Are there any mods that just turn off glass reflections?

Past a certain range, glass seems to be hard coded to reflect the sky box which looks really strange in a dark environment. I think in the past the mod "glass foundation fix" was the solution to this, but that mod has been discontinued. It mentions a DI extension having a similar feature, but I don't want to set up an entire modded production line to fix this if possible.
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12 Replies
Robb4w ago
If you decide to go with the DI pieces you can use content lib to make the recipes whatever you want
meckrylOP4w ago
Where is that?
Robb4w ago
>mod content lib
FICSIT-Fred4w ago
Fred Mod Search™
Easily create or modify Items, Recipes, and more via JSON for any machine and any mod! EA: :white_check_mark: EXP: :white_check_mark: Last Updated <t:1728880047:R> Created by Nogg-aholic and Robb
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
Robb4w ago
This may make it easier: >mod recipe maker
FICSIT-Fred4w ago
Fred Mod Search™
Recipe Maker - CL
Recipe Editor and Recipe Maker to customize all recipes you have in your factory. EA: :white_check_mark: EXP: :white_check_mark: Last Updated <t:1729883988:R> Created by Andre Aquila
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
meckrylOP4w ago
Unfortunately, I did some testing with DI and it actually just makes the glass reflect the skybox from much closer I should clarify, the DI glass definitely didn't have the same artificial looking glow, it just reflects stuff like other materials with what I assume is just a smaller range at which stuff is considered for making said reflections If no mod exists for this, I guess I can try making one myself
Robb4w ago
The glass turns opaque reflective like that as a lag optimization measure, so as long as you are fine with your glass pieces potentially being laggier, that should be possible
meckrylOP4w ago
I don't mind if it turns opaque even, just that it's not glowing, but I'm fine with that as well yeah
TajemnikTV4w ago
I can't be sure, but maybe one of my glass tweaks would be a fix for this. Wild guess cuz I haven't tested glass in dark environment >mod Taj's
FICSIT-Fred4w ago
Fred Mod Search™
Taj's Graphical Overhaul
Crank up those graphics and make efficiency look sexy! EA: :white_check_mark: EXP: :white_check_mark: Last Updated <t:1738506978:R> Created by TajemnikTV
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
TajemnikTV4w ago
Beware, it touches more than just glass

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