Inifinite Zoop Crashing

Infinite Zoop said to be compatable and stable but when using to lay foundations causes CTD
5 Replies
DJTQ-06164mo ago
Did you update it?
DaltonusOP4mo ago
updated to latest version 1.8.16, I load the game via the mod loader to confirm any updates that are needed before going into game. Loaded game after updating then fiddled with a couple of my factories then went to lay foundations for a new set of Oscillator factories a 5x5 grid placed with infinite zoop crash straight to desktop after uninstalling mod was able to go back redo factories and laid the foundations with vanilla zoop and played for another 3 hours, saved, reinstalled infinite zoop and tried the place same foundations CTD
DJTQ-06163mo ago
Right now some of the mods are out of date because of patch so we gotta wait a while...
sjhoward3mo ago
I'm not aware of any mods broken by, except possibly RoadTool. >debug
FICSIT-Fred3mo ago
We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced in #help-using-mods. This ensures that your help request won't get buried and forgotten in other, non-help channels! If you need to access older log files, see

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