:216][612]LogCore: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: mConnectedComponent->IsConnected() [File:.\../../FactoryGame/Source/FactoryGame/Private/FGFactoryConnectionComponent.cpp] [Line: 135]
Attempted to disconnect an already disconnected connection: FGFactoryConnectionComponent /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.Build_ConveyorBeltMk6_C_2147425128.ConveyorAny1 <-> FGFactoryConnectionComponent /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.Build_ConveyorAttachmentSplitter_C_2147424820.Input1
there is this error in your server log when it crashes
DocOP5mo ago
@Bandit Thank you for your time to look at this. Is there a way I can possibly isolate the area where this belt might be, or perhaps there is a way to just remove all belts with some command.
I will try and change the save interval today when I am home to see if I can find it before it crashes.
Bandit5mo ago
one why is try remember what where you working on just before crashes started happening
Bandit5mo ago
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Bandit5mo ago
from log issue is between mk6 belt and splitter with Build_ConveyorBeltMk6_C_2147425128 Build_ConveyorAttachmentSplitter_C_2147424820 names
Bandit5mo ago
No description
Bandit5mo ago
there is no easy why search specific name in this editor, so you need to check Advanced Debug for each splitter one by one also you mentioned not making backup Server should be making backup by default. On linux it's located under /home/$USER/.config/Epic/FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGames_backup it al depends what kinda access do you have on your hosting
DocOP5mo ago
From your recommendation I checked in there and sadly the back-up it has created came after I installed the mods, in the future I will create a clean save, it's certainly taught me a harsh lesson.
I imported my map into the editor you linked me and it is amazing, my little group has put down a ton of splitters and I am currently trying to identify Build_ConveyorAttachmentSplitter_C_2147424820. If worse comes to worse, do you think it is safe to just completely wipe all splitters and belts with this map editor and import the save file back in? I did luck into find them somewhat fast, I removed the belt and the splitter. It will make it through one or two auto-saves then crash again.
Bandit5mo ago
have you tried downloading save and running locally? does crash happen then? depending on your hosting plan this might be as simple as your server running out of memory
DocOP5mo ago
I think you might be right sir. I tested this save on my PC and It does some weird crash when I exit the game but it always saves.
Bandit5mo ago
crashes on exit might be if some mods not handling exit correctly and your last log does not have any crash error, looks more like process was just closed by system depending how big is your world you might need to upgrade your plan or reduce mod count my dedi server with ~60ish mods is using 9-10Gigs of memory without any players online

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