Found the cause of the freeze/lock up

Its the overflow Depot uploader with output Mod causing the game freeze/lockup ill post a video of the find and cause...
17 Replies
DJTQ-0616OP5mo ago
yup thats the video; laggy audio/buffering no sound then freeze as displayed on video
DJTQ-0616OP5mo ago
thats the mod causing the game to audio lag cut audio then freeze
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DJTQ-0616OP5mo ago
its with the overflow Dimensional depot @sjhoward3 game had to be killed by task manager
AndreAquila5mo ago
Hmm the magic machines seems to having a strange sound in the last version too 😦 Do you have the log DJTQ, for me to see what is the last thing that works in the game? If you use the smaller version of the magic machine, this problem still happens? (I think they have no sound)
sjhoward5mo ago
why am I tagged?
DJTQ-0616OP5mo ago
Not magic machines they're instant a log is not impossible because the game just locks up i dont know why either why i even pinged ya sorry oh no the topic seems to freeze/lockup and you said it was one of the mods the last time this time it sorry it was kinda related.....
DJTQ-0616OP5mo ago
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DJTQ-0616OP5mo ago
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DJTQ-0616OP5mo ago
thats what you're heard @AndreAquila but i was using the sound to show what was happening.... of course when you have the mk6 belts it makes it sound like an engine running in your computer......LOL
AndreAquila5mo ago
Hey. DJTQ! Today im testing here.. i will try to reproduce it to improve that mod ! I think maybe it is the instant machines I'm thinking in changing it to a bit slower..
AndreAquila5mo ago
I reduced the speed by half here... if you could test it for me ❤️ I couldnt find the source of the error yet!
DJTQ-0616OP4mo ago
It wasnt instant machines i said i was using the sound to show the freeze up its with over flow for Dimensional storage but the uploaders and downloaders are working fine its more of a conflict between mods but i have no idea which ones you may have updated it not realizing it what ever you did with the mod there is no change; would be doing the instant sound could be the instant recipes, but it works, either eay. The best recommendation is to saying "if it aint broken broken dont fix it, leave the way it is" As i said before it may have been a conflict with one of the mods on the overflow dimensional storage The only thing i can think of is that it is not suppose to have an output with an input no it is the overflow mod. Try having 5 machines and the overflow mod with instant machines. With one of the over flow its okay but multiple of the over flows it does lockup the game, so its the overflow mod. The uploader/downloader mods work just fine without a problem...
DJTQ-0616OP4mo ago
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DJTQ-0616OP4mo ago
what it could be i have no idea other than that it could conflicting with of the mods but i have no idea which one....
AndreAquila4mo ago
This mod has one annoying log that comes from vanilla uploader, when the upload is interrupted. The way we use it, it just spam too much logs, and maybe that is locking the game too. When we go away from it, the logs stops. But if we don't connect the outputs, its not supposed to spam logs too... But anyway, i think this mod has a serious problem and i have to keep testing to find out how to solve 🙂
DJTQ-0616OP4mo ago
okay... the uploader and downloader, your mods are workin fine its just the overflow causing the lockup and like you said its something within the mod that I cannot identify... with one it works fine but multiple it has a problem...

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