Space elevator parts MOD
Hi all, i need some help with creating a mod.
What i am trying to do is to change the space elevator amount needed for a phase (like the existing, broken mod). I think CDO ( is the way forward, but when using it the amounts does not get updated:
This function (in the image) will get called via chat option (the chat command works already).
Overwriting and Modifying Existing Content :: Satisfactory Modding ...
It is possible to overwrite or modify content from the base game or from other mods. This is not recommended as opposed to creating your own...

4 Replies
I think you will have to do more than a CDO edit for this to take effect because of all the systems going on, will definitley take some testing
1. chat command is probably too late in loading for a CDO to work reliably, you should have this code in a Game Instance or Game World mod module
2. I that field is the costs of the currently selected milestone, you will probably need to modify the phase itself
3. you will need to do something to take care of saves where the cost for the current phase is already selected
I think the Difficulty Tuner mod successfully modifies phases so you could ask SifVerT
Ok, I understand. I will test some with your suggestions.
Difficulty tuner is not server supported. Goal is to have mega factory needed to finish the game, because regular gameplay is to easy.
any updates from the results of your tests?
No succes yet. I have a setup now with a hub tier and a buildable. So to use the mod, you need to build a different buildable.
But I couldnt find yet where to link the new amounts (i found the amounts and made duplicates which I changed) to the new buildable / recipe for the space elevator.
The buildable itself works.