Consistent Crashing in Peer to Peer Multiplayer with a friend after SMM Update.

After SMM updated, I started to consistently crash (about 15 times yesterday and about 5-6 today) while playing in an unmodded world with a friend, hosted on his machine.
As soon as I noticed SMM Updated, I set up a profile with No mods, as well as have mods Off selected in the SMM Dash. I've been experiencing consistent crashes, not always with a UE crash report. Attached are both
13 Replies
FICSIT-Fred4mo ago
Automated responses for Vorolas (143418753084817408)
It appears your crash was generated from a copy of the game that does not have mods installed. We likely can't help with it. Please use the Unreal crash reporter dialog to report the error the game developers and/or report it on the official discord and QA site.
Key Details for
SMM Version: 3.0.0
Game: WindowsClient CL 368883 from steam
Path: `d:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
SMM Version: 3.0.0
Game: WindowsClient CL 368883 from steam
Path: `d:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
Mircea4mo ago
Looking at the log there are indeed no traces of mods, so it is a fully vanilla crash SMM doesn't inject anything into the game, or anything like that, so the SMM update is unrelated
VorolasOP4mo ago
Ok, seems weird because I had only crashed a total of 2 or 3 times in the save since 1.0 dropped and the only thing that has changed is the SMM update
Mircea4mo ago
Have you tried verifying your game files?
VorolasOP4mo ago
Not yet, about to do that now. Are there any other things that I may be able to try other than just sending the report?
Mircea4mo ago
Is your friend doing something in particular on the server? Or maybe something on the server is in a particular state? Chaos in that crash log refers to the physics and destruction engine, so maybe some vehicles or boulders that you can destroy are causing it?
VorolasOP4mo ago
Not sure tbh, It's not a dedicated server, Just a peer to peer connection
Mircea4mo ago
Has your friend tried restarting the game maybe? And verifying as well, just in case
VorolasOP4mo ago
Yeah, usually end up resetting after every couple times I crash Ok, I'll suggest that. So it could be some kind of entity or machine causing it too?
Mircea4mo ago
Don't think it could be machines, those don't simulate physics But vehicles or destructible stuff is what comes to mind
VorolasOP4mo ago
Oh hmm ok
VorolasOP4mo ago
Another recent crash after verifying. I'm assuming this is network/connection related just wanted to check
No description
sjhoward4mo ago
yep standard network overloaded

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