My game has crashed after installing the "Allow Identical Buildables" mod and placing "DI Flat Wall"
So twice now, twice in a row, I go to Press 2 on my keyboard to pull up the power line and it crashes. I just happen to be streaming when it happened so I was able to record the events. I installed the "Allow Identical Buildables" mod and start building. Then I place the "DI Flat Wall W05" on the wall and when I try to link them by pressing 2 to pull up the electrical line thingy, it crashes.
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26 Replies
Remove whatever DI mod you're using. Then try to connect a power line to something.
Also @Darkplate « Dark Industries » somethings borked with your lights I think.
>mod DI lights
Fred Mod Search™
DI More Lights
DI More Lights - Bringing you more lights into the game.
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1731121379:R>
Created by Darkplate
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
@DC18049 , yeet this from your mod profile and retry power line.
Lemme try a couple things
No. Don't waste my time.
Do the thing that I asked first.
Than try other things.
Thank you. :santa_thumbs_up:
Do I disable or remove it or does it not matter?
same thing, one just means you need to redownload at some point
Whelp, I disabled DI More Lights, loaded the game, then pressed 2 to open the power line tool and it still crashed
I guess try the Allow identical mod?
>debug time
We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced in #help-using-mods. This ensures that your help request won't get buried and forgotten in other, non-help channels!
If you need to access older log files, see
No, now generate a proper crash log.
okie dokie
After doing that, unpause DI Lights, and remove the Identical Buildables one.
Since those are the two you're thinking.
You can test while Fred scours the log 😭
Automated responses for DC18049 (258071398608666625)
Key Details for
Crash found in FactoryGame_a4de4319_Local_Stable_WindowsClient.log
It has been attached to this message.
Crash found in FactoryGame.log
It has been attached to this message.
Whelp, still crashed
Infinite Spline
how do I check the order in which I installed the mods?
Disabled Infinite spline?
Remove that one now
okie dokie
Attn: @Acxd (IE, HFO, SR)
Infinite Splines is broken.
Infinite Splines is broken.

Do I need to do anything more?
Nope, just remove Infinite Splines from your mod profile and go back to using the other two mods you previously thought were the culprit. (with logical reason)
Will do, ty