Enhanced Conveyors keeps resetting to vanilla speed
every time i have quit then reload my game the conveyer belts get reset back to there vanilla speed am i doing something wrong or is it a bug @Acxd (IE, HFO, SR)
26 Replies
Did you save after changing the settings?
I mean, did you create a new save file and reload that save
yea i saved and then reloaded multiple times do i need a completely new save or can i save over an existing save and then reload
Both way should work
let me try again
Or maybe just restart the whole game
i have done that also
give me one sec and i will send a video
that should explain it sry i had to go so quick as i need the video shorter so i could send over discord dont have nitro
Yeah I got it, thanks. I will look into it ASAP
This is happening to me as well, i think the belts are not saving the speed you set it as.
newly constructed ones give you thre speed but old ones revert to slower speeds.
There ya go, my perspective
I can confirm the issue but I'm still trying to figure out how to fix it. I've marked the mod as damaged for the time being
try to move your speed change in the construction script and not in even graph//begin play that may do the tricks
I’m not sure 100% but with U8 session mod was not saving correctly, it is fixed on 1.0 ? I don’t think something so important is still left behind and not fixed but the entire U8 we where living with that
Actually, I ditched the old mod config, SML team has implemented Session Settings, which is similar to advanced settings. Saving and retrieving values is much simpler now

mk2 @ 300
now to get rid of simple conveyors
I guess no news is good news :wonke:
yea i have not been able to test it working after joining as i had class today i will let you know when i get back
Yep you are all good works when i save and reload the save so its not defaulting back