Connection lost whenever trying to join a friend

whenever me and my friends try to join we always see this screen and we dont know why we've tried joining someone else and it does the exact same thing, we all have the same mods and its all updated
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7 Replies
FlazeOP3mo ago
Mod Name Mod Reference Version 2m Walls TwoMeterWalls 2.0.1 Awesome Points x100 HundredTimesAwesomePoints 1.0.7 Awesome Sink Storage AwesomeSinkStorage 3.0.0 Catwalk Ladders CatwalkLadders 1.0.0 Doggo Transportation DoggoTransportation 1.0.3 Equipment Key Bindings EquipmentKeyBindings 1.3.2 Fluid AWESOME Sink Redux FluidResourceSinkRedux 1.0.8 Gateways Extension GatewaysExtension 1.2.5 HyperTunnels HyperTunnels 1.0.6 Infinite Filters InfiniteFilters 1.0.6 Infinite Nudge InfiniteNudge 2.3.0 Infinite Zoop InfiniteZoop 1.8.17 Linear Motion LinearMotion 2.0.34 Lower Space Whale-Thing Health NukeTheWhales 1.0.5 MiniMap MiniMap 1.1.0 Mirrored Buildings MirroredBuildings 1.0.10 Modern Railing Extension ModernRailingExtension 1.1.0 More Trinkets and Helmets MoreTrinketsAndHelmets 1.0.0 Small Downloader and Uploader SmallDownloaderUploader 1.0.0 SnapOn DirectToSplitter 1.2.0 Structural Solutions SS_Mod 1.1.38 Web Browser Signs FicsitWebBrowser 1.0.4 these are the mods
FICSIT-Fred3mo ago
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.0
Installed Mods: 31
Game: WindowsClient CL 384038 from steam
Path: `c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.0
Installed Mods: 31
Game: WindowsClient CL 384038 from steam
Path: `c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
-# Responding to Key Details for triggered by @Flaze
Acxd3mo ago
[2024.12.21-09.34.48:752][927]LogNet: NMT_CloseReason: (Server Disconnect Reasons) steam.76561198353559397:7777 [2024.12.21-09.34.48:752][927]LogNet: - ReliableBufferOverflow
FICSIT-Fred3mo ago
Something is causing the replication reliable buffer to be overburdened, causing you to be disconnected! This crash tends to happen when joining a multiplayer game with a lot of content. Try removing mods that introduce lots of recipes or schematics (HUB/MAM/shop unlocks) or Mod Savegame Settings. It can sometimes take a while, ex. a certain number of buildings placed or schematics to be unlocked, for the problem to actually appear. FICSMAS recently added a lot more schematics which can make the problem threshold easier to hit. The SML team is trying to find a long-term fix but it's a very complex issue to solve. -# Rule logic: -# Responding to reliablebufferoverflow_simple triggered by @Acxd (IE, HFO, SR)
FlazeOP3mo ago
what mod could it be bc we played with it last week and it was fine
sjhoward3mo ago
Recent game updates means there's less space in the buffers for mods It's not that one mod on particular is causing it, it's the combo. Structural solutions takes quite a lot of space though

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