Looking to edit recipes
So i love 2 power mods but think some items that are not like end game buildings require i think excessive stuff, like insane level of super computers. is there a way to possibley edit the recipe to change what it needs
Solution:Jump to solution
You can find documentation on ContentLib here:
ContentLib Documentation :: Satisfactory Modding Documentation
These docs are a continual work in progress. If you have any suggestions, or are willing to contribute, please open a Pull Request or cont...
3 Replies
Yes, with contentlib
You can find documentation on ContentLib here:
ContentLib Documentation :: Satisfactory Modding Documentation
These docs are a continual work in progress. If you have any suggestions, or are willing to contribute, please open a Pull Request or cont...
Once you read the basics, focus on https://docs.ficsit.app/contentlib/latest/Features/CDOs.html
Content Default Object Modification :: Satisfactory Modding Documen...
You can find a JSON Schema for CDOs here. You can also use ContentLib to perform (Class Default Object) CDO edits. To learn more abo...