Cannot install Community railway set (blueprints)
I can install other mods just fine like infinite nudge, but mods adding blueprints gives this error (see screenshot).
This is a Linux based server on the same network as my main computer and is accessed via SMB folder. I play alone on this server.

Solution:Jump to solution
You can download the mod archive from (or install the mod on a client-only profile), and grab the blueprints from there, or directly from SCIM, which is where the mod got the blueprints in the first place
6 Replies
As the message says, that mod does not support servers. It probably could support them, but is not built with server support
I would imagine (though I dunno if it's the same for Linux as I use Windows), you could possibly extract the blueprints out of the mod and use them in your server.
That way, they might work.
Note: I never used this mod, so I dunno if said blueprints have some sort of protection where you can only use them with the mod.
If so, don't do this.
Nah, the mod just copies the blueprints to the save's blueprints dir on load
You can download the mod archive from (or install the mod on a client-only profile), and grab the blueprints from there, or directly from SCIM, which is where the mod got the blueprints in the first place
I cannot get the Community blueprints to work correctly - they all use a different amount of resources than what is actually required (mostly higher from what I've found), and when you deconstruct them, you only get back what materials the blueprint was supposed to use...this can effectively delete materials. Example of the 8m straight attached...
To build requires:
32 Concrete
38 Steel Beams
18 Iron Plates
2 Iron Rods
8 Wire
3 Cables
Deconstructing returns:
32 Concrete
19 Steel Beams
18 Iron Plates
2 Iron Rods
8 Wire
1 Cable
That's not a ton, but it gets really bad with the large blueprints as they use a lot more resources. Building the CRS 2 Station Connector uses over 700 Steel Beams too much...
I've read that this is usually caused by the blueprint being created using old recipes, which could be the case here. I was going to see if loading them into the designer and resaving them in game would fix it...but these were all built using the FICSIT Blueprints Extensions mod, which requires you to have Tier 9 unlocked to utilize the larger blueprint designers (I have not reached that tier yet). I have also tried redownloading the individual blueprints from SCIM, but those appear to have the same problem (despite SCIM showing the real material costs on the website).

Please make your own post in the future, the issue you're having is not the same as the one here
But also, all the mod does is paste some blueprints that were uploaded to SCIM, so if there's an issue with the blueprint you should report it there, the mod can't do anything about it